Friday 28 June 2013


Montessori Activity: Cutting with Scissors with Kumon My First Book of Cutting - Part 2

To strengthen his fine motor muscle dexterity, we have been doing a lot of cutting lately. This will hopefully help with his pencil grip.

J has been cutting using the Kumon Cutting Workbook. It is very colorful, and encouraging him to continue cutting. Although I don't correct him when he cuts off the lines, this book really keeps him interested to continue to practise to cut following the lines. It is very systematic. It starts with getting children to cut thick straight lines to thin curve lines. J gets to practise cutting straight lines, curve, circle, pentagon, zig zag and animal shapes.

Kumon is expensive, and it is not really necessary to purchase it. You can simply draw straight lines, curves, circle, zig zag lines on paper and let your child cut them. You can also let your child cut out pictures and challenging shapes from magazine. As a working mom, I also don't have so much time to make the worksheets myself. Thus, I went for Kumon instead. I must also admit that I fell in love with the Japanese Kumon method of developing workbooks which introduces learning with an incremental, step-by-step approach. I find that J is attracted to the color and the pictures in Kumon cutting workbook, making it a lot more fun than those I draw for him to cut. Cutting objects from the magazine sometimes frustrates him. The Kumon cutting workbook captures his attention span a lot more. However, my friend YL has no such problem with her daughter cutting from magazines. She did not use Kumon. So every child is different.

I do feel a little guilty though for cutting away such nice and colorful pages, which is a waste. As such, I kept the book for more than a year after cutting only 1 sheet, before finally allowing J to cut it all up! So he started on this book at 4 years old, although I had the book since he was 2 years old.

It takes J on average 5 minutes to cut one sheet, and he could cut 5 sheets or more a session.

Kumon won 2005 Finalist for the Association of Educational Publishers’ Distinguished Achievement Award. You can find Kumon Cutting Workbook from Amazon:

Thursday 27 June 2013


Frog Is Frog - I Simply Like Myself by Max Velthuijs

This is a an excellent story book introduced to me by my Chinese friend, YL. It teaches children to love themselves in an entertaining and endearing way through a simple story about a frog who wanted to be like his friends Duck, which could fly, Pig, which could bake a cake. In the process, he learns to appreciate his own uniqueness as a frog.

The English title is called "Frog Is Frog" written and illustrated by Max Velthuijs, a Dutch author, who wrote a series of children books portraying the growing up of Frog and his experiences. The Chinese version translated the title to "I Simply Like Myself" which I think is a more fitting to the story than the English title.

I particularly like this book and all his books on the series on Frog. J loves all the books too. However, if you have a limited budget, and need to only pick a book, then I will suggest to pick this book. The Danish version can be borrowed for free from the Danish library.

It brings to mind the famous words of Albert Einstein which this story book illustrated very well:

"Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."

I wished I had read this with JN while he was visiting us in Copenhagen recently. I have been reading this book to J since he was 3 years old, and I read to him again this evening. He could understand more and more now. He acted like the frog learning how to fly and not succeeding:

You can find the English version from Amazon UK here:

You can read more about this talented Dutch author here:


Lessons Learned From Playing 4-In-A-Row

J started out smiling
Age: From 5 years old

Objectives: To teach counting objects in a fun way

 1. 4-In-A-Row game

1. Each player takes 21 counters and takes turns to place a counter in the grid in etierh direction and place in vertical position.

2. The first player to get 4-in-a-row, vertically, horizontally or diagonally wins the game.

Additional Information:
We played 4-in-a-row game today. J started out smiling. I won every single game. J protested. He couldn't take the loss graciously. I refused to give in, as I think he should learn how to take loss well. He burst into tears.

In came sweet Daddy, and suddently from then on, J had been winning every game.

I think Daddy wasn't preparing J well for the real world and was over-protecting. J has to learn to face the real world.

After reflecting, I think Daddy could be right, if the doses were dispensed right.

Lessons learned:
1. J was too young for competitive game. I will put this away from now. It may be too much to prepare him for the real world through competitive game. I will put away this game for now and re-introduce it later. (Similarly, this showed me that it goes the same for competitive sports. It is too young for a 4 year old boy for such a competitive sports such as soccer)

2. I should demonstrate the game and help him understand the game better by letting him get 4-in-a-row instead of showing him how to get 4-in-a-row by me getting them myself.

3. It may not be too bad after all using Daddy's method in an appropriate measure. Home is after all where one gets the security and warm after coming home from the real world. Daddy and I are complementing each other in our parenting.

J started out smiling

J burst into tears after losing every single game to Mommy

In came sweet Daddy to the rescue, and suddenly J was winning every single game... hmmm

Biblical Books on Building Self-Esteem in Your Children

As I come to understand the needs of my nephew JN, I come to realize the importance of building self-esteem in children - this is a much more important parenting goal as parents, guardians of children and teachers.

I have focused a lot on academic, on Montessori, on fun and educational activities - all well and good, and I am not about to give up on those yet.

But it is so important, and perhaps even more important, to focus on life skills. One of the most important is having a healthy self-esteem.

My goal is to bring up emotionally whole and healthy children. I think the basic ingredient is to have a healthy self-esteem - not thinking too highly of oneself, neither thinking too lowly of oneself.

Yet, I don't know how to start, nor where to begin... searching on blogs have so far not yield good results. But it is an urgent need.

Since I was young, I have been a book person, and God has taught me so much of His wisdom through the books He brought along my path. (In fact, growing up in a Chinese-speaking family and struggling with English in school, I mastered my English proficiency by reading the Bible. It hasn't had the same results for my Danish though.)

Now as a parent, I am turning to books again on this difficult task of building self-esteem of children. The road ahead is winding and bumpy. I will no doubt fail again. But I will hope in the Lord to make progress one step at a time.

The question is how am I going to find time? We all need to do the right things and not just do things right. But I know that the Lord will provide as I learn to entrust my life challenges to Him, quietening down myself to enter into His presence and seek Him.

It is such a privilege to be a parent, the hardest career I ever will have. Yet time is moving so fast. I sense the urgency of it. I am going to give my very best shot. And I pray that you too will find joy and fulfillment in being the best parent you can be.

Here are the books that I hope to be digging into:

Tuesday 18 June 2013


List of Learning Activities for Children

Here is a great list of ideas for activities I wanted to add into my resource database by Donna Bryant Goertz, founder of Austin Montessori School in Austin, Texas:

Sunday 16 June 2013


JN Summary - Tea Time with JN and J

I agree very much with Madelyn Swift, the author of "Discipline for Life: One Step At A Time":

"Nothing is more important or meaningful than bringing up emotionally whole and healthy, happy children."

And this is what I aspire to do. This is what I am trying to do. Yet it can be emotionally challenging to nurture children from dysfunctional homes, to earn their trust, to be allowed into their worlds and to draw them out. And the older the child is, the more difficult and uphill the task. They have a very fragile heart.

My heart bleeds as I see my nephews and nieces going through it. I feel for them, as I feel generation pains repeating itself in the next generation. All that I am today, I would not be here, if not for Jesus. It is a whole testimony by itself, which I will not share here. But our God is a great and mighty God. I will commit them into my prayers. As God allows me to experience this, my heart goes out to the orphans. They are alone in this world, trying to figure out life on their own... oh God, You must feel for them.

Back in 2011, I wrote in one of my posts about Conversation Starters with children. I tried to use that in Singapore, we sat at a restaurant, but it didn't quite succeed.

More prayers are needed... I should not give up.

I tried to bring up the Conversation Starters, when we went for a walk, but it didn't quite succeed.

More prayers are needed... I should not give up.

JN is here to visit me. I took out my Conversation Starters again.

We went for a walk at the lake. I got to draw JN out a little. But the progress was slow.

More prayers are needed... I should not give up.

We tried to find somewhere to sit down in the cruise ship, but it didn't quite succeed. Mostly one-liners answer, actually, more yes, no reply.

More prayers are needed... I should not give up.

I cried for my nephews and nieces. I cried to God for them. Something happened when you seek God ernestly.

I had wanted to have tea time with JN. It was J who initiated it today.

I had this idea of trying out a game with the list of conversation starters. I told JN, we each get to ask the other person a question. It proceeded on very comfortably. JN started to come up with the rules of the game: The one who cannot answers would have to climb the stairs 10 times. I can do that. It is good exercise. It breaks the ice.

We had a great time. I got to know JN better. I didn't get one-liners answers. It was also interesting to hear his replies. I got to know him better. I got to know his environment better. I got to know his friends in the new school better. I got to know that his passion and the areas that he would like to explore as career options are Chef and Designer. As I have guessed, he would not like to work in an office (and I have showed him my office).

It is not exactly heart-to-heart talk, but we are coming closer. And I am sowing the seeds to win the trust.

I thank God for His help. It is a thanksgiving and a testimony to His faithfulness. The problems and challenges ahead are tremendous, and I am not talking about the ADHD part. But there is nothing impossible for God. God allows it, He will use it for His glory.

But I am such an imperfect person and ill-equipped for parenting and raising emotionally whole and healthy children. How do we raise emotionally whole and healthy children? How can we do it when we are so broken ourselves? Yet, it is God who made us whole. And thus we can go forth to raise emotionally whole and healthy children, with the confidence that God provides. It is not with our own strength, least we boast. But it is with the strength of God, and to God's glory.

I am tired, but I know God will enable me. I will continue to pray. Yet, our hope is in God, that He will continue to use imperfect people like us, and through it all, help us to grow too as a person.

And to J, thanks for initiating the tea time today.

I want to share with you this very good book that I am reading. It contains a lot of wisdom and is biblical. I will continue to pray, and take active steps to read and apply what I learn.

As Magdelene Swift puts it, "We are touching lives" and we are touching lives one step at a time. It is important that we take it with a great dose of sense of humor. It is important that we take it seriously. It is important that we do it well, albeit one step at a time, as what we are doing has an eternal impact on a life.

The Bible tells us in Jeremiah 29:11:

“ “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” ”

Updates 23 June 2013:
We had a break through late tonight. JN came to me to ask me what my job is like. He also asked me about BGR. It caught me by surprise. I had not been good with my answers and advice. More prayers needed. God, I need Your wisdom. 24 June 2013, we really connected heart-to-heart. I found words to express myself. He found words to express himself. As we talked we cried, all the pains he is going through. He cried. I cried for him. No words were needed.

Montessori Activity: Cleaning Scooter

Age: From 4 years old

Activity Duration: 15 minutes


1. To teach the child to care for things.


1. 1 pail half-filled with water
2. Toys to be washed e.g. scooter or bicycle
3. 1 brush
4. Hand soap


1. Squeeze a bit of hand soap into the basin and fill it with water to create bubbles.

2. Get the toy ready for washing

3. Demonstrate to the child how to wash the toys. Tell him that now we will learn to wash the toys together.

4. Invite the child to try.

Additional Information:

It has been quite a long time ago, since I posted a Montessori Practical Life activity. It was 2 years ago, since we started the one of the first Montessori activity for washing toys. At that time, I set up the activity for J. It was J's idea to wash his scooter. Today, he told me that he would like to wash his scooter. I said ok. And so he picked up the pail, went to the bathroom, filled the water and added the soap all by himself. He took it to the balcony where his scooter was, and started washing it. All this while, I did not look over his shoulders, and let him have the freedom to manage it. I just kept it in view. And J did a really good job. JN joined in washing the scooter together. The scooter was squeaking clean after it. It is no longer just playing, but real washing and mommy's real help. It was heart-warming to see that JN could guide him along and to see JN taking responsibility as a caring brother. It was great team work. Thank God for such a simple joy of seeing them working and playing together.

I decided to take arranging the equipment into the Montessori tray and made it into a cleaning post. In this activity, I am truly following the child.

I am not always good in giving positive affirmation and I am learning. I have forgotten to give J and JN the feedback after they completed the task and to tell them that I really appreciate their cleaning the toys. I should remember to do so tomorrow.

Thursday 13 June 2013


JN Summary - Celebrating JN's Progress

Although JN's value is not determined by accomplishment, I also want to recognize his efforts and progress.

I am so proud of JN, for all the efforts that he is making, the progress he is reaching and the successes he is achieving...

1. JN took the initiative to make his own bed.

2. JN took the initiative to do Maths exercises without prompting from me.

3. JN developed the good habits of doing Khan Academy everyday and got a good habit badge.

4. JN was very sweet to J.

5. JN suggested himself to cook a dish for us - stir-fried carrot with eggs (I have taken a picture).

6. JN has made vast improvement in his hand-writing since a year ago, and I am very pleasantly surprised that both his English letters and Chinese characters are very neat.

7. JN tried to keep things neat and tidy and has made good improvement in organization skills.

8. JN has taken the self-discipline to cut down on playing computer games and watching TV (it is probably easier since all the programs are in Danish)

9. JN has been faithfully taken on the task of fetching J back from the kindergarten.

10. JN was very kind to J and took care of him like an older brother.

11. JN helped to carry ma's luggages without complaining.

12. JN helped to wash J's granny's car and J's granny was very pleased with it.

13. A parent of the kindergarten commended JN for being a good and responsible boy and for playing well with the children there.

And JN, you should know that God is very proud of you too.


Going Down Memory Lane On Baby First Food...

13 September 2009 (6M8D) - At 6 months old, J eating the amount equivalent to only the size of a sauce dish

It has been almost 4 years ago since J was a baby just starting on solids. I remembered how excited I was, as a new and inexperienced mom (I still am an inexperience mom coping with the different stages), learning to introduce solids to J. I remembered reading up, and recording my research on introducing solids to baby and how much a baby should eat.

My sister is now starting to introduce solid to her baby, has some questions for me. I am so glad that I have recorded everything (well, almost everything :-)). Reading through the journals brought back so much pleasant memories, lots of hard work, but lots of joy. I was almost 5 years younger than, and boy, I wondered how I managed to write so much, juggling taking care of a young baby!

If there is one thing that pays off, it is that all my journals and posts have been helpful to my sister. That made it all the effort worth to record down in my blog.

Here is a pulling together of the series that I wrote on introducing solids to baby, for the benefit of my sister and making it easier to navigate my blog:

1. My views on baby first food and a list of foods to introduce in a suggested order:

2. When solids is established, here is a guide to how much a baby should be eating:

3. If you are making your own baby food, here is menu planning using baby food cubes:

4. This is important because Baby needs fats for brain development. Here is a post on good and bad fats:

5. Here is my basket of recipes for Essential Baby First Food (6-8 mths) 婴儿辅食

6. Here is my basket of recipes for Essential Baby First Food (8-12 mths) 婴儿辅食

7. Here is An Essential Super Porridge Breakfast for Toddlers:

8. Toddler's Menu Planning + Daily Consumption Log for Toddler

Tuesday 11 June 2013


Suitable Jobs for People with ADHD

Two days ago, I attended a very interesting career workshop conducted at my workplace. We live in a changing world, and we need to keep up-to-date and adapt. We were given practical tips on what we can do to advance our career. To quote the one thing that I took away from the career workshop:

"Luck is preparation meets opportunity."

According to the speaker, preparation for job interview takes place years earlier, and not just before the interview. Preparation in terms of getting the progressive education and experience needed towards the job. How true. We are advised to prepare ourselves well so that we are ready when opportunity comes. We are very fortunate and privileged to have the opportunity to attend career workshop, to have these resources well-organized and available for us to help us succeed.

As I sat in the career workshop, I could not help, but think of my nephew who is struggling with ADHD. ADHD is characterized by restlessness, an inability to focus, disorganization - all the things which may prevent a person from getting and holding on to a job. To give JN the credit, compared to a year ago, when I went to Singapore to help provide a structure and routine to his day, JN has actually improved in his organization skills. And a peaceful home environment would help in his organization skills development.

What can he do to make a living when he grows up? What kind of career options could he explore? I can't help but worry, and yet we should not worry. Instead, we should just be proactive. Each one will find his way, but as I can, I will lend a helping hand. The career workshop actually helped me to help my nephew to find his passion. It takes of course trial and error to find out, and it is a good time to start now.

The career workshop led me to think hard and to research more into the type of career options that would be suitable for people with ADHD, that my nephew could explore and prepare himself as he grows up into an adult:

1. Salespeople
2. Entrepreneur
3. Photographer
4. Tour guíde
5. IT Helpdesk
6. Web designer
7. High-intensity working environments such as emergency department of the hospital
8. Logistics specialist
9. Nurse
10. Chef
11. High-intensity logistics & Humanitarian relief operations
12. UN volunteer
13. Technical jobs requiring field installation and repair of high-tech equipment
14. Mechanic
15. QA Inspector
16. Fitness instructor
17. Sportsman
18. Camp counselor
19. Counselling and ministerial jobs
20. Scientific exploration
21. Scientific exploration
22. Advertising
23. Entertainers
24. Designer
25. Architect
26. Musician
27. Artist
28. Detective
29. Hair-dresser
30. Police officers
31. Firefighter
32. Civil Defence
33. Taxi driver

I believe that everyone has one's own special talent and there is a place for everyone. We just need to find the right fit and prepare children with ADHD for the future, as much as we can, and for the rest, we leave it in the loving hands of our God.

No, I am not sorry that my nephew is born to struggle with ADHD. God has a special purpose for him. Having someone in the near family struggling with this helps me to accept differences people in a more heart-felt way. It helps me to understand that the naturally strong organization talent that I have is not something that comes easily for others, that some people actually struggle so hard with it. It teaches me to be patient with people. It also helps me to be a better manager at work, to be more tolerant.

God created my nephew special and God created all of us special. Despite the social challenge, we are thankful for ADHD. There is a purpose for it. We just need to live out each of our life's purpose.

I hope J would grow up to be tolerant of different people too. I thank God for the "ADHD" blessing.

This actually gives JN and me another conversation topics that we can talk about :-)


Sunday 9 June 2013


Wisdom From Other Blogs: The Best Kind of Learning

The best way to internalize learning is to teach it to others.

I quote from Montessori Administrators Association (MAA)'s blog post:

"Students should be encouraged, at every step of their learning process, to adopt an active stance toward their education. They shouldn’t just take things in; they should figure them out.

Once a certain level of proficiency is obtained, the learner should attempt to teach the subject to other students so that they themselves develop a deeper understanding. As they progress, they should keep revisiting the core ideas through the lenses of different, active experiences."

You can read the full post here:

Wednesday 5 June 2013


I Have Value Because I Exist

JN seeing our home and how we live for the first time :-)
Thank God for a superb Danish summer weather today,
that had provided the best welcoming... an answered prayer.

Remember I mentioned about my nephew (I will call him JN) with ADHD in some of my posts? I treat him like my own son, to love him unconditionally. He is here to visit us in Copenhagen for three weeks. He has flanked most of his secondary one exams. My priority is to build self-esteem.

Yet I may be more comfortable at nurturing a child towards academic. Afterall, I am a product of Singapore, a highly accomplishment-oriented culture, and yet I must help my children to realize that they have value simply because they exist. So please pray for me, as I seek and pray for God's wisdom and help in this area.

I have been reading this book called "Discipline for Life" and I think the author could not have explained it more aptly:

"Self-worth must not come from achievements. Each child must have fundamental worth separate from accomplishments and mistakes. They have value simply because they exist."

I have so many good plans for these 3 weeks in addition to balancing work days at the office...

1. Introducing Khan Academy to him,
2. Visit all the places in Copenhagen (this should be secondary as a means for time together, but not as a goal in itself)
3. Recording family history with my father
4. Have tea time with JN
5. Go for long walks with JN...
6. Continue Drop school time with J
7. Continue Skip piano practice with J

but I think the most important thing is to do the one right thing and the right thing is to focus on building self-esteem.

How to affirm a child's value purely on existence?

Here are a summary of some good advice from the book "Discipline for Life" which I am learning to put into practice.

1. Greet warmly

- Greet warmly with smile, hugs and pats.

- Say, "I am so glad to see you. I missed you!" or " Welcome home. It's nice to have the family all together."

- Smile and affirm during mealtime, bedtime and quiet time.

Don’t underestimate the power of greetings. The best “person” to learn how to greet warmly are dogs, which with all their body language (tail wagging) tell us that they are glad to see us.

When we see our child after school, we move right from affirming existence to accomplishments, when we ask, “What did you do today?” or “Were you good today?” or “Did you eat your lunch?” or “Did you play nicely?” We should simply give them a hug, smile and say, “I’m so happy to see you! I missed you!” or “Welcome home. It’s nice to have the family all together.” Which is more important? They exist still or they behaved well?

2. Take time to be together

- Take time for play and fun. It is part of our job to help create moments of delight, enchantment, fun, joy, merriment and happiness. What else are we going to remember when we are old?

- Make it a point to sit with a cup of tea or coffee when your child arrive home from school to reconnect and talk about his day.

- Take a walk with a child, daytime or nighttime, and make special memories for both of you.

- Leave extra, padded time each night to tuck them in, be together and talk.

- Schedule time with each of your child each week.

3. Listen to their thoughts, concerns and interests

If you are like me, not the most sociable person around and need a list of conversation starters, click here.

4. Celebrate

Celebrate rather than reward. Celebrate for the fact that we are family, that time has passed, that we are living and breathing... rather than rewarding only when good exam grades were obtained.

5. Find something praise-worthy

Each day, find something praiseworthy and show your appreciation at bedtime. For example, JN has been very good at cleaning up and vaccuuming cleaning.

6. Acknowledge each child's Uniqueness

7. Teach

Educate your child on his own value by asking questions.

Ask: “JN, if I could choose from all the children of the world, whom would I choose to have for my nephew?”

Ans: I would choose you without ever needing to look at any of the others. Because we belong together. Because we are family. Because I am your aunt and you are my nephew. Because you are you. No one can ever take your place.

Ask: “Will I like you more if you get good grades or poor grades?”

Ans: Neither, it doesn’t matter. I care about you just the same. You’re always important to me. You are valuable either way.”

8. Unwavering belief

Encourage by having unwavering belief in the person. Calmly and gently reaffirm your belief in your child.

- Discpline For Life! One Step At A Time by Madelyn Swift

Tuesday 4 June 2013


J Summary (4Y3M0D) - Spilled LEGO

I am off today - Hurray! This morning, I woke up, went downstairs and saw J in his playroom with his LEGO set. The container fell off, when he tried to take it off the shelf. The parts were all spread out and mixed up on the floor. He did not cry, but he was busy sorting out his LEGO and putting them back.

Oh no, it means a clean up headache!!! The good thing is that it provided an opportunity for him to sort the parts back. It teaches him patience (ok, half-way through he got distracted...). It teaches him that accident happens. Every accident has a lesson and can be put to good use. So with that mindset in mind, we worked together to sort them back :-)

J's LEGO Works

I will be archiving pictures taken of J's work (some with Daddy's help) before dismantling in this post to show them to him, when he grows up.

31 May 2013 (4Y2M26D) - According to J, the one in the middle is a double-decker bus

31 May 2013 (4Y2M26D)
5 June 2013

9 Nov 2013

11 Nov 2013

22 Jan 2015 (5Y10M17D)

Monday 3 June 2013


How To Store Your LEGO?

It can frustrate a child if his LEGO toys are not properly sorted and stored. Never store all the Lego bricks - big and small - in one single big bucket. The small bricks sink to the bottom and get lost.

However, don't over organize your LEGO too, as you would dread to have to spend so much time just to sort them back, that you just want them to sit pretty and untouched, and that will defeat the purpose. Here is an overview of our LEGO:

We have found a way that works for us. Here is how we store J's Lego:

1. Use shallow and wide transparent boxes. Don't use deep hard-to-reach-to-the bottom cases. We use the Swedish Smart box series (40 x x30 x 12 cm), but any similar type of transparent boxes will do the job:

2. First, store the regular bricks together in a box regardless of the sizes of the bricks in a shallow box:

3. Next, have a shallow box for the large odd-size bricks:

4. Use a small transparent box (21 x 17 x 6cm) to store the medium odd-size bricks - mainly the arch bricks and slanted bricks in the container for medium size bricks:

5. For the small odd-sized bricks, store them into box divided by compartments and sort them in by shapes and themes. We have the following categories:

- wheels,
- pulleys,
- people,
- people accessories,
- animals,
- food,
- tools,
- transport

This method allows J and us to find the lego bricks easily when we are playing with them as well as facilitate a fast and painless clean-up after playing. At the same time, it is not too complex for J to sort them back himself during clean up time.
6. Use standard sized containers that fit nicely when stacked up. This will save you space and headaches. Here is our collection, which fits nicely into our Expedit compartment when stacked up:
7. We place the J's finished work on a tray:

We allocate a shelf space for J's finished work as well as the table top space near his bed:


8. Keep to a modest size for a child (unless you are a LEGO collector):

To keep a manageable modest amount of LEGO, we encourage J to dismantle his works. In order to make it less "painful", we encourage him to take a picture before dismantling it. Here are some pictures, top taken by Daddy and bottom taken by J:

This morning we sneaked downstairs and caught a shot of J playing with his Lego, while waiting for us to prepare breakfast. At 4 years old, he is quite good in keeping them neat, and sorting them back. We don't have the problem of him creating a big mess, nor leaving LEGO all over the house. He is a neat freak like us.

You can find such transparent boxes from Amazon:

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