Saturday 27 November 2010


The Precious Pea/Ærter/豌豆[wān dòu]

I prefer to serve this from 6 months, although some books says it can be served from 4 months. Peas are naturally sweet. Thus, on days when baby refuses to eat broccoli, this is a good alternative, full of vitamins as well.

Green vegetables are so important for its vitamins and minerals, and to create variety, I choose to introduce more than one type of green vegetables, and the green peas is another excellent choice.

1. Steam 1 packet of frozen peas (600 - 650g) for 10 minutes until tender

2. Add 6 teaspoons of milk powder and 6 teaspoons of olive oil (optional but recommended)

3. Puree with blender

1. Cool down, pour into ice cube tray and freeze.

2. Once frozen, knock the cubes out and store them in freezer bags (makes 2-3 ice cube trays, can store up to 8 weeks)

Nutritonal Value:
Green peas are a good source of vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, C, K, folic acid, iron, manganese and fiber.

Updates 30 October 2016 (5M2W)

Steam 1 cup of frozen green peas...

for 10 minutes or until tender.

Add 1 teaspoon of olive oil

Add 1 teaspoon of breastmilk or more to achieve the required consistency you desire

Puree with blender

30 October 2016 (5M2W): I introduced this to Baby FECS today.

Baby FECS finished about 1 saucer

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