Saturday, 28 June 2014


Copenhagen International School Summer School 2014


We have been busy with summer school from 23 June - 4 July 2014 to get him exposed to an English environment. We were afraid that he might be reserved and shy, being with other children whose English is their first language or mother tongue, but he was very brave and coped very well. He told us that he had a lot of fun with the activities there, and loving it even better than his own kindergarten.

Since this week, J has been speaking more English to me voluntarily. He is more inspired to speak English. Since most of the kids there don't speak Danish, he is also forced to communicate with them in English.

I gave J his camera so that he could take some pictures, while I am away. Here are some glimpse to the activities and the program, some pictures taken by me and some by J:

Friday, 27 June 2014


J Summary (5Y3M22D) - Tell Time

J could tell time pretty well now... 8 o'clock, 8.30, 8,50, 9, 35, etc.

Sunday, 22 June 2014


Science in the City Festival

#79 - The building blocks of the world – chemistry you understand! (Wonder District)

The whole of Copenhagen has been turned to a gigantic experimentarium on June 21-26, 2014 from 10am to 8pm. Here you could get a chance to rub shoulders with world-leading researchers.

You can read more here:

Getting here:
The main entrance to the festival area is through Ny Carlsberg Vej at Enghave Plads.
Carlsberg City District is easily accessible by public transportation. Take the S-train to Enghave station, which is approx. 400 meter from the festival or take bus 3A, 10, 14 directly to Enghave Plads.
There will also be parking areas for cars but as these are limited, visitors are encouraged to use public transportation or arrive by bike.

The Science in the City is a free science festival, and takes place in the Carlsberg City District in Copenhagen on June 21-26, 2014.


#12 - Science Moves Workshop (Wonder District)

#11 - Lift off! Cells in space (Engage District)

#30 - Climb down the toilet and experience a sewer! (Explore District)

#19 - Soil - the hidden treaure! (Explore District)

#30 - Drive an electric car! (Explore District)

#26 - Seeing the Unseeable (Wonder District)

Magic Science! (Wonder District)

#79 - Teddy Bear Hospital (Age: 2-8) Bring your teddy bear (Wonder District)

Experience the story of sustainable generations of the future (Explore District)

Prof. Balthazar Goes GREEN (Age: 4-12) (Engage District)
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