Saturday, 21 September 2013
J Summary (4Y6M16D)
J is currently interested in making patterns with Lego which he repeated several evenings in a row. Though never quite interested in jigsaw puzzles, recently seen more interest in them (mainly 24 pieces) and asked to repeat it consecutively for two nights. He did well in the Chinese class today following the pinyin.
Nursery Lesson Plan 49: Jesus Loves Me - 22nd September 2013
Lesson Plan 49
FIBC Nursery (0-5 years old)
Date: 21th September 2013, Time: 12.30 – 1.45pm
Concept Area: Jesus
Theme: Jesus Loves Me
Bible Verses: John 15:12 “Jesus loves me.”
Bible Story: Jesus, Friend of Children – Jesus asks children to come to Him
(Mark 10:13-16)
(Mark 10:13-16)
Teachers: Elaine, Rochelle and Steven
12.30-12.40pm: Early Arrival Activity Time
Activity Station 1: Drawing someone special
Have crayons or colored markers and blank sheets of paper on the tables before the class begins. As the kids arrive, tell them to think of someone who is very special to them, and then draw a picture showing why they are so special. When finished, ask them to talk about their drawings with the rest of the class.
Activity Station 2: Make a string with hearts
Fold color papers into half, draw and cut out the hearts. Write “Jesus loves (name of child)” on them. Glue them on a string or a piece of paper.
12.40-12.50pm: Opening Prayer, Praise & Worship
According to, it is important to open with a word of prayer to invite the Holy Spirit to be in control of your class and to prepare the children’s heart to be serious and ready for class. It also signals the end of early arrival activities.
Before praying, ask the children to share 1 prayer request and jot down what is said rather than to rely on memory. (It is important though to make sure that the children stay focused on giving only a praise or prayer request and not to become carried away by other issues. If the class is big, consider breaking into smaller groups and have prayer led by more than one leader or helper).
1. Thank God for bringing everyone here.
2. Say the verse John 15:12, “Jesus loves me.”
3. Pray for God’s guidance on the teacher to share the Word of God in a meaningful way.
4. Pray for God to open the children’s heart to learning His Word and to invite the Holy Spirit’s presence in the classroom.
5. Pray for the prayer request touching on each child’s request to let them know that you care about them and that their prayers are important.
Praise & worship is an important part of the lesson, even for preschoolers to learn to praise and worship God.
Use hand motions and sing the following songs:
• Jesus Loves Me
• Who Made the Big Round Sun?
• Jesus Loves and He Cares for Me
12.50-1pm: Bible Lesson & Story Time
Gather the children sitting on chairs around the sofa for Bible Story Time. After the introduction, read the story about Jesus and the little children right from the Children’s Bible.
Bible Story: Jesus, Friend of Children – Jesus asks children to come to Him (Mark 10:13-16)
One day, many people were gathered around Jesus, asking him difficult questions. Questions like who will be the greatest in Heaven, when is it okay to get a divorce, who can cast out demons? Jesus was very busy giving God's answers to these difficult questions, when suddenly, he stopped. Something was happening that Jesus believed was more important than these questions. Let's find out what it was. Our story continues in the Book of Mark.
The Little Children and Jesus
13 People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. 14 When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 15 Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” 16 And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.
Pray: Thank you, Jesus, for loving me. Amen.
1-1.20pm: Snack Time
Let the children prepare the snacks by cutting up apples, bananas, etc.
• Helper helps to arrange a table with the fruits, chopping boards, butter knifes and apple cutters neatly on the table.
• Ask the children to queue up and clean their hands with wet wipes first.
• Ask the older children to help by giving out the cups, plates and rice snack.
• Sing the “Say Grace Song”
• Ask each child to recite: “Jesus loves me.” John 15:12
• As the children to help to clean up before moving to game time.
1.20-1.30pm: Clean up Time
• Clean up together and sing the song “Time to Clean Up”
1.30-1.40pm: Game Time
Game: Musical Chair – A Chair for a Crown
Arrange the chairs in a circle with one less than the number of children. Have the kids walk around the chairs as you play or sing the song "Jesus Loves Me." When you suddenly stop the music, or shout out the phrase "sit down!" the children must find a chair to sit down. Give the one who does not have a chair a crown to wear while taking a few moments to tell the other children why he or she believes Jesus loves him or her. This will help build the self-esteem of the children as it will demonstrate that the child without the chair is not a “loser”, but that that child is special because of Jesus' love.
When finished, take back the crown and give the child a sticker or a treat. The child can then sit and watch the others. Remove another chair and continue play until everyone has a chance to wear the crown.
Contingency Game: Holahoop Telematch or What’s the Time Mr. Wolf?
1.40-1.45pm: Closing Prayer
Closing prayer is equally important. It gives an opportunity to sum up the lesson and remind children the importance of prayer in their daily life. The closing prayer needs to be brief as the children may be eager to leave. It should include:
1. Thanking God for His love.
2. Pray for God’s protection as the children go home and start a new week.
3. Pray that others may see Jesus in our lives.
1.45pm: Parents pick up kids
While waiting for the parents to come, talk about the names of several Bible characters and have the children choose their favorite Bible character. Next, ask them what makes that character special. For example: David was special because he was able to defeat a big giant with God's help.
Give the parents a Take-Home Page
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Chinese Phonics (Hanyu Pinyin) 汉语拼音
J started formal Chinese class on Saturdays, and he is learning Chinese phonics 汉语拼音 (hanyu pinyin). Below are a list of youtube videos on hanyu pinyin:
Lesson 1: a, o, e
Lesson 2: i, u, ü
Lesson 3: b, p
Lesson 4: m, f
Lesson 5: d, t
Lesson 6: l, n
Lesson 7: g, k, h
Lesson 8: j, q, x
Lesson 9: z, s, c
Lesson 10: zh, ch, sh, r
Lesson 11: y, w
Lesson 12: Revison
Lesson 13: ai, ei, ui
Lesson 14: ao, ou, iu
Lesson 15: ie, üe, er, ye, yue
Lesson 16: an, en, in, yin
Lesson 17: un, ün, yun, yuan
Lesson 18: ang, eng, ing, ong
Lesson 19: Revision
Lesson 20: Overall Revision
Here is a song from Youtube:
Sunday, 1 September 2013
Baked Portobello Mushroom Caps with Mozzarella Cheese & Tomatoes
Preparation & Cooking Time: 20 minutes
Serves 2-3
1. 4 portobello mushroom caps
2. 100g mozzarella cheese
3. 1 large tomato diced
4. 1 clove garlic squeezed
5. 2-4 stalks choves chopped (optionnal)
6. Olive oil to brush mushrooms (optional)
1. Brush portobello mushrooms with olive oil (optional)
2. Mix well tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and garlic in a bowl.
3. Fill the mushrooms with the mixture
4. Baked for 12 minutes in a pre-heated oven at 200 degree celsius
5. Garnish with chives
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