Friday, 5 June 2020


Healthy Banana Cookies with Oatmeal & Almonds

Makes 10 cookies


1.  2 large ripe banana smashed

2. 200 ml rolled oats

3. 1 tsp vanilla powder

4. 2 tsp cinnamon powder

5. 40 g almonds chopped

6. 30 g chocolate chips


1. Preheat oven to 180°C / 350°F.

2. Chop the almonds with a knife or a food processor.

3. Mash the bananas well with a fork in a large bowl.

4. Add rolled oats, vanilla powder, cinnamon powder, almonds and chocolate chips and mix well.

5. Press and squeeze tight and form into bite-size cookies and flatten.

6. Bake for 15 mins or until golden.

7. Cool and serve.

Additional Information:

Still in love with banana bread. Little FECS got this recipe from the Føtex supermarket. It's Danish constitution day today, a national holiday. So we baked this in the morning. It turned out very delicious, but a bit on the soft side. The original recipe asks for 40 g of chocolate chips. I have reduced it to 30 g and the cookies were still fully infused with chocolate chips and very sweet. The original recipe asks for 30 g of almonds, but I increased it to 40 g.


Recipe from Danish supermarket Føtex.

 Add 3 large bananas into a mixing bowl

 Mash the bananas thoroughly well with a fork or a food processor

 Add 2 tsp cinnamon powder and 1 tsp of vanilla powder

 Add 200ml or 2 cups of rolled oats

 Add 1/2 cup of walnuts

 Mix and squeeze the dough well

 Form into bite-size cookies

 Bake at 180°C / 350°F for 15 minutes

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