Saturday, 31 August 2019


How to Make Wholemeal Corn Tortilla?

It's super easy to make wholemeal corn tortillas. Only 2 ingredients are needed - wholemeal corn flour and water. Salt is optional.

Makes 10 corn tortillas


1. 2 cups (210 g or 4 dl) wholemeal corn flour
2. 150 ml hot water
3. 1 tsp salt (optional)


1. Boil water.

2. In a mixing bowl, add 2 cups of wholemeal corn flour and sat.

3. Gradually add water, mix and knead into a dough. It should be firm, but not stick to your fingers, like a soft cookie dough. Adjust with more water or more flour accordingly.

4. Form into 10 golf ball size portions.

5. Put between a zip-lock plastic, press down to form into a flat tortilla. To get it thinner, thereafter roll with a rolling pin or with your finger pressing from inside of the circle out.

6. Heat pan. Once hot, reduce heat to medium (no. 6.5 on my stove). Place corn tortilla on the pan. Turn after 10 seconds. Turn over after 1 minute or so when it starts to bubble, turn over again for another minute. While waiting, form your next golf ball into a flat corn tortilla.

7. Set aside and cover to keep it soft. Place the second corn tortilla on the pan to cook it.


Freeze well.

Additional Information:

Most recipes I found on the internet uses plain corn flour, but I really want to make those using wholemeal corn flour, as eating whole grains is much more nutritious and better for health. I have tested it out in my own kitchen.

It's really easy. I have tried it out and it makes no difference whether you let the dough rest or not, thus, I don't find it necessary, as what many recipes from the internet called for.

Masa harina is the corn flour that is used to make corn tortilla. Most recipes on the internet uses masa harina corn flour, but wholemeal corn flour is healthier and equally easy to work with. If you find your dough sticking to the plastic, it is probably because there is too much water in the dough. Rework your dough by adding more flour and knead into a dough that doesn't stick to the plastic.


I use the organic wholemeal corn flour from Urtekram. You can buy it from Irma or Føtex supermarket.

 Add 2 cups of wholemeal corn flour to the mixing bowl.

Add 1 tsp salt

Add 150 ml of hot water, mix and knead into a dough

Your dough should be very soft, but does not stick to your fingers, like soft cookie dough.

Wrap with plastic film and let it rest for 15-20 minutes.

Form into golf ball size portions

Place a dough ball between the plastic of a zip-lock bag

Press down the dough using a chopping board or a plate

Remove plastic

Heat pan. Reduce to medium heat (no. 6.5 on my stove). Place tortilla on the pan.

Turn over after 10 seconds. Turn over after one minute.

Turn over and cook for another minute.

Sometimes, it will puff up. If it does, it's a good sign :-) If not, it doesn't matter. It will still taste good :-)

Now it's done :-)

Cover with a clean kitchen towel to keep them soft :-)

Makes 10 corn tortillas


Danish Whole Grain Rolls

Makes 13 rolls


1. 100 g 5-whole grains mix consists of wheat berries, rye grains, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and flax seeds (5-korns blanding)
2. 150 ml water for boiling the whole grains
3. 300 ml butter milk (Kernemælk 0,5% fedt)
4. 50 g pumpkin seeds
5. 25 g fresh yeast
6. 1 tsp salt
7. 1 tsp sugar
8. 1 TBS olive oil
9. 250 g wheat flour
10. 250 g Grahams flour
11. 1 egg white for glazing
12. A handful of rolled oats for glazing


1. In a pot, add the whole grain mix (except pumpkin seeds) and water.

2. Bring to boil and boil for 2-3 minutes, and set aside to let it cool down to lukewarm temperature and for the grains to absorb the water.

3. Add olive oil, sugar, salt, buttermilk and yeast, and mix well.

4. Transfer to a stand mixer, add in the flour gradually and mix under low speed for 5 minutes until a dough is formed. The dough should be tacky, firm and soft, but not sticky. Alternatively, mix and knead into a dough by hand.

5. Add pumpkin seeds and mix well.

6. Cover with a clean kitchen towel and let it rise for 1 hour in a warm place. It will grow into double its size.

7. Form into 12-13 rolls, cover and let it rest for 20 minutes.

8. Brush with egg white and sprinkle some rolled oats on the rolls for glazing.

9. Bake for 15 minutes at 200 degree celsius or until golden.


Store well in freeze for up to 3 months. Store in fridge for 5 days.


1. In a pot, add the whole grain mix (except pumpkin seeds)

and water.

2. Bring to boil and boil for 2-3 minutes, and set aside to let it cool down to lukewarm temperature and for the grains to absorb the water.

3. Add olive oil and mix well.

Add sugar and mix well.

 Add salt and mix well.

 Add buttermilk and mix well.

 Add yeast and mix well.

Transfer to a stand mixer

4. Add in the flour gradually and mix under low speed for 5 minutes until a dough is formed. 

5. Add pumpkin seeds and

mix well.

The dough should be tacky, firm and soft, but not sticky. Alternatively, mix and knead into a dough by hand.

6. Cover with a clean kitchen towel and

let it rise for 1 hour in a warm place. It will grow into double its size.

7. Form into 12-13 rolls, cover and let it rest for 20 minutes.

cover and let it rest for 20 minutes.

8. Brush with egg white and

sprinkle some rolled oats on the rolls for glazing.

9. Bake for 15 minutes at 200 degree celsius or until golden.


Thursday, 29 August 2019


C Summary - Baby FECS' First Chinese Class

C went for Chinese class for the first time today. She sat for quite long, almost an hour. Towards the end, she almost fell asleep. She was happy to write too.

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