Friday, 22 February 2013


J Summary (3Y11M17) - Making Necklace for Mommy and Daddy

I got lazy today. Thus, we didn't do any real school time this evening after coming home from the kindergarten. He traced the letter Q, did his coloring and we did Chinese characters recognition this morning, so I hope I can overcome my guilt for not doing any proper school time this evening.... J requested to string beads to make necklace for mommy and daddy. I started him with the materials and he sat down and completed it all by himself.

He started stringing beads at the begining of 3 years old, and he is now at the end of 3 years old. What a difference a year made! I was supervising and guiding him with the stringing a year ago, and now he is doing it all on his own without any help from me. Slowly and surely, day-by-day he is growing up. It is all going so fast.

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