Saturday, 18 February 2017


A Fun Way to Teach Area - Measuring Playpen

Age: From 7 years old (After your child has tried out the Montessori Short Bead Chains

Objective: To provide a hands-on and fun way of learning area

1. Measuring tape
2. Paper and pencil

1. Draw the playpen on a piece of paper
2. Tell your child that each cm represent a Montessori golden bead and ask him how many beads will make up the surface of the playpen.
3. Ask your child to measure the length of the playpen and write it down on the paper.
4. Ask your child to measure the breadth of the playpen and write it down on the paper.
5. Ask him to multiply length by breadth of the playpen to get the number of beads that will fill the table.
6. Tell him that this is called "area" in Maths.

Additional Information:
In continuation of the success of two days ago, we continue with simple area. J (7Y11M13D) was very thrilled and said this is one of the best and most fun Montessori Maths activity (it is actually not Montessori). I was very glad to be able to capture his passion and excitement with this activity and meeting him where he is. It is very simple area, and very simple Maths, but it inspired him to develop a love for Maths.

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