Saturday 2 September 2017


Ocean of Flowers at Selinevej/Blomsterhavet på Selinevej

Daddy FECS said he wanted to give me a surprise this weekend... and so this was my surprise. He brought me and the kids to this place, which was planted with flowers. He got to know this from his colleague. It is only for a year. The Copenhagen county planted these flowers to cultivate the soil for a forest with edible plants to be build on this plot of land. Apparently, planting the flowers will help make the soil suitable for the forest. The public is welcome to pluck the flowers home. 

We were actually a little late. A week ago, it was really an ocean of flowers. I guess most of the flowers have been plucked. Nevertheless, we got to pick many flowers.

It's such a great idea to plant a field full of flowers. There is something magical to see a field full of flowers. It is thus sad to see it go and knowing that it is only for a year. But we look forward to visiting the same place again, when it is turned into a "Byskoven" - the City Forest" with edible plants. Nevertheless, we hope that the Copenhagen county will continue this amazing idea of planting the whole field with flowers again somewhere else, so that we can continue to enjoy the flowers year after year.

2 September 2017 (1Y3M17D)

It is located at the end of Selinevej in Amager.

When you reach the end of the road, you will see on your right, there is a hilly slope.

Park your car and climb all the way up and then walk down on the other side. You will see nothing, not a single flower. Turn right and walk on for approx. 500 metres (in the opposite direction from when you drove here), you will reach the flower field :-)

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