Saturday, 7 December 2019


Wholemeal Multigrain Bread (Fuldkorns Multikerner Sandwich Brød)


Makes 1 big loaf


1. 2 1/2 cup (625ml) distilled water
2. 25g fresh yeast
3. 1 1/2 tsp salt (7.5g)
4. 4 cups (500g) white whole wheat flour
5. 1 1/2 cup (187.5g) white flour
6. 2 TBS flax seeds
7. 2 TBS sesame seeds
8. 2 TBS sunflower seeds
9. 2 TBS pumpkin seeds
10. 2 TBS uncooked millet
11. 1 cup cooked wheat berries
12. 1 cup cooked oat groats
13. 1 cup cooked barley
14. 1/4 cup rolled oats (for sprinkling on top of the bread)


1. Cook wheat berries, oat groats and barley according to instructions here and soak 2 tablespoons of uncooked millet in boiling water for 20 mins or overnight.

2. In a large mixing bowl, add 2.5 cups of distilled water, yeast and mix well. Then add salt and mix well.

3. Gradually add in 1 3/4 cup of white flour and 4 cups of white whole wheat flour, mix and knead well by hand or mixer. The dough should be tacky, but not sticky.

4. Add in sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, wheat berries, oat groats and barley, knead and mix well.

5. Let dough rest in a warm place and rise until double its size, about 1 hour 15 minutes to 2 hours. The timing is not crucial, but the aim is that the dough should double its size, no more and no less.

6. In the meantime, coat a 9 x 5 loaf pan with olive oil and sprinkle its bottom with seeds.

7. When the dough has risen to double its size, punch down the dough and knead again briefly.

8. Place the dough into the loaf pan until it is 1 inch below the surface of the loaf pan, to allow space for expansion of the dough during baking.

9. Cover the loaf and let it rise to double its size, about 45 minutes. The timing is not crucial, but the aim is that the dough should double its size, no more and no less.

10 In the meantime, pre-heat oven to 175 degree Celsius.

11. When the loaf has risen to double its size, spray a bit of water on the top of the loaf to avoid cracking and sprinkle some rolled oats on the top.

12. Insert a thermometer into the middle of the dough and place it in the middle rack of the oven with another tray containing water just below it to generate steam.

13. Bake for 20 minutes and rotate the dough to get even baking. Bake for another 20 minutes or until the thermometer inserted into the dough reaches 85-87 degree Celsius.

14. Let cool for 1-2 hours before slicing the bread. If the bread is sliced before it is cooled down, it will be lumpy inside.


Sliced bread keeps in the fridge for up to 5 days. It can also be frozen. When you want a slice, take it out from the freezer and put it directly into the toaster.

Additional Information:

I like the store-bought multigrain toast bread a lot, but the store-bought one contains lots of preservatives and chemicals to make it last longer as well as stay soft. Thus, I have been wanting to learn to bake my own multigrain bread.

Baking bread takes time, and I can only bake it if I have the whole morning or afternoon free, usually on a weekend. The first time I tried, my dough was over-proof as I got busy with other stuff. It tasted too yeasty as a result. It is very important to let the dough rise to double its size, but no more and no less.

This time around, I was careful with it. The bread turned out very well, and both kids love it :-) It tasted similar to the store-bought ones, but better and without all the chemicals. I like the texture of the wheat berries, oat groats and pumpkin seeds in the bread.

Multigrain bread is usually baked with white flour. The store-bought one contains only 17% whole wheat flour. I tried mine with 60% of the flour using white whole wheat flour and it turned out great - soft like the wheat flour bread and chewy, and yet containing more fiber and nutrients. I think it's because white whole wheat flour is closer to wheat flour, while still completely whole wheat.

The store-bought bread contains malt. It makes a big difference to the taste and flavor by adding a malt ingredient. In this case, I have used malt syrup.

I also use my rice cooker to cook the wheat berries and mixed grains. I will do a post to show later.


White whole wheat flour from Føtex Supermarket.

In a mixing bowl, add 2.5 cup (625ml) of hot water.

Add 25g fresh yeast. When adding it, tear it into smaller pieces.

Stir with a spatula to dissolve the yeast well.

Add 1 1/2 teaspoon of salt (7.5g)

Gradually sift in 1 3/4 cup (187.5 g) of the white flour first. Stir and mix well.

Gradually sift in 4 cups (500 g) of white whole wheat flour. 

Add 2 tablespoon of flax seeds.

Add 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds.

Add 2 tablespoons of sunflower seeds.

Add 2 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds.

Add 2 tablespoons of soaked millet.

Add 1 cup of cooked oat groats.

Add 1 cup of cooked barley.

Add 1 cup of cooked wheat berries.

 Knead and mix well.

The dough should be tacky, but not sticky.  If it is sticky, adjust with more flour.

Cover and let it rise to double its size, about 1.5 hours.

While waiting, spray a bit of olive oil to coat the loaf pan.

Sprinkle its bottom with some flax seeds and sesame seeds.

Now the dough has risen to double its size. The goal is not 1.5 hours, but the goal is to double its size. Punch down and knead a bit.
Place dough in until it is 1 inch below the surface of the loaf pan, to allow space for expansion of the dough during baking.

Cover with a clean kitchen towel and let it rise until double its size, about 45 minutes to an hour. In the mean time, pre-heat the oven to 175 degree celsius with a tray of water in it.

Now it has risen to double its size in the loaf pan :-)

 Spray a bit of water on the top of the loaf to avoid cracking.

Sprinkle some rolled oats on the top of the loaf.

 Insert the baking thermometer into the dough.

Place it in the middle rack of the oven with another tray containing water just below it to generate steam.

To bake it evenly, rotate it after 20 minutes.

Then bake until the thermometer inserted into the dough reaches 86 degree Celsius.

Now it's done :-)

 Let cool for 2 hours before slicing the bread.

Now it's done :-)

Slice and enjoy :-) 

Baby FECS could not wait to touch it :-)

Close-up :-)

It tastes delicious with melted cheese :-)

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