Sunday, 17 March 2024


Homemade Macaroni - Durum, 14% Wholewheat, Egg & Water

Serves 4 - 6


1. 350g Semola flour
2. 50g Graham flour or other wholewheat flour
2. 3 eggs + 1 tsp olive oil (5ml) with water (if required) altogether to total 180ml

3. 2 tsp salt (when cooking)
4. 2L water for boiling the pasta


1. Add 400g semolina flour into the Phillips Pasta Maker. 
2. Beat 3 egg and water together to 180ml.
3. Gradually add in the egg-water mixture into the machine.
4. Make the noodles using the Phillips Viva Pasta Machine using the Angel Hair mold from Pastidea
5. Let the machine knead the mixture for 3 minutes (this means one round in the Philips Pasta Maker) and extrude without resting the dough.
6. Boil a big pot of water, add 1 teaspoon salt per litre of water.
7. Add macaroni and cook for 30 seconds to 1 minute (do not overcook).
8. Rinse under cold water to avoid over-cooking after dishing out and drain (optional).
9. Ready to be eaten or used in other dishes :-)

Additional Information:

Durum flour is high in protein and well suited to making pasta. because they are more easily stretched into long pieces without breaking. The Italians use them to make pasta. According to Nutrition Over Easy, “Durum” is a strain of wheat that is used mostly for pasta, due to its higher protein content. (Think of “Durum” as its first name and “Wheat” as its family name.) But unless it says “whole grain” you can assume that it is refined, which means that the nutritious germ and fibrous bran have been removed.

The word “Semolina,” on the other hand, refers to the fact that the durum wheat is coarsely ground–again, in order to produce good pasta texture. 

Durum semolina flour contains 15g of protein per 100g of flour, higher than normal flour.

Below is the original recipe. The one shows above is of the same proportion.

1. 250g of Semolina flour (Semola mel)
2. 1 egg with water totaling 110ml (or 95ml water without egg)

3. 2 tsp salt (for cooking pasta)
4. 2L water (for cooking pasta)

Additional Information:

Trying out a new mini macaroni pasta die today :-)

Added 12.5% whole grain for nutrients and 3 eggs.
C likes to eat it plain before any sauce or ketchup. Power packed with eggs (protein) as much as possible in pasta and no preservatives, I can rest a little easier if she eats it plainly without any meat 😅 

C said it tasted exactly like store-bought ones.
It takes about 30 seconds to wash the die after it’s fully dried, definitely less than a minute.
Cultivating our children to eat fresh pasta instead of store-bought ones surely takes hard work. Once eating habits are fixed, it’s hard to change… such as white rice… etc.

It’s for our children I chose to be a full-time mom.
So much fun, so much hard work, so much fun.
All rolled into one
How long will it last?
Cherish it, treasure it, while it lasts.
Motherhood is a calling, 
A high calling.
Giving it my very best 💪💪
No regrets ❤️ 
In God we trust ❤️

P.S. The badly cut macaroni was C’s work in training.

P.P.S. If you are using only Semola flour without adding the Graham flour, use 3 eggs and 1 teaspoon of olive oil with water (if required) to total 175ml (not 180ml).


Use Durum Semolina flour.

The Durum Semolina flour is available from Føtex Supermarket. It is not available in Meny or Netto.

Graham flour from Føtex Supermarket

Our new macaroni pasta die from BNN 

Add 3 eggs, 5ml olive oil with water all together in total 180ml, beat eggs and mix well.

Add 400g semolina flour into the Phillips Pasta Maker. 

Gradually add in the egg-water mixture into the machine.

Let the machine knead the mixture for 3 minutes (this means one round in the Philips Pasta Maker) and extrude without resting the dough.

Boil a big pot of water, add 1 teaspoon salt per litre of water.

Add macaroni and cook for 30 seconds to 1 minute (do not overcook).

Ready to be eaten or used in other dishes :-)

17 March 2024 (7Y10M2D): C likes to eat them on their own.

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