I did a research on nutritional value while I was expecting J and having my maternity leave. It includes the nutritional requirements (daily amount requirements of protein, EFAs, vitamins and minerals) of children from 1-3 years old, children from 4-8 years old and adults. I thought I will share it :-)
Those rows line highlighted in yellow are common and favourite food of our family.
Furthermore, the following are 10 essential food for toddlers (7 recommended from http://www.babycenter.com/ and 3 from other sources). I have
1. Avocado - for the good fats it provides for brain development of children as well as lowering of bad cholestrol for adults.
2. Blue berries - nickname as "Brain berries" for its believed benefits to brain development.
4. Oats
5. Salmon - again the EFAs in the form of omega-3 is good for brain development.
6. Spinach - this is a super green vegetable known for its high iron contents.
7. Sweet potatoes
8. Yogurt
9. Walnuts - the shape of walnuts look like brain, and are nickname as the "brain nut".
10. Almonds - is a super nut containing the most nutrients
Needless to say, I have incorporated all these into J's super power breakfast on a mix-and-match rotation basis. I have to work on incorporating more blue berries into J's diet though.
These food are also good for adults. Being a working mom is a very demanding task and responsibiltiy, and I have to take care of my own nutrition. Thus, I am working on incorporating all these into the family's nutrition. But one step at a time, I will first start with J :-)
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