Saturday 25 January 2014


J Summary (4Y10M21D) - Some Good Moments and Not So Good Moments...

We are back from our vacation, are still jetlagged and struggling to return to a routine and schedule. Thus, J has been going to bed early on evenings around 7pm, leaving no time for School Time. Learning (such as doing workbook, reading, etc.) is also more haphazard, if it happens at all.

This morning, he woke up early around 7am and came downstairs to me, telling me that we should do workbooks and Montessori. Surprised and touched, I asked why, and J said that because it was hard to find time during the day to do so, thus, we should do it right away first thing in the morning. But he must be hungry in the morning. So I asked if we should do the worksheets after having breakfast. He said that it was fine, let's do the worksheet first. I was impressed, so we went to do homework, before breakfast and brushing teeth.

Today, however, at the Chinese school, J wasn't behaving very well in class, not greeting his teacher after returning from vacation, not really motivated in follow the teacher and being rebellious. I was upset and had a good talk with him. He agreed to be more appreciative during class next week and to be thankful that he can attend school. We will see how it goes.

I was glad that I was able to control myself, to talk nicely and seriously to him, all the while praying hard for wisdom not to nag and for the work of God in J's life. I didn't think that I am getting all the words right and I think the words that came out of my mouth still sounded like nagging, but in my imperfections, I just have to trust God for His faithfulness and help in raising this kid in the right path. Alone I could not do it, feel so inadequate. Oh what peace that I could entrust it to God, and praying that I will continue to improve.

I was ready that he would not understand what I say and would not accept what I say, although I still have to teach. But J actually reflected and apologized for his behavior. It does show that talking calmly works. To retain my authority, I followed through with the consequence of withdrawing the privilege of watching a video after the Chinese class. The trials and errors of parenting. Hopefully I am doing the right thing.

I have to remember to parenting principle of that I read somewhere:

"Establish expectations, rewards and consequences long before iscipline is required."

A good moment and a bad moment all within a day - the roller coaster of parenting.

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