Sunday, 11 March 2018


Frikadeller - Danish Meat Balls with Oats & Wheat Germ

1. 1 packet of minced pork 7% (500g)
2. 1 large onion minced
3. 1 garlic clove minced
4. 1 egg
5. 2 TBS oats
6. 2 TBS ground wheat germ or flour if you don't have wheat germ
7. 150 ml low fat fresh milk
8. 1 tsp salt
9. Dash of pepper

1. Mix all the ingredients together with hands, an electric hand-held mixer or a blender.
2. Rest for 30 mins in the fridge (optional)
3. Form into balls.
4. Pre-heat pan with cooking oil (needs a full layer of oil to cover the pan)
5. Fry on high heat for 30 seconds and quickly reduce to medium heat (otherwise the outside is burned, but the inside is still uncooked).
6. Serve with sprinkle of chives or cucumber.

You can also place in pre-heat oven at 200 degree celsius for 20 minutes or until golden.

Additional Information:
11 March 2018 - Our Little FECS suggested making meat balls today. We baked half of them in the oven and fry half of them. I asked our Little FECS and Daddy FECS if they have any preference, they said both tasted equally good. The ones which were fried were more crunchy, but can also a bit hard, if it is a bit too fried and burnt. Baby FECS liked it too, but preferred the sweet potato fries best of all.


 11 March 2018 (9Y6D): Our Ltittle FECS suggested making Danish meat balls together. Here he is helping to mix them using our hand-mixer :-)

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