Wednesday, 7 October 2020


Diary of a Stay-At-Home-Mom

Dear Little FECS,

Each day, it dons on mommy that in 7 years’ time, mommy will be facing an empty nest. You are 11 years old now. You will leave home at that time when you reach 18 years old.

Time is so short. Only 7 years left...

For this reason, mommy is giving up a glamorous job at the UN, along with the money and the fat pension. And mommy is also giving up any tempting business opportunities that come our way. And thankful to daddy for giving mommy this opportunity to stay at home and to cut down on our standard of living.

But it’s still not easy. As you reach your teenage years, it’s not so easy for mommy to know how to bond with you. Being a Chinese who grew up in Singapore, mommy only knows how to ask you to learn your Chinese and practice your piano. 

Without the distraction of a job, mommy will now take this time to learn. Thank you for being such a good boy. Thank you for wanting still to be with mommy, yet being frustrated at mommy’s lack of ideas on how to spend time together. Yet you never give up. Every night before you sleep, you still say, “Mommy, I love you.”

Mommy keeps that in my heart. Let’s look forward to the next 7 years together, before you head out into the world, more and more on your own.



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