Tuesday, 27 October 2020


Encouragement for Your Marriage: Race to the Cross

Race to the Cross. See who can get there first. 

In our daily lives, sometimes we teach our children, sometimes our children teach us.

It's human nature to want to win.

I often say to our children, "Little FECS, say sorry to your little sister and forgive her. Baby FECS, say sorry to your big brother and forgive him. Let's make a competition. Let's see who can be the first one to say sorry. The first person who says sorry wins."

The other day, Daddy FECS and I had a disagreement over some matter. While I was putting Baby FECS to bed, she said to me (in Mandarin), "Mommy forgives Daddy. Daddy forgives Mommy. Let's make a competition. The one who says I am sorry first wins." 😂

Dear Lord, may You help us to challenge each other to race to the Cross, and see who can get there first. May we win at having a heart of humility. That we may walk our talk, and talk our walk at home.

The Bible says: 
"Outdo one another in showing honor." - Romans 12:10

Chinese Translation:






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