Thursday, 15 September 2016


Babysalmesang & Babyswimming in Copenhagen

Below is a list of the Baby Psalms activities happening in various churches in Copenhagen for free. Babyswimming is in blue and cost 90 DKK per session:

9:45-10:30am: Lyngby Kirke T: 45875376 3/10-7/11 Sign-up required, only for 1 series (Very good)
10-10:45am: Virum Kirke T: 45855715 - Sign-up required (Very good)
10-11:30am: Holte Kirke T: 45422177 (Sign-up required)
11-11:45am: Søllerød Kirke, Søllerødvej 29, 2840 Holte T: 45802203 (12 max.) - Sign-up required - Timeld
11-11.30am: Babytræf 0-6 mdr
11.30-12pm: Babytræf 6-18 mdr

10-11am, 11-12pm: Kristkirken (No sign-up required)
10.30-11am: Christianskirken (6 mths old & up) Chr. X Allé 120 tlf. 45 87 13 98. (No sign up required)
10-11am: Taarbæk Kirke. Tilmeld Charlotte Paaskesen ( T: 39 63 02 71.
10.30-11:15am: Sorgenfri Kirke (tirsdag i lige uger i 2017) Sign-up required
10-12:30pm: Hvidovre Kirke (11-11:40am) (No sign-up required)
10.30-11.30am: Gl. Holte Kirke 30/8-22/11 T: 45892231
10.30-11am: Babytræf 0-6 mdr

10-11am, 11-12pm, 12-1pm: Sct. Andreas Kirke, Gothersgade 148, 1123 Kbh K (No sign-up required) (Very good)
10-11am, 11-12pm: Sct. Matthæus Kirke 0-12 mdr (No sign-up required)
10-10:45am: Lundtofte Kirke (året rundt, Vibeke Nilsson 45 87 78 15) Sign-up required (X)
10:30-11:30: Bistrup Kirke Birkerød Sign-up required

9.30-10.30am: Helligaandskirken på Strøget T: 26710546 (No sign-up required)
10-10:45am: Helleruplund Kirke - Signed up (Very good)
10.30-11.30am: Birkerød Sognegård T: 51622178 Sign-up required (X)
10.30-11am: Babytræf 0-6 mdr
11.30-12pm: Babytræf 6-18 mdr
1.30-2pm: Babytræf 0-6 mdr
2-2.30pm: Babytræf 6-18 mdr

10-11am, 11-12pm, 1-2pm: Mariakirken (No sign-up required), Istedgade 20, 1650 København V 2/12, 9/12, 16/12 (Very good)
10-10:45am: Højdevangskirken Irlandsvej 45, 2300 Kbh S T: 32340253 Tue, Wed & Fri kl. 9-14 (Instructor left). Sign-up required
10-10.30am: Babytræf 0-6 mdr
11-11.30am: Babytræf 0-6 mdr
11.30-12pm: Babytræf 6-18 mdr
12-12.30pm: Babytræf 6-18 mdr

Sunday, 11 September 2016


No-Baked Oatmeal Dough Rolls Coated with Chocolate


1. 1 1/2 banana mashed with fork (Make sure it is ripe, so they will be very sweet) If your bananas are not ripe and sweet enough, you can add maple syrup to sweeten it.
2. 1/3 cup ground oats
3. 1 piece of chocolate chopped
4. A handful sunflower seeds
5. A handful pumpkin seeds
6. 1 tsp chia seeds (optional)
7. 1 tsp wheat germ (optional)
8. 1 tsp brewer's yeast (optional)


1. Grind oats in a blender.
2. Mash bananas with fork
3. Mix all ingredients into a dough.
4. Form into balls and coat with walnuts.
5. Serve with a glass of milk :-)

No-Bake Oatmeal Dough Rolls coated with Walnuts


1. 1 1/2 banana mashed with fork (Make sure it is ripe, so they will be very sweet) If your bananas are not ripe and sweet enough, you can add maple syrup to sweeten it.
2. 1/3 cup ground oats
3. A handful of chopped walnuts
4. A handful sunflower seeds
5. A handful pumpkin seeds
6. 1 tsp chia seeds (optional)
7. 1 tsp wheat germ (optional)
8. 1 tsp brewer's yeast (optional)


1. Grind oats in a blender.
2. Mash bananas with fork
3. Mix all ingredients into a dough.
4. Form into balls and coat with walnuts.
5. Serve with a glass of milk :-)

Homemade Mirror for Baby

Baby Mirror

Age: From 2 months old

Don't throw away your make-up case, wash it, clean it and give it to baby as baby mirror for baby to look at :-)

And with this, you don't need to buy little toy baby mirror as well :-)

When Baby is older, she would love to open and close the compartment...

Our Everyday Mess...

This is what I post in my blog...

This is what it looks like everyday...

Clean again in 5 mins... messy again in 5 mins... clean again in 5 mins... messy again in 5 mins...!!!

Friday, 9 September 2016


A Letter to J

Dear J

Mommy got a call from the after-school care, and Mommy's heart dropped. They said you fell down and injured yourself. Mommy rushed straight to school to pick you up. Thankfully the train came just as Mommy arrived the station.

You fell and was in great pain in your wrist. Mommy brought you to the doctor. You were asked to go to the Emergency Department of the hospital. The doctor said that you broke your right wrist. You were in great pain, but you were very brave.

Oh no, you are a right-hander. There were 100 questions running through Mommy's head, but Mommy did not dare to show her worried face. Will your arm straighten out again? How will it affect you in your old age? Will you be able to write? Will you fall behind your class? Will you be bored in class not being able to write? Will you be able to swim? Will you be able to go to Scouts? Will your hand be strong again? Can you play the piano again - the piano teacher reminded Mommy and you that as a pianist, you should never injure your hands. And now this happened..

You asked if Mommy or Daddy ever broke any arm or leg, and how it will all turned out? You asked the questions that Mommy were asking in her head. No, Mommy and Daddy had not broke any arm or leg before. If Mommy could, Mommy will take your place and save you from your pain.

Mommy is not a Wonder Woman. No matter how much Mommy wants to, Mommy could not be there to protect you all the time. Mommy needs to rely on God and His Sovereign wisdom.

Mommy said, "Don't worry my baby, all will be well again. God will restore you, after you have suffered for a little while."

You asked why did God allow it. In the middle of the rush to hospital and the chaos, Mommy didn't have a chance to give you a proper answer.

My son, God allows us to go through things to strengthen us. Mommy prays that God will use this to build your character. God will turn the bad things in life for good. We need to trust Him.

Why did God allow this to happen?

1. God can use it to build your character - to build your humility, your patience and your empathy.

2. It helps you empathize with the handicapped, the old, the afflicted and those who are even more unfortunate than us.

3. So that you can comfort others, from the comfort you receive from God.

"He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us." - 2 Corinthians 1:4

4. It helps you to be grateful for your hands.

5. It gives Mommy and Daddy a chance to be extra sweet to you, creating lasting memories.

7. It helps you to understand how wonderful it is to be able to play, write, play piano, go for swimming class, go to Scouts.

8. It helps you understand what boredom is.

9. It helps Mommy to be less kiasu as it puts a break on all the academic pursuit.

10. It gives you a chance to relax and watch more cartoons.

11. It gives you a chance to slow down and reflect.

12. It gives Mommy a chance to slow down and reflect.

13. It gives your left hand a chance to train itself. Your right hand will be sad, but your lef hand will be very happy :-)

14. It gives God a chance to work His might.

Oh my son, my son, I am so heart pain, I am so heart pain...

But when this is over, God will restore you, my son, God will restore you. Trust in Him and in His goodness.

"And we know that in all things work for the good of those who love Him." - Romans 8:28

Thursday, 8 September 2016


How To Encourage Baby to Lie On Tummy & Lift Head?

Here comes the sight-seeing pram... :-)

So often, Baby lies passively in the pram. I have not been using the pram as frequently, but I have been carrying her in the baby carrier that I wear. Then I suddenly thought of trying the pram this way by putting Baby on her tummy, and I love it. Here are the benefits:

1. It is good exercise for Baby, even better than baby activity gym. It gives Baby an interesting view of the world and will encourage Baby to lift his/her head up in order to get a better view.

2. It prevents flat head

3. I don't have to carry Baby all the time

4. Baby is happier to accept lying on her tummy (although I don't have this problem with Baby C, as she prefers to lie on her tummy than her back).

I should have thought of using the pram this way 7 years ago, as J absolutely disliked lying on his tummy. This would have encourage him to do so.

Well, better late than never!

Here is a video showing how much Baby FECS (3M12D) enjoyed observing the world goes by this way:


J's Lunch Box

8 September 2016 (7Y6M3D): The state of J's lunch box after C was born... back to the simplest basic...

Monday, 5 September 2016


Homemade Mobile for Baby

Homemade mobile that allows you the flexibility of changing the display of toys.

Made from IKEA's clothes hanger (29 DKK/5.90 SGD). Idea credit

Test by lying down and see if the toys are turning at the right position that is interesting for the baby. The toys should be facing baby.

The homemade mobile view from the side...

 4 September 2016 (15W7D): Trying it out with Baby C... she preferred to look how it rotates from the side through the side mirror...

 4 September 2016 (15W7D): Baby C started to look at the toys

  4 September 2016 (15W7D): Baby C tries to grasp the toys...

 4 September 2016 (15W7D): It worked, Baby C is looking intensely at the toys... :-)

Sunday, 4 September 2016


A Letter to Pa

Dear Pa

J asked me to take out the set of walkie-talkies you gave him three years ago. His classmates are crazy with walkie-talkies right now. He wanted to bring them to school. I took them out and thought of you. Your face will light up seeing J so happy playing with it. We weren't think of buying walkie-talkies as toys for J, but you had the foresight o know that it would be fun for him. J can write a little now and he wrote a letter with my help to thank you. It took him quite some time to write the letter. Today we continued with the letter, he was willing to and we completed it. Wished you were here to read it. I asked Jesus if He could show you the letter. You are dearly missed, Pa, you are dearly missed...
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