Tuesday, 6 July 2021


Encouragement for Your Marriage: Grace-in-action


When one of you acts in a short-tempered or selfish way, grace in action can be as simple as holding your tongue, giving a hug, or offering a word of encouragement.

According to www.familylife.com, when one of you acts in a short-tempered or selfish way, the other has a choice: Give judgment or show grace.

Which would you rather receive?

Grace in action can be as simple as holding your tongue, giving a hug, or offering a word of encouragement.

Grace approaches life with understanding as its goal rather than proving yourself right and the other person wrong.

Would you like to have a grace-filled marriage?

Its heartbeat trusts in God to work everything for His good purposes. It allows room for successes, failures, and even occasional defeat.

You may ask why should you be the first to change? Or you may feel that you have changed so much, but your spouse hasn't.

Remember that Jesus died an unfair death for sinners, giving us an example to follow. By His sacrifice, He showcased grace for us. In a grace-filled marriage, you care more about your spouse than yourself. 

Lay down your life and die to yourself. Race to the Cross. See who can get there first. Outdo one another at showing honor, grace and humility. Do what's right rather than to be right.

"God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." - Romans 5:8

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