Sunday 30 April 2017


C Summary (11M15D): Baby FECS' First Lunch Box - Heart

Rye bread spread with broccoli puree, (green) sweet corn puree (yellow), chicken puree (white) and red pepper bell puree (red)

It's gonna be BABY FECS first day at vuggestue (day care) tomorrow. Will she cry? Will she get used to it? Maybe she wouldn't cry, but I will be the one to shed tears... tears of goodbye to her babyhood. I guess I will survive. After all, I have survived the day, when our Little FECS started daycare for the first time, right. I prepared her first lunch box tonight. Daddy FECS said over dinner that tomorrow marks a new chapter of our lives... Baby FECS will have her own activities and I will have my life back. I am filled with nostalgia for the last 11 months, since Baby FECS was born. It had passed by so fast, or maybe I have just zombied through it, half-awake and half-asleep, constantly lacking sleep with more things to do that time available.

I have felt that I have gotten nothing much done for the last 11 months, apart from getting Baby FECS to sleep and eat, and if I have a bit of energy left, to play with her (hardly) and bring her out.

With this new change, in fact, Daddy FECS has already handed me a new assignment - to clean the home, since our cleaning help has quit. Talk about getting my life back!!!

I am not so worried about Baby FECS not being able to adjust to day care. I am more worried about me. Would I be able to get used to it?

What shall I packed for a baby of 11 months old?

I prepared a similar lunchbox for our Little FECS, when he started vuggestue at 10 months old. So I repeated the same thing that I have done.

I also packed all her favorite food - strawberry, blueberries, sweet corn and her absolute favorite - goji berries (if I don' stop her, she can eat the whole packet!!!)

This is the very first lunch box I have made for Baby FECS. It will be very memorable to look back at it years from now.

How much time did I spend on it?

I have to confess, two full hours -  after Baby FECS went to bed from 7.30-9.30pm.

 First layer clockwise from left: Sweet corn, green peas, shredded carrots, apple slices without skin, blueberries.

The vuggestue told us during the first meeting that we have to peel the skin off apples and cucumber, since they can't bite it and are choking hazard. They also told us that raw carrots should not be included, since they are choking hazards.

I wanted her to get used to eating raw carrots, but raw carrots are too hard. It was actually our Little FECS who gave me this idea, when he made the carrot salad (which he learned from his after-school care) for us a couple of weeks ago. So I shredded the carrots for Baby FECS.

2nd layer clockwise from left: Rye bread and goji berries.

I have included sunflowers seeds and pumpkin seeds (since she still can't eat whole nuts yet).

I know I am going a bit overboard. Baby FECS is not going to finish such a big lunch box.

P.S. Ideas for future variation:

Boiled egg, cucumber without skin, small boiled chicken pieces, raisin, pear without skin, mango, water-melon, honey-dew, raspberries with raisins...

Saturday 29 April 2017


Easy Tomato Beetroot Soup

1. 1 packet of cherry tomatoes (500g)
2. 1 carrot chopped large
3. 1 beetroot chopped large
4. 1 parsley root chopped large
5. 1 onion
6. 1 clove garlic
7. 1 slice ginger (optional)
8. 1 TBS olive oil
9. 1 tsp salt
10. 600ml water

1. Add all the ingredients into the Philips soupmaker.
2. Close the lid and choose the cream soup setting.
3. The soupmaker will beep in 23 minutes and the soup is done :-)

Additional Information:
Daddy FECS made this soup for a light dinner tonight. I loved it so much that I asked him how he made it and quickly jot it down before I forget.

We garnished it with roasted green peas snack I made the other day and crispy spaghetti - we had some left over spaghetti and roasted it on a heated pan (no. 6 on my stove) with some oil. The garnish provided an interesting and contrasting texture to the soup.

If you don't have a soupmaker, you can blend the soup together with a blender.

Friday 28 April 2017


Pan-grilled Califlower

1. A handful of cauliflower florets
2. 2 cloves garlic chopped
3. 1 TBS cooking oil
4. Salt & pepper to taste

1. Heat skillet with cooking oil.
2. Add cauliflower florets.
3. After 1 min until it is a little charred, turn over and fry the other side until a little charred.
4. Season with salt & pepper and serve :-)

Additional Information:
I made this for dinner this evening together with the beef steaks. After frying the cauliflowers, I pushed it to the side, add oil, fry some garlic and add the beef steaks. When the beef steaks are done, I moved the steaks to the side of the skillet, and moved the cauliflowers to the middle to absorb the sauce from the beef steaks. I served this with sweet potato sauce, a raw cauliflower salad on the side and cauliflower cream soup. It's surely a cauliflower theme dinner!!! So that was my experiment with the different way of eating cauliflowers all in a day. Mr. FECS enjoyed the dinner, and didn't complained that it was too much cauliflowers :-)

That's our dinner tonight: Pan-grilled cauliflower served with beef steaks and sweet potato sauce, raw cauliflower salad on the side and cauliflower cream soup.

Thursday 27 April 2017


Baby Activities in Copenhagen & Greater Copenhagen (Babysalmesang/Babytræf)

The following is a list of baby activities made for myself in Copenhagen and greater Copenhagen. Babysalmesang is a form of baby music offered free by the Danish churches. Some required per-sign-up, some does not required that. Baby FECS enjoyed it a lot.

Babytræf is baby-swimming and it cost 95 DKK at Kildeskovshallen Gentofte. Baby FECS just love it as she loves being in the water.

• 9:45-10:30am: Babysalmesang Lyngby Kirke (Very good quality) (Sign-up required)
• 10-10:45am: Babysalmesang Virum Kirke T: 45855715 (Very good quality) (Sign-up required)
• 10-11:30am: Babysalmesang Holte Kirke T: 45422177 (Sign-up required)
• 11:30-12:15pm: Babysalmesang Søllerød Kirke Søllerødvej 29, 2840 Holte T: 45802203 (12 max.) (Sign-up required)
• 11-11.30am: Baby-swimming, Kildeskovshallen Gentofte (0-6 mdr)

• 9-12.30 Blegdamsremisen indendørs legeplads legestue 0-3 år (No sign-up required)
• 10-10.45am: Babysalmesang Kristkirken 0-5 mdr (No sign-up required)
• 10.30-11am: Babysalmesang Christianskirken 6 mths old baby Chr. X Allé 120 tlf. 45 87 13 98 (No sign-up required)
• 10-10:45am: Babysalmesang Sorgenfri Kirke (alternate week) (Sign-up required)
• 10-12:30pm: Babysalmesang Hvidovre Kirke (11-11:40am) (No sign- up required)
• 10.30-11.30am: Babysalmesang Gl. Holte Kirke T: 45892231 (Sign-up required)
• 10-10:30: Baby-swimming, Kildeskovshallen Gentofte (0-6 mdr)

• 10-10.45am: Babysalmesang Sct. Andreas Kirke 4-12 mdr, Gothersgade 148, 1123 Kbh K (No sign-up required) (Very good quality)
• 10-10.45am: Babysalmesang Sct. Matthæus Kirke 0-12 mdr (No sign-up required)
• 10-10:45am: Babysalmesang Babysalmesang
• 10:30-11:15: Bistrup Kirke Birkerød (Sign-up required)
• 11-11.45am: Babysalmesang Sct. Andreas Kirke 4-12 mdr, Gothersgade 148, 1123 Kbh K (No sign-up required) (Very good quality)
• 12-12.45pm: Babysalmesang Sct. Andreas Kirke 0-5 mdr, Gothersgade 148, 1123 Kbh K (No sign-up required) (Very good quality)

• 9-12.30 Blegdamsremisen indendørs legeplads legestue 0-3 år (No sign-up required)
• 9:30 - 10:15am: Babysalmesang Helligaandskirken T: 33 15 41 44
• 10-10:45am: Babysalmesang Helleruplund Kirke Signed up (Very good quality)
• 10.30-11.15 am: Babysalmesang Birkerød Sognegård T: 51622178 18/8-6/10 Sign-up required
• 10.30-11am: Baby-swimming, Kildeskovshallen Gentofte (0-6 mdr)
•  1.30-2pm: Baby-swimming, Kildeskovshallen Gentofte (0-6 mdr)

• 10-10.45am: Babysalmesang Babysalmesang Mariakirken (No sign-up required), Istedgade 20, 1650 København V
• 10.00 - 10.45am: Music and Movement is for babies, toddlers, preschoolers40 DKK for non-members. No need to book, just turn up! Østerbro International School, Rygårds Allé 131, 2900 Hellerup
• 11-11.45am: Babysalmesang Babysalmesang Mariakirken (No sign-up required), Istedgade 20, 1650 København V
• 1-1.145pm: Babysalmesang Babysalmesang Mariakirken (No sign-up required), Istedgade 20, 1650 København V
• 10-10:45am: Babysalmesang Højdevangskirken Irlandsvej 47, 2300 Kbh S T: 32340253 Tue, Wed & Fri kl. 9-14
• 10-10:30: Baby-swimming, Kildeskovshallen Gentofte (0-6 mdr)
• 11-11.30am: Baby-swimming, Kildeskovshallen Gentofte (0-6 mdr)

• 11-11.50am: Babymusik 1-3 yr old 120 kr. Brolæggerstræde 14 b., 1211 Kbh.K



Cauliflower Snack

Ingredients & Directions:
1. A few raw cauliflower florets sliced thin using mandolin
2. A drizzle of olive oil
3. Salt & pepper to taste
4. A few drops of sweet potato sauce
5. A bit of thyme as garnish

Additional Information:
I am always in search of healthy pre-dinner snack for our Little FECS when he comes home from school hungry, but it is not dinner time yet. This is a simple snack I got inspired and adapted from our experience at Laboca.

I am not sure if our Little FECS would like it, but at least I like it a lot, so I can serve as a role model for him. After all, aren't eating habits acquired from homes?

If he doesn't eat it, I will just keep it for our dinner to serve as a side dish. I am sure Daddy FECS would gladly finish it :-)

This is another way of eating the cauliflower and including it in our diet.


Easy Cauliflower Cream Soup

Serves 4

1. 1 whole head of cauliflower without the leaves (500g)
2. 1 large onion quartered
3. 2 cloves garlic peeled
4. 2 TBS olive oil
5. 1 TBS butter (optional)
6. 2 tsp salt to taste
7. 600-700 ml water (the minimum or maximum marking in the soupmaker)
8. 250 ml fresh milk or 100ml cream (piskefløde) (optional)
9. A bit of thyme for garnish (optional)

1. Wash and cut cauliflowers into florets.
2. Add all the ingredients (except milk or cream) into the Philips soupmaker.
3. Close the lid and choose the cream soup setting.
4. The soupmaker will beep in 23 minutes and the soup is done :-)
5. If you like it even more creamy, transfer to a pot, add fresh milk or cream, stir to mix well and heat up until it slightly bubbles (optional)
6. Garnish with thyme, serve with bread as a starter or a light dinner and enjoy :-)

Additional Information:
I fell in love with cauliflower white sauce that we tried at the Laboca restaurant. A check at recipes online shows all shows a generous use of butter required, some uses the whole tub of butter!!! Alas, I decided to skip making cauliflower sauce, as it would be too tempting for me or my family to finish all the sauce, thus consuming one whole tub of butter, not the kind of food taste buds I would like to develop in our kids. Since I love soup, I decided to settle for this healthier cauliflower cream soup instead, that uses only 1 tablespoon of butter, and it is even optional.

I use water instead of chicken stock for this batch, and it tasted super for me. The whole head of cauliflower provided sufficient vegetable stock for this soup.

It is 100 ml extra to the maximum marking of the soupmaker.


Add all the ingredients (except milk or cream) into the Philips soupmaker.

  Blend all ingredients in the Phillips Soup maker

Now is done :-)

Wednesday 26 April 2017


WestMarket Copenhagen

We had our date day today, which we call our FECS Day :-) Today, Mr. FECS suggested that we visit the recently opened WestMarket at Vesterbrogade Copenhagen. A perfect choice and really fun to be a tourist for a day and try out new places in Copenhagen :-) It was also raining, so it was good that it was indoors. It was our first time there. 

Here is the link to their website: 

Here is the address:
Vesterbrogade 97
Copenhagen, Denmark

We told the S-train into town. Baby FECS was crying and couldn't go down for her nap, so we decided to walk from Nørreport down Strøget the pedestrian street and took our own sweet time for a long walk to the WestMarket. Baby FECS fell aslep at 12pm. 

It is like a gourmet food court with different restaurants, delicacy stores and also two supermarket. It is very suitable for mother's group, as high chairs are provided. We actually see many Danish mothers with their babies having a cozy time here.

  We had lunch at the Laboca - highly recommended.
The Chef and his assistant seemed very passionate about their work and creation.

We tried the Danish tartar dish - it was simply heavenly, the best, a must try.

 We tried the pork cheeks dish and it was very delicious too. It came with sweet potato chips that they made it themselves - really good. It was our first time trying sweet potato chips and I couldn't wait to go home to try to make them myself. It was also our first time trying the sweet potato sauce that came with it. I must say, the Danes are very creative with their dishes and with using natural ingredients.

This is the cauliflower dish, yet another interesting and delicious dish that provided inspiration for my dinner-making for our kids. They grilled the cauliflower on the pan. They also ct thinly raw cauliflower and dressed with their own homemade spinach sauce, cauliflower sauce and lemon sauce - all simply just puree. It gave me inspiration what I could make out of baby puree food that I made for Baby FECS and turn them into nutritious and delicious sauce. 

I went home and tried making the sweet potato sauce myself, although I haven't quite figured out how to make the spinach sauce. Their spinach sauce looked very bright green. I suspected that they added some color to it? Didn't really have the guts to ask them though.

The dessert Churros with chocolate sauce wasn't so special or fantastic though.

Lastly, here is a little picture of us for memory :-)

Sweet Potato Sauce & Dip

1. 1 packet of 500g sweet potatoes washed and peeled
2. 2 TBS olive oil
3. 1 TBS butter
4. Salt to taste
5. 1 clove garlic pressed or 1 TBS garlic oil (optional)

1. To make the puree, pre-heat oven to 180 degree celsius and bake sweet potatoes for 45 mins until soft.
2. Cut and scoop out the cooked soft sweet potato puree with a spoon.
3. Blend with olive oil, butter and garlic in the blender until pureed.
4. Serve as dip or sauce for your beef steaks, salad or bread-

Additional Information:

This is actually a baby sweet potato puree. Daddy FECS and I had our FECS day today, and went to the recently opened West Market in Copenhagen. We tried sweet potato sauce for the first time at Laboca restaurant and it tasted very delicious. The chef told us that it is sweet potato puree which he made himself.

So next time if Baby FECS doesn't want to eat her sweet potato puree, I won't feel so sad, tired and disappointed for the wasted work and time. I will simply improvise it into a sauce for our steaks :-)

 Picture before oven (I forgot to take a picture after oven)

Cut and scoop out the cooked soft sweet potato puree with a spoon and blend with olive oil, butter, salt and garlic in the blender until pureed.

Crispy Sweet Potato Chips

The yield is more than this, but a mouse (J) at home came and stole it :-)

Makes 3 trays

Preparation & Cook Time: 45 minutes

1. 3 sweet potatoes
2. 2 TBS olive oil (optional)

1. Pre-heat oven to 180 degree celsius.
2. Wash, peel and pat dry sweet potatoes with a fresh kitchen towel.
3. Slice sweet potatoes thinly using a mandolin.
4. In a mixing bowl, toss and mix them well with olive oil (or you can brush them with olive oil after spreading them out on the baking tray).
5. Lay them without overlapping on a baking tray laid with baking paper.
6. Bake for 10 mins. Check after 10 mins. Remove the smaller ones that are done and put the tray back into the oven. 
7. If needed, bake for another 2-5 mins or until golden and crispy, but not brown. Keep an eye to prevent burnt.
8. Remove from oven and serve :-)

Additional Information:
For it to be crispy, it is important that it is very thin and dry. For each sweet potato, I use 2 teaspoons of olive oil. One sweet potato fill one baking tray.

We made this for the first time today. J really loved it. It is very easy and nutritious. If you are making for babies or toddlers, you can also bake it without the olive oil. It is still delicious, though without the shinning oiled look.

I had made potato chips before. Just yesterday, I was thinking if I could use the same method to make sweet potato chips. But a search on the internet turned out zero. We had our FECS day today, and we went to the recently opened West Market in Copenhagen. We tried sweet potato chips for the first time at Laboca restaurant and it tasted very delicious. The chef told us that he made it himself by deep-frying the sweet potato slices himself. We have two packets of sweet potatoes sitting at home, so I thought I will go home and try it, but I will try it in the oven instead.

The sweet potato chips we tried today at Laboca at West Market :-)

 Add 1 TBS olive oil, toss and mix well with a spoon or

 Brush them with olive oil

 Bake for 10-15 mins. Check after 10 mins. Remove the smaller ones that are done and put the tray back into the oven.

Enjoy :-)

Tuesday 25 April 2017


C Summary (1M10D)

25 APril 2017 (11M10D): Willing to sign for "more" for the first time

First a little tantrum, then deep in thoughts, and finally willing to sign for "more"

Monday 24 April 2017


Roasted Crunchy Edamame

Makes 2 trays

1. 1 packet of frozen shelled edamame
2. 2 tsp olive oil
3. 1 tsp salt (optional)

1. Preheat your oven to 375 degree F (190 degrees C).
2. Thaw the frozen edamame under running water to melt any ice crystals and pat dry.
3. In a mixing bowl, add edamame, olive oil and salt and mix well.
4. Spread them in one even layer without overlapping on a baking tray lined with baking paper.
5. Bake for 30 mins until the edamame puff and turn golden.
6. Cool, serve or store in air-tight container.

Additional Information:
They are best if eaten within a few hours of roasting, if you love them crunchy. They lose their crunch by the following day, although they will still taste great.


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