Sunday, 23 April 2017


Økodag 2017 - Lundholm Farm

Baby FECS has recently showed keen interest in books, especially books with animals. She would bring the book to me and gestured me to read to her. She would point to the animals. So I really wanted to bring her to the zoo and the farm. We did the zoo last weekend. So this weekend, we thought of bringing Baby FECS to the farm to see, touch and smell some farm animals. Today is the perfect day actually, as it is økodag. Alas, it was hard for us to get out of the doors early... by the time we arrived, it was just past 12pm. Baby FECS fell asleep in the pram just as we arrived the field, the cows were just let out. So we missed the Dancing cows. But we still had a great time educating our Little FECS about the cows, enjoying free ice-cream and bringing home some free organic dairy products. As we got back to the car, Baby FECS woke up at around 1.30pm. So we drove back to the farm to show Baby FECS the cows. The good thing is that by then, most people had left, and we have the whole farm to ourselves, without people blocking our views of the animals. 

So that's that, Baby FECS first visit to the farm and first time meeting a cow :-)

What is Økodag? 

Each spring, the organic cows are being let out into the open, after staying for a long period indoors during winter. It is called "Økodag" meaning the "Organic Day" in Danish. Here is the official website where you can learn more (but it is in Danish):

The event is from 10am to 2pm.

The cows are so excited and happy to be free that the Danes call them "The Dancing Cows." The participating farms will let out the cows at 12pm. It would be good to go there in good time, as it takes some time to walk from the parking to the farmhouse and the fields where the cows are being let out. 

You can go early in the morning at 9.30am, see the animals and then go home after seeing the dancing cows at 12pm. However, it will be very crowded with people, and chances are, it is hard for you to get up-close and personal with the animals. If you stay on after 12pm, the crowds started to thin, and by 1.30pm, you have the whole farm to yourselves to enjoy, well, almost :-)

This spring, we chose the farm nearest to us, called Lundholm, about 28 km from our place and 45 mins drive away. It is located at:

Præstehøjvej 12
3320 Skævinge

At Lundholm, your children can:
1) See the dancing cows being let out to the field
2) Learn about the cows and their different stage of development i.e. new born baby cows and their mum, infant cows, baby cows, "kindergarten-age" cows, "school-age" cows and "teenage" cows (see pictures below)
3) Play at the hay playground
4) Get on a farm truck
5) Enjoy free ice-cream
6) Bring back free organic milk, yogurt, etc.
7) Buy organic grilled sausage 35 DKK, hot chocolate 15 DKK, enjoy a piece of cake 25 DKK

It is a little different at every farm. At some farms, the kids can also pet some baby goats and sheeps (this farm only has baby cows).
At some farms, you don't get free organic products, but you can buy them.

This farm is very organised. It starts by introducing the mother cow and its new born baby.

 This is a special area where the mother cow which just gave birth rest and recuperate with her new born. So sweet and heart-warming, as you could see from the expression of J taking a photo with them :-)

 This is the stable with two baby cows less than 1 week old

 This is the stable with two baby cows less than 1 week old

Close-up of these baby cows less than one week old... wow!

Next to it is the stable with baby cows between 1 week to 30 days old

 Here is the stable for "kindergarten-age" cows from 30 days old to 5 months old.

Here is the stable for "school-age" cows from 5 months old to 13 months old

Here is the stable for the "teenage" cows from 13 months old to 17 months old 

This is the play area made of hay for the children to climb and burn their energy

Here are the farm trucks that the children can climb up and sit

 Baby FECS (11M8D)

We enjoyed the free organic ice-cream :-) 

The Danes bringing their picnic blanket and lunch pack on the grass... it was still very cold though - 8 degree celsius!

You get to bring home some free organic dairy products... milk, yogurt, cheese...

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