Sunday 30 October 2011


Arranging 123s/Nummersortering/字母分类[zì mu fēn lèi]

Age: From 2.5 years old

Activity Duration: 10-15 minutes

1. To train the child’s fine motor skills.
2. To teach numeral recognition in a fun way.

1. 1 container of numeral magnets
2. 1 whyte board

1. Arrange the numbers in a row on the whyte board from 0 - 9.

2. Introduce the number by pointing to them one-by-one or by singing the number song and pointing to them one-by-one on the whyte board.

3. Demonstrate to your child by looking for the '1's for example in the container and placing them in a line below the first '1' or asking your child to pick a number and find the place where it belongs on the whyte board.

4. Encourage your child to try to with all the other letters.

5. As your child place the number, encourage him to say the name of the number.

Cost: Alphabet magnets: 27.04 GBP (55 SGD) (I believe you can get these much cheaper in Singapore).

Additional Information:
This is a  variation of the arranging letter activity. J (2Y7M25D) tried this today and he enjoyed it. He completed arranging all the numerals in the containers, but with some help and hints from me, such as, to turn the number to face the right way.

You can also buy the letter magnets and the whiteboard from Amazon:

Friday 28 October 2011


Montessori Activity: Sorting Animal-Shaped Pasta

Age: From 2 years old

Activity Duration: 5 -15 minutes


1. To train the child’s fine motor skills
2. To teach colors


1. 1 container containing animal-shaped pasta
2. 4-5 small bowls of same color to sort the animal-shaped pasta (1 bowl for the broken pieces)
3. 1 pincer (optional)
4. 1 tray

* It is important that the color of the 4 small bowls are the same, so as not to confuse the child that it is number sorting and not color sorting.


1. Demonstrate to your child by sorting one set of the animal-shaped pasta - horse, cow, rabbit and duck into each of the small bowls.

2. As you go along, count or recite the name of the animal.

3. Encourage your child to try.

4. Pour back all the blocks into the big bowl and repeat the game.

Additional Information:

A sweet friend of mine, Jenny, gave J some of the animal-shaped pasta today. J came home from the daycare, and picked it immediately for Montessori this evening. I let him try by picking with the pincer at first, but he got impatient and used his hands. He (2Y7M23D) sorted the animals though, so my objective has been met :-)

Sunday 23 October 2011


Lesson Plan: Obedience - 23rd October 2011

Jonah & the Whale Sensory Tub
Lesson Plan
FIBC Nursery (0-4 years old)

Date: 23rd October 2011, Time: 1 – 2.30pm
Theme: God wants people to do what he says

Bible Verse: Acts 5:29 “We must obey God.” Exodus 20:1-7

Teachers: Elaine, VK and Gina

12.45 – 1pm: Preparation Time

·         Teachers to arrive 15 minutes earlier to prepare and set up the room.
·         Bring a jug of water.
·         Mark Attendance.
·         Fill in Food Allergy Alert Chart for new children.
·         Teachers to pray for class that is about to take place.

1-1.30pm: Early Arrivers Activities

Say: “How many commandments did God give to Moses? Can you count with your fingers 1 - 10?”

Say: “We have rules all around us. I have some signs here that your parents may have given you.”

Say: “Why do our mom and dad give us rules? Why does God give us rules?” To keep us safe and help us have a good life.

Say: “What would happen if we didn’t have rules?”

Activity 3: Folding Paper Boat and putting it on Basin of Water

Say: “We are going to make a boat that Jonah boarded.”

Activity 4: Dressing Up Lego Man as Jonah

Say: “What are some of the chores your mom and dad would like you to help? Helping to set the table, sweep the floor, dress-up, etc. We are going to practice dressing-up by dressing Jonah.”

Activity 5: Sweeping Oatmeal

Say: “What are some of the chores your mom and dad would like you to help? Helping to set the table, sweep the floor, dress-up, etc. We are going to practice sweeping and cleaning up.”

Activity 6: Printing Shapes with Water-colours

1.30 – 1.40pm: Bible Story Time

Bible Story: Jonah & the Whale (Jonah 1 - 4)

God said to Jonah “Go to Nineveh and do what I say. The people there are wicked. I want them to obey.”

But Jonah boarded a ship and sailed the other way. (Paper boat with Jonah Lego man basin of water.)

God sent a windstorm to shake up the boat. So Jonah told the sailors to throw him overboard. The wind stopped blowing and the waves stopped rolling. (Fan/paper to create wind or simply blow on the boat.)

But down, down, down went Jonah, till a big fish swallowed him (bath toy fish or orange juice container turned into big fish.) For 3 days and 3 nights he stayed that way, till he prayed for help and promised to obey.

“Thank you, God, for saving me." said Jonah, "I will do what you say.”

The fish threw Jonah up  and tossed him on dry land. (Throw Jonah Lego man out of the container onto the dry floor.)

God said to Jonah, "I want them to repent, so go preach to Nineveh." And this time Jonah went.

Jonah told the people to repent. The people said sorry to God, turned from their bad ways and obeyed.

God forgave the people and they gave God their praise.

Say: “Have you ever done something wrong and then tried to cover it up or go hide in your room and hope that your mom and dad wouldn't get to mad when they found out? If you did, you were acting just like Jonah. It doesn't do any good to hide does it? Sooner or later you have to face up to what you did.”

Say: “You may be able to hide things from your parents and friends, but you can't hide them from God. The Bible says, "Nothing in all creation can hide from him. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes. This is the God to whom we must explain all that we have done."

Say: “When you do something wrong, instead of trying to forget about it, or hiding from it, God wants you to tell him about it, and to ask him for forgiveness. The Bible tells us that, "If we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong." 1 John 1:9. So instead of trying to hide your sins from God, tell God what you did wrong and he will forgive you.”

Bible Verses: Acts 5:29 “We must obey God.”

Ask the children to recite it one-by-one Acts 5:29 “We must obey God”.

1.40 – 1.50pm: Singing

Introduce the key Bible Verses with musical instruments, hand motions and songs as follows:

·         Obedience Song 1
·         Obedience Song 2
·         Obey, Obey the Lord
·         O-B-E-Y

1.50 – 2pm: Snack Time

Activity 7: Table-Setting with Paper Plates, Forks, Knives and Spoons

·         Gather the children to set the table.
·         Say: “God wants us to honour our parents. How can you honour your parents? By doing what our mom and dad tell us to do. What are some of the chores your mom and dad would like you to help? Helping to set the table, sweep the floor, dress-up, etc. Can you help teacher to set the table? Let’s do it together.”
·         Sing the “Say Grace Song
·         Evaluation: Have the children state any of the 10 Commandments that they can remember.

2 – 2.15pm: Physical Game Time

Activity 8: Hitting the 10 Commandments Balloons

·         Tie 10 balloons on a string and number them 1-10.
·         Invite the children to take turn to hit it.
·         Each time a number is hit, bring up the corresponding flag and read out the commandment written on the flag.
·         The 10 commandments (children’s version) as follows:

1.     Love God
2.     Don’t worship other gods
3.     Respect God’s name
4.     Rest on Sunday
5.     Love your mom and dad
6.     Don’t hurt anyone
7.     Keep your ways pure
8.     Don’t steal
9.     Always tell the truth
10.  Don’t wish for your friend’s toys

Say: “How many commandments did God give to Moses? Can you count with your fingers 1 - 10?”

·         Let the children take turns throwing their dolls into the whale (made of empty plastic orange juice jug).

2.15 – 2.30pm: Clean up Time

·         Say: “What are some of the chores your mom and dad would like you to help? Helping to set the table, sweep the floor, dress-up, etc. We are going to clean up together now.”
·         Clean up together and sing the song “Time to Clean Up

2.30pm: Parents pick up kids

- My Read and Rhyme Bible Storybook by Crystal Bowman & Cindy Kenney
- The Rhyme Bible Storybook by L.J. Sattgast

Parent Newsletter

October 23, 2011

Dear Parent

Concept Area

This week we focus on God – God Wants Us to Do What He Says.
Your child will bring back a 10 Commandments Mini-booklet he/she coloured during the class. You can use it at home to teach your child the 10 commandments.

Bible Verse

The Bible verse used is Acts 5:29 “We must obey God.” You can recite this verse to your child at home during the week.

Bible Story

We told the story to the children about Jonah and the Whale from Jonah 1-4. You can read about the story (children’s version) here:


We sang songs on obedience. You can learn it here and sing it together with your child at home:


We played with activities that touched on rules that God created such as the 10 commandments and chores that God wants us to obey, such as honouring and helping our parents.

We hope this helps you to keep up with the education your child received at the nursery this Sunday.
Thank you for entrusting your child with us.

In His Service,
FIBC Nursery


Obedience Song 1
Obedience is the very best way
To show that you believe
Doing exactly what the Lord commands and doing it happily
Action is the key
Do it immediately
And joy you will receive

Obedience is the very best way
To show that you believe
Obedience is the very best way
To show that you believe

Video Demonstration:

Obedience Song 2
Obedience is listening attentively,
Obedience will take instructions joyfully,
Obedience heeds wishes of authority,
And obedience will follow orders instantly,

For when I am busy at my work or play,
And someone calls my name,
I'll answer right away,
I'll be ready with a smile
To go the extra mile,
As soon as I can say "Yes sir," Yes ma'am"

Video Demonstration:

Obey, Obey the Lord
Obey, obey
Obey, obey
Obey, obey
Obey the Lord (2x)
We can choose to listen to and obey God
We can choose to follow all His rules
We can choose to do what’s right even when it’s hard
We will obey

Video Demonstration:

O-B-E-Y obey your Mom and Dad
O-B-E-Y make them very glad
Listen to the words they say
Obey your parents every day.
O-B-E-Y obey your Mom and Dad

Video Demonstration:

Say Grace Song
Thank you for the world so sweet, Ho Hum
Thank you for the the food we eat, Yum Yum
Thank you for the birds that sing a-ling-a-ling
Thank you God for everything, Amen!

Time to Clean Up
Time to Clean Up (2X)
Boys and Girls (2X)
When we are good helpers (2X)
God is glad (2X)

Saturday 22 October 2011


Montessori Activity: Jonah & the Whale Sensory Box

Jonah & the Whale Sensory Tub

Age: From 2.5 years old

Activity Duration: 5 - 15 minutes


1. Transparent Smartbox B39xL50xH26cm tub half-filled with water (water not shown on picture)
2. Lego figurines dressed in homemade traditional costumes, one of the figures representing Jonah
3. Used empty orange juice plastic bottle for the big fish or whale
4. Paper boat
5. Throw in a water-can to create "rain", fan to fan the "windstorm", scoop, etc. for play


1. This sensory tub goes very well with the biblical story of Jonah and the whale (Jonah 1-4).  Talk about the story as you go along. You can find the story here.
2. Fold the paper boat together with your child.
3. Dress the legoman into Jonah by using a new rug, cut into small rectangular, and a small round hole for the head and then tie the waist with string.
4. Let your child scoop, toss Jonah and catch it with the fish, etc.

Additional Information:

I was preparing for the Bible Story nursery lesson for tomorrow, and it led to the creation of this sensory tub for October. I cut out the mouth of the fish from the plastic bottle big enough to swallow Jonah Legoman.. Instructions on how to make the fish is here. I was very nervous about drawing and cutting the mouth for the fish. Daddy was beside me to give me courage. Thank God it all went well, in that it is still a decent fish with a mouth big enough to swallow Jonah :-) Can't imagine that I am becoming jacks of all trade, after J was born, and in the process, I have learned to do many things far more challenging than my professional work. I have not attempted to draw for so many years!!! Ah, the joy and challenges of motherhood! I will re-use this as October sensory tub for J after the class.

J tried it on 19.11.2011 (2Y8M14D). He played mainly with the watering can.

Thereafter, J took his bath in the tub


J Summary (2Y7M17D): Loves The Ryme Bible Storybook

J loves being read to, but only if the books are in Chinese. I tried very hard to read English nursery rhyme books and the Rhyme Bible to him, but he never had the patience for them. Although I am is very happy that he is so glad for Chinese books, I am a little sad that the Christian education is falling behind. Recently, I tried again and J, 1.5 year later, just loves the Rhyme Bible Storybook, and asked for more and more and more stories. He sat through every one of them, and even repeating after me. It is amazing what a change! How true it is, when the child is developmentally ready, it will come.

Don't lose heart, if your child doesn't have the patience for books. Continue to try again and again and again, and one day, you will find that you succeed. The ryhme in this Bible really flows very well, and it is really a joy to read it. I highly recommend this book.

Language Development

This evening during bedtime, J was practising Danish as like talking to his friends at the daycare. I asked him what he was talking about, and whether he was talking to his friends, and whether he was acting out a skid. He laughed and said yes. I am very happy for J and Daddy that J is so diligent in practising and practising his Danish. Danish is the social language here, thus, it is so good that J is doing that.

But I am sad that he is not practising his Chinese and English in the same manner, fearing his advancement would mean a set-back on his Chinese and English. He speaks Mandarin with his friend Amy, but I don't see him role-playing that during bed-time. I catch myself in my own selfishness and sinfulness. Am I trying to compete in the 3 language development of J - Danish, English and Chinese? How could I be sad? God, please forgive me. God is still working on me, and I am glad that He has not given up on me. It humbles me that I still have not mastered the art of cross-cultural living. Oh what a wretch I am that Jesus came into this world to save a sinner like me. I have to pick up from this low position and try again... and certainly to fail again along the way. Oh... what a privilege to have such a God, accepting me just as I am... an imperfect mom, imperfect Chinese and imperfect wife, and cheering me on towards life's challenges...

Katsudon - Japanese Pork Rice Dish

Serves 4


1. 4 pieces of pork cutlets (kottelettet)
2. 4 eggs separated yolks and whites
3. 2 big onions sliced
4. 1 handful of frozen peas
5. 1 plate of Japanese Panko breadcrumbs (rasp)
6. 50ml soya sauce (optional)
7. 100ml water
8. 50ml Japanese sake
9. 1 TBS sugar
10. 1 packet of dashinomoto (Japanese fish stock powder) (optional)
11. cooking oil


1. Make square slits in the pork cutlets, but only halfway through.
2. Coat them with beaten egg yolk and then coat with panko breadcrumb.
3. Fry in deep oil until golden (must put quite a lot of oil in the pan).
4. Turn pork around and fry the other side until golden.
5. Meanwhile, in a pot, add soya sauce, water, Japanese sake, sugar, onions and dashinomoto and bring to boil.
6. Transfer pork cutlets into the pot and cook for 1 minute.
7. Turn the pork around, add the remaining eggyolk and egg white into the pot under low heat.
8. Add the frozen green peas
9. Cover and simmer under low hear for 8 minutes or until egg and peas are cooked.
10. Serve with rice - scoop rice into a bowl and put the pork on top and serve.

Additional Information:

Daddy and I took a course in Japanese cooking class before Joshua was born, and we learned this from our Japanese teacher. This dish is one of My Superstar's favorite and I made it today.

Friday 21 October 2011


J Summary (2Y7M16D) - Taking Noon Naps Again

For the past 4 days, J has been taking his nap at the daycare. The teachers told me that he began to take the after lunch again. They were very surprised, as he has stopped taking naps for sometime, perhaps 1 month.

I am VERY particular about J taking his naps. It is so important for growth and brain development. I belong to the school of thought that nap is crucial, although some belong to the school of thought that the child does not learn as much if he sleeps a lot - wasting precious time on sleeping. I rather J not learning as much than to miss his nap. His nap is sacred.

I have tried almost all means and ways... i tried, my best to keep to a schedule, putting him earlier or later to catch the right timing, pushing him on the pram, making him tired by physical activities, only short of rocking him in a cradle, but I failed to convince J not to drop his nap.

While the teachers were surprised, I secretly knew the secret. For the past few days, I told him that mommy would be very sad, if he is not taking his nap. I didn't mean to share with him my feelings as I didn't think that would make him try his best to sleep. To my great surprise, J tried his very best to take nap, because he doesn't want me to be sad. So he has been napping for the past few days.

What a sweet and sensible 2.5-year-old boy J is. He took his nap, because he didn't want mommy to be sad. I treasure it close to my heart. I know it won't be long before he would drop his nap, but so long that it lasts...

Thursday 20 October 2011


Montessori Activity: Using Rolling-Pin

Age: From 2.5 years old

Activity Duration: 5 - 15 minutes


1. 1 kid's size rolling pin (from IKEA)
2. some play dough
3. 1 flat tray
4. knife for cutting dough (optional, but start without it first)


1. Demonstrate to your child how to prepare the dough for rolling and how to use the rolling pin.
2. Encourage your child to try.

Additional Information:

We have a play dough set consisting of various different tools and dough. However, I kept making the mistake of letting him have free play. It was too overwhelming for J and for me - when I have to do the clean up!!! J only played by jumping from one tool to the other, and he never touched the rolling-pin. It was free, but empty play. Not much skill was worked on, except the skill of jumping from one activity to the other, and making a big mess in the process of it! (Unfortunately most daycares focuse on free empty play, because it is easier for the teachers - they can just sit there and be children-watchers - literally. That is why it is so important for parents to take an involved effort to be steering the young child's education. And even then, as you can see, I am making mistakes. Blessed are the children (and parents) whose parents who can devote time in the modern world to personally see to the growth of their children, but it is of course, not easy - because it is not an easy choice to make in today's materialistic world. Many children grow up with nannies and daycare nowadays. It is hard hard work, but I count myself very blessed to be able to do all these hard work myself.)

So finally today 20 October 2011 I singled out the rolling pin for him (2Y9M15D) to practice. That's the beauty and simplicity of the Montessori concept on a tray - making it easy and simple for the child by isolating a single skill development and adding the complexity to suit the child. It is making tackling the big elephant in a more manageable and less chaotic manner, thus, less confusing for the child and aid logical thinking. J had a great fun at it concentrating on rolling the dough. It seemed that he knew how to do it from the daycare, when the teachers bake bread.

Wednesday 19 October 2011


Montessori Activity: Sorting Fruits & Vegetables by Colour

Age: From 1.5 year old

Activity Duration: 5 - 15 minutes

1. Some toys fruits and vegetables of different colours - red, orange, yellow and green.
2. 1 tong or ladle
3. 4 glass jars
4. 1 tray

1. Demonstrate by sorting a fruit or two according to colours, naming the colour of the fruit/vegetable as you go along.

2. Encourage your child to try.

Additional Information:
Perhaps the developmental window period of sorting is over now for J since he was 1.5 year old, when he loved sorting. J had long lost interest with sorting activities. But I was busy and did not have the time to prepare other Montessori activities. To my surprise, he was very happy with this activity and repeated it within a day or two, which never happened with sorting activities now. I think it was because he loves pretend play-kitchen and food!

Tuesday 18 October 2011


J Summary (2Y7M13D) - Slept on Big Bed

J slept on big bed until next morning for the first time.

After this night, he returned to sleeping in his cot again. I asked him what he wanted, and he said he wanted to sleep in the cot.

Updates 2.11.2011:
J started sleeping on the big bed again consecutively for the past few nights, also tonight. I think it is finished with the baby cot... i am strangely looking back at it sadly... perhaps, it means J is growing up... and I am unable to stop the time passing...

Monday 17 October 2011


Montessori Activity: Sorting Cutleries

Age: From 2 years old

Activity Duration: 5 - 10 minutes


1. To teach sorting
2. To teach cleaning up after oneself in a simple way that your child can understand


1. 1 small tray containing toy cutleries consisting of forks, knives, tablespoons and teaspoons.
2. 4-part container (or you can use the ice-cream mold as I did, if you have them)
3. 1 large tray


1. Demonstrate by sorting a set of the cutleries - fork, knife, tablespoon and teaspoon into each compartment.

2. Invite your child to try.

Additional Information:

J hasn't been very good at cleaning up his kitchen toys after playing. Last evening, instead of cleaning up for him, I gathered all the plastic cutleries and put it in a tray and made it into a Montessori activity by asking him to put them back in their respective places. Surprisingly, he (2Y7M12D) enjoyed this activity a lot. I asked him to sort the fork, knift, tablespoon and teaspoon back to the 4-part container (I use an ice-cream mold to store his plastic cutleries). At some point, he put the spoon in the wrong compartment and looked at me cheekily for my reaction. I pretended to show my disbelief :-) He completed it nicely this morning :-)

Sunday 16 October 2011


Montessori Activity: Pasting Feathers on a Bird

Age: From 2.5 years old

Activity Duration: 5 - 10 minutes

1. To train the child's fine motor skills
2. To provide sensory play with feathers.
3. To provide a fun way to teach colours.

1. Some feathers
2. 1 sheet of printed bird (I have made an outlook of the bird from google image search. Click here to download)
3. 1 bottle of glue

1. Demonstrate to your child by gluing one feather on the bird.

2. Invite your child to choose the colour of the feather and to glue it to the bird.

Additional Information:
I thought this was a brilliant idea from Cherry Blossom Adventures. Instead of the usual colouring, this makes the picture more life-like with feathers glued to the bird. J tried this today and thought it was fun. I hope to repeat it again.


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