Saturday, 8 October 2011


Montessori Activity: Teaching Counting & Numeral Recognition

Age: From 2.5 years old (Level 4: Once your child can count objects from 1-10, he can be taught the numerals 1 - 10)

Activity Duration: 5 - 10 minutes

1. To teach numeral recognition

1. 1 set of number cards from 1 - 10 with corresponding picture object quantities.
2. 1 small dish containing the picture objects with the blank side of the cards facing up.

1. Lay out the numeral cards in a straight line in numerical order from 1-10.

2. Turn over a picture card and count the quantities on it. For example, count the number of children "one, two, three."

3. Match the number of objects with the respective numeral card. For example, put the card wtih 3 children below the numeral card 3.

4. Invite your child to turn over the next picture card and point the number of objects shown on the card.

5. Invite your child to match the picture card with the corresponding numeral card on the table.

6. Repeat for all the rest of the picture card until you have match all the cards from 1-10 with the numeral and the objects.

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