Sunday, 16 October 2011


Montessori Activity: Inserting Pipe-Cleaners

Age:  From 1.5 year old

Activity Duration: 5 - 10 minutes


1. To train fine motor skills with regard to hand and eye coordination in a fun way.


1. 10 pipe cleaners
2. 1 draining basket or salad spinner basket
3. 1 tray


1. Demonstrate to your child how to insert the pipe cleaners. Talk about the colours, count the pipe cleaners, etc.

2. Encourage your child to try.

Additional Information:

I didn't have the time to plan more Montessori activities and ran out of activities this morning for J. Then I remembered this very creative idea thanks to Cherry Blossom Adventures for sharing and since I have the materials, I took it out for J (2Y7M11D). This really is an activity for younger toddlers about 1.5 year old, and is too easy for J. Nevertheless it was a saver as it was fun for him and I could occupy him for a few minutes on the potty while Daddy cut his hair.


Updates with Baby FECS

9 July 2017 (1Y1M23D): Baby FECS tried this for the first time today. She couldn't insert the pipe-cleaners yet, but she did try. After 30 seconds, she lost interest.

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