Thursday 30 June 2011


The Importance of Teaching Your Child to Use Chopsticks

As I started implementing Montessori’s Practical Life lessons with J, which aims to develop children’s fine motor coordination skills, it dons on me more and more that actually “Montessori” type lessons began in China a few thousand years ago – through chopsticks.

Montessori’s practical life lessons of transferring items with tongs, tweezers, etc. are actually similar to the Chineses' way of transferring food into their mouth with chop-sticks. So perhaps the Chinese have actually been having some Montessori lessons at least 3 times a day – morning breakfast, afternoon lunch and evening dinner for thousands of years!!!

Chopsticks orginated in China sometime during the Shang dynasty (1766-1122 B.C.). Its use was spread to Korea, Japan and other parts of Asia. The Japanese, Koreans, Chinese and Singaporeans believe that using chopsticks stimulate the development of a child’s intellectual development.

It therefore got me interested to start and do some research into the use of chop-sticks and its correlation with the intellectual development of children, but the findings are so far inconclusive and non-scientifically proven.

A Japanese website claims that a person uses about 30 articulations and 50 small muscles when using chopsticks. According to the website, “the movement of the hands, especially the fingers, stimulates the development of this net. As a young child exercises the fingers, the net of nerve cells in the brain governing the movement of hands and fingers develops. In response, mobility of the hands increases and the fingers begin to function as desired, and as the ability to move the body develops, thought, understanding, and imagination processes also develop which means that using chopsticks and pencils stimulates the development of a child's intellectual faculties.”

What about any scientific study that supports the effectiveness of Montessori teaching method? The closest I have found is this article "The Montessori Mafia" which lists the number of creative elites such as Google's Founders Larry Page and Sergei Brin, who all had attended a Montessori School when they were preschoolers.

If using chopsticks "tastes" a little similar to Montessori's concept, then perhaps the success of Montessori teaching concept does lend a little credibility to the Chineses' belief that using chopsticks stimulate intellectual development... ok, I am stretching it a little too far here!

To summarize, the use of chopsticks thus has the following objectives:

1. Helps to develop the child’s fine motor skills
2. Helps to develop the child’s eye-hand coordination skills
3. Through the above two ways, it thus helps to stimulate intellectual brain development
4. Develops the small muscles
5. Helps the child to become familiar with the handwriting position at an early age

Here are some toddlers 2 years old or younger who have learned to use chopsticks successfully:

So why am I waiting to introduce chopsticks to J, especially when it is such a natural part of our culture!!! Myth or fact, I would rather err on the wrong side and start introducing the use of chopsticks. And better late than never! I will start tomorrow for dinner and make chopsticks a more integral part of our normal daily life, especially during meal time.

It is very sad that more and more Chinese families in Singapore are resorting to the convenience of using fork and knife to eat Chinese food, also many Danish-Chinese families here in Denmark.

Teaching your child to use chopsticks is not just for cultural heritage’s sake, but to help them in their intellectual development. I think if more Chinese parents realize that, they would be pragmatic enough to try harder to keep the use of chopsticks as an integral part of home life, instead of succumbing to modern conveniences. Also, once mastered, to the Chinese, using the chopsticks is actually more convenient than using other cutleries. The Japanese, Koreans and Chinese use chopsticks as their cooking tool too - beating the eggs, etc.

I found some wonderful training chopsticks for children from I intend to buy a set of right-handed and left-handed chopsticks each for J, so that they can help train both his right and left brains. Unfortunately, the supplier does not ship to Denmark or Singapore. If you live in the USA, you may want to check these training chopsticks out:

Additional Information:
Chopsticks come in pairs and are considered an auspicious item by the Chinese at weddings, because they symbolize togetherness. Some families have the tradition of giving chopsticks to the bride on her wedding day. Traditionally to the Chinese, giving chopsticks to children represents a wish for a buoyant childhood. Presenting chopsticks as a gift to the elderly is a symbol of well-wishes for longevity and good health.


2 July 2011 (2Y3M28D) - First real practice with chopsticks... pretty good :-)

Sunday 26 June 2011


Montessori Activity: Washing Toys

Age: From 2 years old

Activity Duration: 15 minutes


1. To teach the child to care for things.


1. 1 basin half-filled with water
2. Toys to be washed
3. 1 brush
4. Body shower cream


1. Squeeze a bit of shower cream into the basin and fill it with water to create bubbles.

2. Put in the toys for washing.

3. Demonstrate to the child how to wash the toys. Tell him that now we will learn to wash the toys together.

4. Invite the child to try.

Additional Information:

We managed to go for a round at the Summer Sunday flea market today, before heading off to church. I love to get some good bargains from flea market, but hate to wash the toys afterwards. Unfortunately, Daddy is not too keen to help me with this boring task too :-( But I have now found myself a "helper". I enjoy setting up activities for J. When turning this mundane washing toy activity into something educational for J, suddenly it makes me feel passionate about washing toys and looking forward to washing the toys.

I set up the cleaning equipment and let J (2Y3M21D) "wash" the toys until he is done with it. Well, he plays more with it, than real washing, as can be seen in the picture! Then I take over and give the toys a real wash. He can help me to wipe it dry afterwards.

Montessori Activity: Dinosaur "Excavation" Site Sensory Box

Age: From 2 years old

Activity Duration: Unlimited

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

Objective(s): To develop the 5 senses


1. 10 small dinosaur figurines
2. Storage box with lid 60 x 40 x 18 cm (approx. 30 litres capacity)
3. Sand
4. Garden spade or paint brush
5. Magnifying glass


1. Put this together with your child if he is old enough, if not put it together and then present it to him.

2. Demonstrate by digging for a dinosaur, and pretend to examine it under the magnifying glass. Name the dinosaur, etc.

3. Let him try.


Dinosaurs: Box of approx. 30 dinosaur 75DKK from flea market.

Additional Information:

It is said that there are two main things that a child MUST play with - sand and water - because it is very stimulating for the brain. I am a very terrible mother, when it comes to tolerating messy play. Thus, I send J to the daycare, as he gets to play with sand and gets dirty, without me going bonkers. Better err on the wrong side, I brought him for baby-swimming, when he was an infant, but I have now slackened a lot with the swimming and water play :-(

J likes to play with dinosaur, and I like to create play activities. So I have created this :-). I am excited to let him try.

Montessori Activity: Sorting Textures with Sandpapers

Age: From 1.5 year old

Activity Duration: 5-10 minutes

1. To train the child’s fine motor skills.
2. To stimulate the child's sense of touch.
3. To teach the opposite concept of rough and smooth.

1. 1 container containing normal paper and sandpapers cut into 10 small pieces (roughly 3 x 2.5cm each) preferably of the same colour, as you want your child to sort texture, not colour.
2. 2 small containers of identical colour and size.
3. 1 tray

1. Show your child by sorting the normal paper and sandpaper into the respective small container first.

2. As you go along, name the contrasting texture - smooth or rough.

3. Encourage your child to try.

Additional Information:
J seems to be losing interest in sorting things, and we have stopped the sorting activities for some time, but I am looking forward to try this.

J tried this on 27 June 2011. He wanted to use scissors to cut the paper! I encouraged him to sort the paper first, which he did correctly.

Friday 24 June 2011


Alphabet Box

Inspired by Counting Coconuts

How to make it?

1. Buy a tool box meant for nuts and bolts from the hardware store with 30 small drawers.

2. Label the drawers with the letter A-Z, one for each drawer.

3. Fill each drawer with things found in the household objects or miniature toys that start with the corresponding letter.

How to use it?

1. To teach name of object with the associate letter - Take out the objects in each drawer and teach the name of the object one by one, emphasizing the sound of the beginning letter. Summarize it to your child and say, "all these items start with the letter a, and a says "aaaah".

2. Letting your child sort objects with sounds - Randomly take out some items from the drawers and place them on the table, and ask your child to sort them into the correct drawer.

3. Ask your child to pick an item from the drawer that begin with the "b" sound, for example.

4. Call out the item and ask your child to pick the item from the correct drawer.

1. I could also use it to store my Letter Tokens or letter magnets.

Suggested items for each letter drawer:
A - almond, apple, ant, apron
B - bean, bead, button, balloon, bell, small bottle
C - Cotton wool, comb, coin, pocket calculator, cinamon stick, candle
D - dog, dinosaur, duck, diaper
E - eraser, toy egg, elephant
F - fork, feather, fish, frog
G - Goji berry, old pair of unwanted glasses, Lego girl figure, giraffe fingerine
H - hairclip, highlighter, hazelnut, hourglass, hen
I - ice-cream, igloo, ink, iron
J - jug, jam, jacket,
K - key, toy food knife, kangaroo
L - light for bicycle, lock, leave, small toy ladle, toy lizard
M - marble, magnet, pocket mirror
N - nail, nail-clipper, net,
O - onion, octopus, orange, olive, owl
P - paper, paperclip, pen, pencil, pecan
Q - queen, quilt, quinoa, quiche, question mark
R - ruler, ring, rubberband, ribbon
S - spoon, mini scissors, safety-pin, sharpener, sweet
T - toothpick, wooden train, tiger figurine, thread,
U - USB stick, unmbrella that decorate cocktail glass,
V - velvet, van, violin, velcro
W - an old unwanted watch, Lego window, watermelon, wok, wolf, wool
X - xylophone
Y - yogurt, toy egg yolk, yacht, yak,
Z - zip, zebra, zucchini

Tool box with drawers from Silvan 249,95 DKK (59 SGD) -  which is rather pricey, because this is Denmark!!! I believe this is available much cheaper elsewhere.

Additional Information:
J (2 Y11M30D) tried for the first time on 4 March 2012. He enjoyed it a lot. We covered letters b, d, f, h, p and t. He was looking forward to try it again.

I had quite some challenge collecting small objects that are freely found, but the above-mentioned what some of the things I could think of.


Letter Tokens Made from Bottle Caps

This is one of the inexpensive way of creating educational materials.

How to use them?

Here are some ideas from different blogs (see references below):

For 2 year old:

1. You can pick a letter and ask your child to name it and say its sound.

2. You can use the tokens to teach counting.

For 3 year old:

2. You can make one set of upper case letters and one set of lower case letter and let your child match the letters.

3. You can make more sets of letters and use them to teach your child to spell words.

4. You can make two sets. Place all the caps face down. Turn over and find a match. If match is found, the player takes it. The player with the most caps win. Two or more players.

How to organize and store your letter tokens?

I am a neat freak, and I love to organize and think of ways to make retrieval of things easy, clutter-free and pain-free. You can use a tool box with drawers to store the letter tokens:

Additional Information:
I have become a "Garan Guni" man - Singlish for garbage collector. I am now collecting milk bottle caps to make letter tokens - also with Florian's help (today he helped me to collect 2 caps from his work canteen. People were wondering what a weirdo he was!) It is his way of showing involvement in the activities planning and education of Joshua, so that I don't feel alone in this journey and I really appreciate his sweet gestures. In our family, Florian drinks milk like drinking water. Thus, it is very easy for me to accumulate milk bottle caps. You can also use mineral bottle caps.

Simply use a permanent ink marker to write the letter on each bottle cap.

You can also make them very attactive by using different colours or even print the letter and stick it on the letter:

You can find the template here:

Being a working mom, I tend to cut the frills and go for simplicity - black and white. I believe it is also less distracting for the child.


Danish Twist-Bread-On-A-Stick/Snobrød/丹麦捻面包

Makes 6 twist bread


Easy and fast snobrød dough
° 500g flour
° 300ml water
° 25g yeast or 2 tsp baking powder
° 1 tsp salt

Luxury wholewheat snobrød dough

° 500g white wholewheat flour or
300g flour and 200g grahams flour or
300g flour, 150g grahams flour 50g oats (1dl)
° 250ml fresh low-fat milk, buttermilk or water (1 cup)
° 1 egg
° 25g yeast or 2 tsp baking powder
° 1 tsp salt
° 2 TBS olive oil
° 2 TBS honey
° 150g of grated carrots, squash or apples (optional)



1. Warm milk/water in microwave.

2. Stir and dissolve the yeast in water/milk in a mixing bowl and add honey and salt.

3. Add in flour and mix well.

4. Knead into dough - when the dough is elastic, but firm and soft and doesn't stick to your hands, it is done.

5. Cover and let the dough rest for 30 minutes to 1 hour until the dough is double in size. If you use baking powder instead of yeast, you can skip this step of waiting.

Grilling on bon fire or BBQ grill:

1. Roll it into a long and narrow “string” and twist it around the tip of a stick.

2. Twist the dough around the tip of the stick over the bonfire at a distance of approx. 30cm depending on the glowing warm for approx. 15 - 20 minutes. There must be sufficient distance so that the surface of the bread does not burn while the dough is baked inside.

3. Turn the bread around frequently and watch that it does not burn.

4. When done, remove the bread from the stick. If the bread sounds hollow, it is done. It should slip away from the stick easily. If there is still raw dough, it should be baked more.


1. You can add grated cheese on the inside when it is done for a more luxurious snobrød.

2. You can add 1 teaspoon of herbs such as dried basil, rosemary, thyme, etc. into your dough.

3. You can a piece of ham on the stick and roll your dough around it, before baking it over the bonfire.

4. You can spread some jam on the inside when it is done.

5. You can also add chocolate powder into the dough for a chocolatey snobrød.

Additional Information:

Before I came to Denmark, I didn't know that bread can be grilled or "baked" over bonfire. This is a very cozy Danish tradition that was introduced to me by Daddy FECS and his family. Once a year, we have the privilege of visiting Mols, an area in Jutland, where Daddy FECS's father came from. We would have the opportunity to make snobrød at the summer house in Mols, which is located in the forest near a lake. This is a Danish tradition that I am definitely going to pass down to J!

It is much healthier to grill bread, than to grill sausages and mash-mellows, although you would still want to have the variety. The smell of snobrød is very inviting and it tastes heavenly. It is a totally different experience from eating bread made from the oven. Try it!

Daddy FECS and I, however, live in the city. It is allowed to make bonfire in some of the beaches in Denmark, although it takes planning to get there. Thus, we do not have much opportunity to make bonfire. However, we can still make snobrød on a one-time grill. In this way, when we have the impulse to make snobrød, we would be able to easily go ahead with it.

If you are like us, living in a big city like Singapore, you can still do this using one-time grill in the evening when the sun sets, and the temperature is much cooler.

I sometimes blend the milk with 5 dates using a blender instead of adding sugar. Also I add 1 tablespoon of wheat germ, 1 tablespoon of wheat bran, 1 tablespoon of ground flax seeds and 1 teaspoon brewer's yeast to the dough to increase the nutritional value of the dough.

If you wish to make slow-rising snobrød and have the dough sit overnight in the fridge, you can reduce the amount of yeast to 10g, instead of 25g.

You can add sunflower seeds, flax seeds or chopped nuts into the dough as desired into the dough as well.

You can use plain water to make this dough, but to increase the nutritional content, I use milk, buttermilk or yogurt. Sometimes I also add an egg into the dough. If so, I reduce the liquid content from 300ml to 250ml.


White wholewheat flour

Add 1/2 pack (25 g) yeast into a mixing bowl.

Add 350 ml warm milk and mix well.

Add 2 tablespoons of honey and mix well.

Add 500 g of white wholewheat flour.

Knead by hand or by mixer.

The dough is done when it is elastic, firm and soft, but doesn't stick to your hands.

Cover and let it sit for 30 minutes to an hour.

Now the dough is ready to be used for making snobrød:-)

Updates 25 April 2020 (11Y1M20D & 3Y11M9D) Nørreskoven bed Furesøen:

 Setting up the bonfire at a fireplace at Nørreskoven forest

Preparing and carving the sticks 

Thursday 23 June 2011


Useful Bible Verses for Teaching Toddlers & Preschoolers

I am compiling a list of useful Bible verses to be used with toddlers and pre-schoolers, and will be coming back to this post to update it. If you have more useful Bible verses to add, would be wonderful if you could share them.

I have not been very good in integrating Bible verses into my parenting and interaction with J, but our pastor's wife, Kim, is an inspiration, when it comes to using Bible verses. I will try to memorise these short verses one week at a time, so that it is integrated into my own life. Afterall, we should all lead by example. Please keep us in your prayers that we would be able to be God-centred in our parenting, and not lose sight of what is truly important.

The following suggestions from Virginia Baptist Church may be used during home time or Sunday School activity time or group time. Whenever it is possible, have your Bible open to the verse.

·    As the children put the blocks away neatly and quietly, say something like, “The way you are helping reminds me of some words in the Bible.” Read 2 Corinthians 1:24: “We are helpers.”

·    Say something like “Be gentle unto all,” (2 Timothy 2:24) or “Do good to all” (Galatians 6:10) when one child mistreats another.

·    When children are doing something unkind like pulling at the same book, sing the song, “The Happy Way” which contains the verse “Love one another.” (1 John 4:7)

·    A verse containing an abstract word can sometimes be played out. If the word is “love”, ask a child to let you whisper something for him to do to show that you love some person. You might whisper something like “Share a book”, “Pat him on the shoulder,” or “Hug him”. Perhaps some children may think of things to do without being told.

·    While examining an item from “God’s beautiful world”, say something like “God causes the grass to grow” (Psalm 147: 8) or while preparing an arrangement of nature things, say something like, “God has made everything beautiful in His time.” (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

·    Read a verse from the Bible as part of family worship in the home.

·    Sometimes, use a Bible verse as a thank-you prayer for good. “O give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good” (Psalm 118:29) can be used this way.

·    Have 4 pictures displayed. Read a verse from the Bible and let a child find a picture that the words could be about.

·    Read a verse from the Bible; let a child find in a book a picture that these words could be about.

·    Print a Bible verse at the bottom of a sheet of paper and let the child draw a picture that the verse makes him think of.

·    Let preschoolers put Bible verses on gifts for needy or sick people. If the gifts are cans of food, the verses may be pasted on the cans. As the preschoolers work, talk about what the verses say and mean.

·    Print Bible verses on greeting cards, valentines, gifts, etc., that the children make. Suggest several appropriate verses, and let each child decide which one he wants on his card.

·    Have a Bible verse printed on a place card for each person who will be eating a play-like meal. Read each child’s verse, and then let him pretend to be reading it.

·    Read from your Bible a part of a verse and let a child finish it or pretend to be finishing it, if he cannot read yet.

·    Have the verses that preschoolers understand shaded in your Bible with a light coloured crayon. Let a child find a verse that is shaded. Read it and then let the child pretend to be reading it. You might want to also have bright coloured ribbons in your Bible at appropriate verses.

·    Show several pictures (one at a time) which might help the child to understand an abstract word in a Bible verse. Perhaps the word is “praise”. Ask something like, “How are these children praising the Lord?” In this instance, there might be pictures of children singing, praying, bringing money to Sunday School.

Virginia Baptist Church


Chinese Corn & Pork Ribs Soup/Kinesiskesuppe med Majs og Svineribben/中式玉米排骨汤

Serves 4

Preparation & Cooking Time: 1 hour

° 2 corn cobs chopped into 3 pieces each
° 2 carrots cut into chunks
° 650g pork spare ribs (2 slabs)
° 2-3 litre water or vegetable stock
° 5-8 oyster mushrooms cut into slices (østershatte/牡蛎蘑菇) (Optional)
° ½ cup dried soy beans (Optional)
° A sprinkle of chives chopped (purløg/韭菜) (Optional)
° Salt & pepper to taste

1. Bring water and soy beans to boil on high.

2. Add corns and carrots, cover and simmer on low heat (no. 2.5 – 3 on my stove) for 1 hour, keeping it boiling gently.

3. Half way through cooking, add pork ribs and mushrooms and continue simmering with gentle boil. In this way, you won't overcook the pork ribs, and it retains its sweetness. And the sweetness will disperse into the soup.

4. Add salt and pepper to taste and serve.

5. Garnish with chives and serve

Pressure cooking method:
Add all ingredients, cover lid and once pressure cooker reaches pressure according to your cooker, let it cook for 5-7 minutes (for me: no. 2 setting on pressure cooker and no. 2 on stove) .

1. Sprinkle goji berries on top (Joshua loves it this way).

Nutritional Value:
Corn contains Thiamin (Vitamin B1), Niacin (Vitamin B3), Folate (Vitamin B9), Vitamin C and Magnesium. It is low in fat, but high in dietary fibers.

Additional Information:
It's summer time in Denmark, and the season for corns. Growing up in Singapore, my mum sometimes made this soup for us. After boycotting almost all food, lately Joshua seems to be loving clear Chinse soup again. I was a bit stressed trying to make this soup for dinner this evening (20.6.2011) following this recipe just before leaving for business trip to Stockholm, as my Superstar would be home alone to take care of Joshua. Fortunately, it turned out great. I could leave for the airport in peace :-)

I didn't have to saute any onions. I used 3 litre of water and vegetable stock (water saved from cooking corns yesterday). I added the whole packet of oyster mushroom (125g) into the soup. It costed 20 DKK in Føtex. I will follow this recipe again. The soy beans are used as vegetable stock in the soup. We usually don't eat the beans.


Monday 20 June 2011


Canned Food Fun

Inspired by Counting Coconuts

Something so ordinary as canned food which are found in your home may bring some fun to your child without costing anything. Just be careful that your child does not bang it onto the floor! To prevent this, you can put your child on a carpet, when playing with canned food.

You can find more fun stuff that don't cost a thing here.

Basket or tray with 5 canned food

What to do with them?

For babies 9 months to 1 year old:
  • Let Baby touch them.
  • Shake the cans for Baby and let Baby listen to it.

For toddlers 1 year old to 2 years old:
  • Let your child stack them.
  • Shake them and listen to it.
  • Talk to them about the colours and the sizes.

For preschoolers 2 to 4 years old:
  • Let your child stack them by sizes.
  • Shake them and listen to it.
  • Roll them.
  • Ask them to name the colour and size.
  • Compare them with the geometric solid cylinder.
  • Let them notice the varying weight of each can. Ask them which is heavier, which is lighter, etc.

Additional Information:
J (2Y3M15D) tried this today. Arrggh... all he wanted was to open the cans!!! I pretended that I did not have the strength to open the cans. I then encouraged him to shake them and listen to them instead. I talked to him about the colours and the sizes. We then stacked the cans together according to sizes. We had some fun with it, before the novelty of it wore off.


Tuesday 14 June 2011


Things to Do in Denmark

Whenever we have friends or family expressing their wishes to visit us, I find myself not having a ready list to guide them on what to see in Denmark. I am, thus, compiling a list of things, which we find interesting to do in Denmark, which we enjoy doing ourselves.

Things to do in Denmark:

  • Jan - Mar - Winter Snow Sledging (only when it snows a lot)
  • Jan - Mar - Skiing in Sweden
  • Jan - Mar - Ice-skating at Frederiksberg Gardens
  • End Mar - Early Apr – See yellow Easter daffodils (Påskelinjer)
  • Mar 27 – Oct 24 - Visit Frilandsmuseet (a Danish open air museum) 10am – 5pm (Close on Monday) (Open house windmill on Sundays and last Wed of every month) (
  • Late Mar - The Food Workshop Festival (Madværkstedet) (21-22 March 2017)
Things to do regardless of season although some best from May to September:

• A.C. Hotel Bella Sky -lift up to 23 story with great view over the city (nearest st.: Bella Center Metro St.)
• Amager Nature Centre (Naturcenter Amager)(
• Bellevue Beach (Whisky belt of Denmark)
• Birkegården Gardens (
• Blovsterød Kro
• Botanica Garden (
• Bouldering climbing gym at Blocs & Walls Copenhagen Climbing Center (Blocs & Walls - Københavns Klatrecenter)
• Bådfarten Lyngby (
• Canoeing Lyngby Lake Havne-hytten havne-hytten.dkNyrbo Kano or Kanokajakcenter
• Christianhavn
• Christiania Freetown
• Christiansborg
• Copenhagen Central Library (Københavns Hovedbibliotek)
• Copenhagen City Museum
• Copenhagen Free Walking Tours
• Copenhagen harbour cruise (
• Copenhagen Market Place (Torvehallerne)
• Copenhagen Zoo in Frederiksberg
• Cruise to Olso (Norway) ( (
• Den Blå Planet Aquarium - Mon: 10 - 21hrs, Tue - Sun: 10 - 18 hrs Metro stop: Kastrup station, Adult: 400 DKK, Child (3-11) 250 DKK, Senior: 325 DKK (
• Dragør
• Dyrehaven (a Danish deer park forest) ( ( (
• FIBC Church (
• Fish market
• Flea-market in LyngbyCharlottenlund or Holte
• Frederiksberg Garden (Frederiksberg Have) by boat with Svendsen's Boat Service (Svendsens Bådfart)
• Frederiksborg Castle (
• Free guided nature walk, wild plants and herbs trip, wild-mushroom picking trips, etc. (
• Funen Village
• Geelskov Forest in Holte
• GoBoat (
• Harbour water-bus (
• Helsingør city
• High-rope parks;;;
• Himmelhøj Nature playground (Naturlegepladen Himmelhøj)
• Horse-back riding 195 kr. per hour ( must be there 30 minutes in advance.
• Hotug - Hot Spa Boat around Copenhagen harbour (
• Huset KU.BE
• IKEA (
• Islands Brygge Harbour Bath (
• Kronborg Castle Helsingør (Denmark) – Helsingborg (Sweden 10 mins by ferry from Helsingør)
• Kødbyen - Meat-packer district - GPS Road name: Fisketorvet
• Latin Quarter
• Lyngby shopping street
• Malmo in Sweden (45 mins by train)
• Marble Church (
• Mariehøj nature playground (Mariehøj Naturlegeplads) in Gl. Holte
• Mystery Escape (
• Mushroom-picking from Hareskov St. once a month
• Nature walk with a local guide (free) ({"x":723995.3999999994,"y":6181697.08139631,"zoom":6,"categories":["1"]})
• New Bike Bridge
• Lalandia (
Land of the Legends - Sagnlandet
• Legoland (
• Lyngby Florist The Four Seasons (De fire Årstider)
• Old Danish steam train ride through the Danish country-side (Nordsjællands Veterantog)
Perch's Tea Room for high tea (
• Pick Edderflower at the Sorgenfri Park (Sorgenfriparken) and make Edderflower cordial
• Rosenborg Garden (see the Royal Jewel) (
• Rungsted Harbour (
• Science Centre Universe (
• Sommerland Sjælland Amusement Park (
• Science Centre Experimentarium (
• Skovsjov - Make forest weed soup on bonfire, play treasure hunt in the forest with a forest guide
• Strøget – the Copenhagen shopping street, Latin quarter, Church the Crown Prince got married (
• Supermarco
• Taarbæk Havn (Fishing village)
• The Amalienborg Royal Palace (see changing of guards)
• The Copenhagen Cathedral (Vor Frue Kirke)
• The Danish Museum of Science & Technology (Danmarks Teknisk Museum) in Helsingør (
• The Fredensborg Palace Garden (Fredensborg Slot)
• The Frederiksberg Castle (Frederiksberg Slot)
• The Frederiksborg Castle (Frederiksborg Slot)
• The Flying Superkids
• The King's Garden (
• The LEGO Store in Strøget - Free LEGO on Thursdays from 4-6 pm
• The Little Mermaid (
• The National Gallery of Denmark guided tour (Statens Museum for Kunst - SKM) (
• The National Museum guided tour (Nationalmuseet) (
• The Nature Workshop (
The new LEGO House in Billund (
• The Open Air Museum (Frilandsmuseet) (
• The Planetarium (
• The Rosenborg Castle (Rosenborg Slot)
• The Royal Danish Theatre (Det Kongelige Teater) (
• The Traffic Playground in Fælledparken (
• The Victorian Home (Klunkehjemmet)
• The Water Playground in Fælledparken (
• The Worker's Museum Arbejdermuseet (
• Tisvilde (
• Tivoli (
• Trelleborg Viking Fortress (
• Valby Park Nature Playground (Naturlegepladsen Valbyparken)
• Vedbæk Harbour (
• Vintage Train-ride (
• Xjump Trampolin Park (
• Airtrix Trampolin Park (
• Ørestad architecture: DR Byen MEtro St.: DR Koncerthuset, Tietgenkollegiet, Boligslangen, Bella Center Metro St.: VM Bjerget, Bella Sky, Vestamager Metro St.: Royal Arena og 8tallet
• Ørestad Skating Hall (http://xn--restad%20skjtehal-z0bl)
• Ørstedsparken (
• Ballerup Museum (
• Every Wednesday: Free entry for museums free

22 Unique Things to do in Denmark

Unusual Places to sleep:






Camping card:


Caravan rental in Denmark:


Campfire places in Lyngby Denmark

Outdoor Playgrounds:

• Naturlegepladsen - Hillerød:

Indoor Playgrounds:


Amusement Parks for Kids:



Places to Eat:

• We Do Food - Mix your Own Salat 59 DKK, Halmtorvet 21 Copenhagen V 1700, Tel: 3536 9336
• Adamsen's Fisk Deli & Sushibar at Gilleleje Havn (smørbrød)
• Tim Vladimir's Kitchen (Tim Vladimirs Køkken) in Valby cooking course
• Try the traditional Danish open sandwich at Adamsen's Fisk Deli & Sushibar at Gilleleje Havn (smørbrød)
• Take pizza-making workshop with Gorms Pizza or Eataly
• Make oven-roasted Danish food from Homemate
• Try Danish pizzas at Gorms PizzaRossopomodoro or Rosetta
• Have a Danish ice-cream at the Social Foodies
• Soak in the atmosphere at Copenhagen Street Food
• Try the Danish beef tartar stall at La Boca at the West Market


* Culture Night is the evening when the whole city bustles with life, entertainment, sense experiences and adventures for children, young people and grown-ups. In order to have access to events on Culture Night all you need to do is to buy a Culture Kit, which costs DKK 90 and can be bought in most S Train stations, libraries and cultural institutions in Copenhagen and Frederiksberg. Culture Pass: The Culture Kit will contain a Culture Pass, which is a badge giving access to Culture Night events and free transport on regional trains, S trains, Metro and busses throughout the entire Copenhagen region between 5 pm and 5 am. Two children up to and including the age of  11 have free entrance to  events and free transport if together with a grown-up in possession of a Culture Pass.
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