Tuesday, 29 August 2017


The Toddler's Paddling Pool (Vandlegepladsen) in Fælledparken

When I heard there is a water playground in Copenhagen's Fælledparken (aka Copenhagen's Central Park), and that it is even free, I was very excited. It completely transformed Copenhagen to be a more fun place for kids. Anything with water is a hit with kids :-) We visited it on 2 August 2015. Our Little FECS was 6 years old then. He enjoyed it very much, as you can see from the pictures below.

Update 29 August 2017

It was also a perfect sunshine day. I decided to bring Baby FECS (1Y3M13D) there today 29 August 2017. It was still a sunshine day, although the temperature was only 23 degree celsius, not that warm. There wasn't so much water in the water playground, as the authorities would only fill it up with water when it is a hot day. Nevertheless, since Baby FECS was only 15 months old, a little bit of water was good enough for her.

But I would imagine that many kids and parents with slightly bigger kids must be disappointed with the amount of water at the water playground. I think the authorities should lower the standard about the Danish weather when they fill the playground with water and let parents decide whether it is too cold for their children to play there or not. It would be really nice with more water.

I would advise that to avoid disappointment, call beforehand to check on water amount, before visiting the playground. If the water is filled up, it is actually a very fun place for the kids.

Address: Edel Sauntes Allé, 2100 København Ø

This is their facebook page to check on latest news and update:

This is the toilet and bathroom for changing into swimming costume

29 August 2017 (1Y3M13D)

29 August 2017 (1Y3M13D)


The Traffic Playground Copenhagen (Trafiklegepladsen i Fælledparken)

The Traffic Playground is a fun and safe place for children to learn the rules of the traffic. I brought both kids there today (29 August 2017) for the first time, Baby FECS (1Y3M13D and Little FECS (8Y5M24D). We arrived very late around 3.30pm, since I had to pick both kids up from the nursery and school by bus and then we took a train and had to change to another bus to this place in downtown Copenhagen. 

Our Little FECS cycled for an hour, and there was enough time for him to cover the whole playground a few times. The Traffic Playground isn't very big. Overall, our Little FECS (8 years old) enjoyed himself very much at the Traffic Playground. He said that it was very fun. I was a little afraid that he was too old for it. He said himself that we should come here with his new bicycle, so that he could practice to get used to his new bicycle (the bicycle we bought for his birthday in March this year was unfortunately a little bit too big for him).

This is the entrance to the Traffic Playground at the Fælledparken. On your left is the building where you can borrow bicycles for free.

This is the building where you can borrow the bicycles.

You can only borrow the bicycles until 4.30pm, although the park closes at 5pm.

Only children below 130 cm can borrow bicycles. If your child is over 130 cm, he has to bring along his own bicycle to the park. They have bicycles for kids all the down to toddlers.

We went there at 3.30 pm on a weekday, and there are still quite a lot of bicycles left today. 

In the past, you could also borrow go-carts, but they stopped it 2.5 years ago, as it wasn't very safe for the go-carts to share the road with bicycles.

 Our Little FECS has picked a suitable bicycle and borrowed a helmet. He was all ready to go.
He was just on the boundary of 130 cm, but the staff was kind and allowed our Little FECS to borrow a bicycle.

 The toddler's bicycle is pedal-less and they look very cute. Baby FECS managed to borrow one too :-) She was very excited to try. It was her very first time, and she didn't know that she should just walk in it. After a short while, she lost interest :-( But I saw many toddlers like her, riding such a bike like a pro. Just not my girl's cup of tea - yet...

 Here is how the road safety park looks like.

 There is a petrol kiosk for kids to "pump petrol."

 The park is complete with traffic lights of course :-)

 Close-up of a junction in the park.

 Here comes our Little FECS cycling by...

 And Baby FECS is playing the role of a pedestrian... she didn't cross red light under Mommy's watchful eyes :-)

 There is a round-about too :-)

But most kids don't respect the round-about, preferring to just cycle straight through... er... our Little FECS too...

 Baby FECS was very thrilled with this giant traffic police figure.

Just right next to the park, there is a toddler's playground...

complete with traffic lights and car wash for the younger kids to use...

 There are also slide in the "baby" section of the traffic playground...

 Baby FECS loved to slide down the slide today... she laughed so much each time and request to repeat again and again...

She also tried sliding down on her back...

 She loved this swing too...

 I noticed that she was very comfortable with it... this wasn't the first time we tried it, and she was definitely getting more seasoned with it :-) 

  There is a climbing rope structure too in the playground.

Here is the map of the whole Fælledparken aka "Central Park of Copenhagen." The Traffic Playground is circled in red for easy reference. It is situated nearer to the entrance by the stadium side of the park. We took Bus No. 1A from Svanemølllen train station to reach here.

Here are some information to the Traffic Playground:

Recommended age group: 2-14 years old

Opening hours: Summer (Mar-Oct): Weekdays and every 3rd Saturday 10 am -5 pm
Winter (Nov-Feb): Weekdays and every 3rd Saturday 10am - 4pm.

Address: Gunnar Nu Hansens Plads 10, 2100 København Ø

Do check out their facebook page for updates on opening times:

Do check our my post on the other playgrounds in Fælledparken and its corresponding map here:

Friday, 25 August 2017


Things to Do in Denmark in April & May

Tulip field in Bøgehave in Lolland Denmark (Tulipan marken i Bøgehave - Vesterborg - Lolland)
Photo credit: alekov.assen

For those who love flowers, the best time to visit Denmark or Europe in general would be from from April to May. I am planning my Auntie's visit in April to May next year, as she loves flowers. Here are the things one can see and do in Denmark during April and May:

1. Flowers & Fields

After a long, dark and cold winter, Denmark comes alive with flowers blooming all over the Danish countryside end April and early May. The color and beauty they add to the Danish meadows and gardens during the Danish spring time is unforgettable. Here are what you can see during the Danish spring time:

2. Festivals

There are countless number of wonderful and exciting festivals in Denmark especially during the summer. Here are the festivals that take place during spring time:
  • End Apr - Sakura Festival - This festival is organized by the Japanese living in Copenhagen. Feast your eyes, enjoy the Japanese cultural performance and have a picnic under hundreds of blooming cherry-blossom trees (29-30 June 2017)
  • End May - Denmark's Tulip Festival at the Gravnø Castle
  • May - See the sand sculpture made by international artists at the Sand Festival

3. Fun Parks

This category refers to all theme parks, water parks, playland, etc.:
  • Try kids' friendly gentle rides, make snobrød on bonfire, canoe on a small scenic lake, pat farm animals, climb high-rope, canoe, circus performance, etc. at Sommerland Sjælland
  • Visit the new LEGO House in Billund (opening on 28 September 2017)

4. Farms

The Danish farms are surprisingly clean and pleasant. They are very cosy and fun to visit. The animals are very well-treated. I believe this adds to the wonderful cozy relax ambiance of the Danish farms. Unlike many other countries, farmers are also equally respected in Denmark. Thus, you get the feeling that the farmers genuinely love what they are doing and take great pride in their work. That vibe triggers down to the farm visitors. The animals are relaxed and the farms are not stressed for any production. I would also say that visiting Denmark without visiting a Danish farm would be a pity. Here are some of the farms or farm-related festivals you can visit:
  • Mid Apr – Økodag: During Økodag, which means Organic produce Day, many Danish farms have an open house full of fun activities for both adults and kids. You get to see the Danish cows being let out of their winter stable for the first time in the year. You could almost feel them leaping with joy like some dancing cows :-) (Sunday 15 April 2018 10am -2pm)
  • Free Children's Animal Farm & Playground (Bondegården Sundbyvester): see rabbits, horse-carriage, pony-ride, feed goats
  • Free horse-carriage ride at Grantoftegaard Farm on Tuesdays and Wednesday from 10 am - 1 pm (except lunch time 11.30am - 12pm) all year round and you don't have to reserve a space
  • Free open house farm one weekend a month (Skolelandbruget) in Farum
  • Experience a Danish farm-stay, see rabbits, get a pony-ride, feed goats, touch lambs, feed pigs, horseback-riding, play with hay, participate in milking a cow, get on a tractor ride, go on a horse-carriage at Lykkebjerg Farm-stay (Lykkebjerg Bondegårdsferie) or if farm-stay is too much for you, you can pay for a day admission and participate in the farm activities for the day.

5. Fjords, Lakes & Sea

Surrounding by sea, Denmark is blessed with many quaint harbours and idyllic lakes. Here are some recommendation which we love:
  • Soak in the atmosphere at Nyhavn and take the Copenhagen harbour cruise with Netto Bådene
  • Sail along the Copenhagen harbour on a motorized boat with GoBoat from Copenhagen Fisketorvet
  • Take a boat-ride on the rustic and beautiful lakes of Lyngby, Bagsværd and Furesø with Bådfarten
  • Relax in the summer house in Tilsvilde and watch the sun-set
  • See Frederiksberg Garden (Frederiksberg Have) by boat with Svendsen's Boat Service (Svendsens Bådfart)
  • Take a cruise to Olso with DFDS
  • Catch-crabs and have a crab race at Rungsted Harbour (Rungsted Havn)
  • Experience Copenhagen by harbour water-bus (same price as the bus ticket) (Havnebussen)
  • Stay a night at the harbour floating boat hotel (CPH Living Floating Hotel)
  • Copenhagen Sand Festival
  • Walk on the cliff of Møn and admire its understated beauty (Møns Klint)
  • Alternatively, you can visit the lesser known Stevn's Cliff (Stevns Klint)

6. Forests, Countryside & Parks

They say you can't visit Denmark without seeing the Little Mermaid, I would say that a trip to Denmark is not complete without seeing a Danish forest. Denmark is lush with many forests, and the Nordic forests are a beauty to behold. Here are some of the forests you could visit in Denmark.
  • Come up-close with deers at The Deer Park (Dyrehaven) in Klampenborg 
  • Try pony-riding at the Fortunen Ponycenter in the Deer Park (Dyrehaven) 
  • Go for a walking trip to the Danish forest at the forest opposite Sophienholm or the forest between Virum and Holte (Geelskov)
  • Explore the Danish forest, make forest weed soup over bonfire, play treasure hunt, play at the forest playground with an experienced local from Skovsjov
  • Go on a wild mushroom-picking trip with a Danish local guide at Hareskoven Forest
  • Free guided nature walk, wild plants and herbs picking trips, wild mushroom-picking trips, etc. all over Denmark at Ud i Naturen
  • Danmarks Naturfredningsforening Lyngby-Taarbæk - Here you can find free nature activities such as guided nature walk, wild plants and herbs picking trips, wild mushroom-picking trips, etc. within the Kongens Lyngby Copenhagen suburb north of Copenhagen
  • See the Danish country-side by an old Danish vintage train ride (Nordsjællands Veterantog)
  • See a flock of up to 80 wild horses, consisting of stallions and mares of all ages in Langeland, April and May being high season. 

7. Forefathers' Times

This category refers to the historical places and museums in Denmark. Denmark has a high number of museums and they are of a very high quality. Here are some of the best museums you can visit:
  • Visit the famous Danish children's author Hans Christian Andersen Museum (H. C. Andersens Hus)
  • Have a peep also at Hans Christian Andersen's Childhood Home (H. C. Andersens Barndomshjem)
  • Sail like a Viking at the reconstructed viking ship departing from the Viking Ship Museum (Vikingskibsmuseet)
  • Live like a Viking or Flintstone, make twist-bread-on-a-stick (snobrød) over bonfire, cook stone-age food, canoeing in carve out wood, play viking games, try pottery-making, get a taste of the olden day's food at the open-air viking museum The Land of the Legends (Sagnlandet) - opens 8 April - 31 May 10-17 hrs (Mon close)
  • The Viking Fortress (Trelleborg) - 1 April - 31 May hrs 10-16 hrs (Mon close)
  • The Brede Works Industrialisation of Denmark Museum (Brede Værk) - opens weekends only May + weekdays 3-5 & 12 May 10-17 hrs

8. Fortresses, Castles & Churches

Judging by the vast number of fortresses and castles in Denmark, it is indeed a fairy-tale country steep in the tradition of royalty. Here are some of the fortresses/castles you could visit:
  • See the changing of guards and get an insight into the Danish royal history at the  Amalienborg Palace
  • The Rosenborg Palace (Rosenborg Slot) - opens 17 April - 31 May 10-16 hrs
  • See the ruins - remainings of the wall from Bishop Absalon’s Castle from the 11th century under the Christianbog Palace (Christianborg Slot) - April 10-17 hrs (Mon close), May daily 9-17 hrs
  • See the Christianborg Slot's Tower and get a spectacular view of the city
  • The Frederiksborg Castle (Frederiksborg Slot)
  • The Kronborg Castle (Kronborg Slot)
  • The Marble Church (Marmorkirken)
  • The Copenhagen Cathedral (Vor Frue Kirke)
  • The beautiful Egeskov Castle and Gardens (Egeskov Slot)

9. Food

Unlike many traditional European food, the modern Danish cuisine inspired from the World's No. 1 Restaurant Noma, is delightfully light, pleasing to the eyes, fresh and amazingly tasty. And they are even nutritious and healthy. Also do try out the Nordic pizza and the Nordic salad. Here are some of the more loved Danish food establishments:

10. Folk & Culture

Folk and culture refers to the street lives, community lives, etc. that give you a glimpse of the Danish daily life. If you have a bit more time, do check out the following:

11. Flea-markets & Shopping

Flea-markets are very common in Denmark. Almost every city, county and town has its own flea-markets on weekends. Here are some of the bigger and more interesting one plus the shopping centers:

12. Films & Shows

The Danes are a creative lot. Their theatres, films and shows are of a very high quality.

13. Famous Touristic Attractions

And finally I list the usual famous Danish touristic attractions below. In general, they tend to be a bit more pricey compared to the rest of the recommendations in this post, since their main target are tourists. If you have more the time to spare, definitely visit them in order to be able to say that you have been there and done that :-)

Do also check out my post on Things to Do with Kids in Denmark in June

Here is another post that may interest you Top 50+ Free Fun Things to Do with Kids in Denmark

Thursday, 24 August 2017


Top 25+ Things to Do with Kids in Denmark

Part of the daily program for kids: Experiencing a cow being milked at The Copenhagen Zoo

The following are a list of top 15+ recommended things to do with children:

1. Experience an unforgettable Danish farm-stay, see rabbits, get a pony-ride, feed goats, touch lambs, feed pigs, horseback-riding, play with hay, milk cow, get a tractor ride, horse-carriage at Lykkebjerg Farm-stay (Lykkebjerg Bondegårdsferie) or visit a petting farm (Tothaven besøgsgård) if you only want to visit for a day

2. Live like a Viking or Flintstone, make twist-bread-on-a-stick (snobrød) over bonfire, cook stone-age food, canoeing in carve out wood, play viking games, try pottery-making, get a taste of the olden day's food at the open-air viking museum The Land of the Legends (Sagnlandet)

3. Explore the Danish forest with an experienced local Danish guide Skovsjov, make forest weed soup over bonfire, play at the forest playground, 200 kr. per family. Tour takes place every Sunday in May.

4. Try pony-riding or horse-back riding at the Fortunen Ponycenter in the Deer Park (Dyrehaven)

5. Enter a world of LEGO and have thrilling good time at the original Legoland amusement park

6. Have a splashing great time at Lalandia Water Park

7. Enter the underwater world of the Blue Planet Aquarium (Den Blå Planet)

8. Visit the new LEGO House in Billund (opening on 28 September 2017)

9. Soak in the atmosphere at Nyhavn and take the Copenhagen harbour cruise with Netto Bådene

10. See the changing of guards and get an insight into the Danish royal history at the  Amalienborg Palace

11. Have fun with Science through the children's eyes at the Copenhagen Science Centre (Experimentarium)

12. Come up-close with animals, pet goats, see a cow being milked, feed animals at the Copenhagen Zoo

13. Go on a wild mushroom-picking trip with a Danish local guide at Hareskoven Forest

14. Go canoeing on Lyngby Lake and enjoy a splendid view of the lakes and its surrounding up-close with canoe rental from Havne-hyttenNyrbo Kano or Kanokajakcenter

15. Pick your own strawberries (June) or apples (September) at a Danish fruit farm Jordbærcentret Vejborggaard or Frydenlund Frugtplantage respectively

16. Come on-board an old Danish vintage steam train (Nordsjællands Veterantog) and see the Danish country-side by train

17. Have a time of adventure climbing tree high-rope at Go Monkey High-rope Park in Søborg

18. Jump to your heart's content at the Xjump Trampoline Park

19. See the Danish children acrobatic show Super Flying Kids

20. Play in a viking ship, try on a pair of medieval riding boots or sit in the olden day Danish's classroom at the Children's Museum of the National Museum of Denmark

21. Experience how it was to be a working-class child generations ago at the Children's Workers Museum (Arbejdermuseet)

22. Get a glimpse into the late 19th century Danish Victorian home at The Victorian Home (Klunkehjemmet)

23. Visit the beautiful Egeskov Castle and Gardens (Egeskov Slot)

24. Visit the Hans Christian Andersen Museum

25. Visit the Hans Christian Andersen's Childhood Home

26. Swim in Badesøen Open-air pool (Friluftsbadet Badesøen) in Albertslund or Bavnehøj open-air pool (Bavnehøj Fribad)

27. If you don't have so much time, you get to try a bit of everything (kids' friendly rides, splashing fun at the water park, make snobrød on bonfire, canoe on a small scenic lake, pet farm animals, climb high-rope, canoe, circus performance, small train ride, etc.) at Sommerland Sjælland The rides in this amusement park are especially suited for younger kids aged 3 and above.

Do also check out the post on Top 50+Free Fun Things to Do with Kids in Denmark

Tuesday, 22 August 2017


Kulturhavn Festival 25-27 August 2017

The Copenhagen Cultural Harbour Festival (Kulturhavn Festival 2017) has arrived this weekend from Friday to Sunday 25-27 August 2017. It is fun-packed with 250 free activities for adults and kids alike from art and craft, swimming & sailing activities, all kinds of dance activities, drama, Chinese martial arts, music, etc. etc. It is taking place at different locations all over Copenhagen.

Do note that although most activities do not require sign up, some of the activities such as sailing required pre-sign up, although they are free.

You can see a full list of the program and its corresponding location in English here:

For die-hard freebies seekers like me, this is a festival not to be missed. Unfortunately, it coincided with our kitchen renovation week!!! Aaawww....

Nevertheless, I have made a smaller list of children's activities for our Little FECS (including the map of the location for my easy reference), although I don't think we would be to go for everything in this list, but will pick and choose based on what we feel like doing on the actual day:

Saturday 26 August 2017

10-4pm: Trygfonden Christiansborg Rundt - Swimming activities for children 7-13 years old (Søren Kierkegaards Plads)

11-3pm: Christianshavns Idrætsklub - Handball for children (Børnelandet ved operaen - Motion Zone)

11-6pm: Københavns Trampolinklub (Børnelandet ved operaen - Motion Zone)

11-6pm: Smartfun - Learn the art of animation, play in the Scratch program or build an electronic touch detector and traffic lights, using the Arduino program (Børnelandet ved Operaen - Creative Zone)

12-2pm: Basketball workshop for children (Islands Brygge - Street)

12-6pm: Bådklubben Valby - Remote-controlled model ships (Sydhavnen - Boatclub Valby)

1-2pm: By & Havn - The tour starts at the exhibition "Himmel og hav!"  Helsinkigade 29, 2150 Nordhavn, boat stops at Islands Brygge

3-4pm: By & Havn - Guided tours with a focus on urban life. The tour starts at the exhibition "Himmel og hav!"  Helsinkigade 29, 2150 Nordhavn, boat stops at Islands Brygge

3-6pm: Søspejdertroppen Gry - Sail a boat with the city's friendly sea scouts (Nordhavn - Kayaking & Rowing Outpost, Sandkaj 33, København N 2150)

Sunday 27 August 2017

9.30-10.30am: By & Havn - Harbour Run (Göteborg Plads 5, 2150 Nordhavn)

11-3pm: Københavns Trampolinklub (Børnelandet ved operaen - Motion Zone)

11-5pm: FOF København - Build your own sailing vessel with digital maker technologies (Børnelandet ved Operaen - Creative Zone)

11-6pm: Smartfun - Learn the art of animation, play in the Scratch program or build an electronic touch detector and traffic lights, using the Arduino program (Børnelandet ved Operaen - Creative Zone)

12-1pm: Basketball workshop for children (Islands Brygge - Street)

1-2pm: By & Havn - Get a comprehension look at the sustainable development of Nordhavn on a boat trip with the By & Havn guide. The tour starts at the exhibition "Himmel og hav!"  Helsinkigade 29, 2150 Nordhavn, boat stops at Islands Brygge

3-4pm: By & Havn - The tour starts at the exhibition "Himmel og hav!"  Helsinkigade 29, 2150 Nordhavn, boat stops at Islands Brygge

3-6pm: Søspejdertroppen Gry - Sailing boats with the city's sea scouts (Nordhavn - Kayaking & Rowing Outpost, Sandkaj 33, København N 2150)

4.30-5.30pm: Balletkompagniet - Its elite team will perform a little choreography followed by a workshop, where you have the opportunity to try out different ballet movements and exercises. (Børnelandet ved operaen - Kid's Scene)
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