Sunday, 30 October 2011


Arranging 123s/Nummersortering/字母分类[zì mu fēn lèi]

Age: From 2.5 years old

Activity Duration: 10-15 minutes

1. To train the child’s fine motor skills.
2. To teach numeral recognition in a fun way.

1. 1 container of numeral magnets
2. 1 whyte board

1. Arrange the numbers in a row on the whyte board from 0 - 9.

2. Introduce the number by pointing to them one-by-one or by singing the number song and pointing to them one-by-one on the whyte board.

3. Demonstrate to your child by looking for the '1's for example in the container and placing them in a line below the first '1' or asking your child to pick a number and find the place where it belongs on the whyte board.

4. Encourage your child to try to with all the other letters.

5. As your child place the number, encourage him to say the name of the number.

Cost: Alphabet magnets: 27.04 GBP (55 SGD) (I believe you can get these much cheaper in Singapore).

Additional Information:
This is a  variation of the arranging letter activity. J (2Y7M25D) tried this today and he enjoyed it. He completed arranging all the numerals in the containers, but with some help and hints from me, such as, to turn the number to face the right way.

You can also buy the letter magnets and the whiteboard from Amazon:

1 comment:

  1. Dear Elaine,

    I wanted to leave a comment on your last post but can't seem to find it. I just wanted to tell you that he promises us that all things work out for good if we love him (Rom 8:28). I think you love him so I believe whatever decision you take will work out for good. Just trust your heart and make sure it is not a selfish decision. God's grace. It is tough sometimes to know what his will is.


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