Thursday, 13 October 2011


Montessori Activity: Arranging ABCs/Alfabetsortering/字母分类[zì mu fēn lèi]

Age: From 2.5 years old

Activity Duration: 10-15 minutes

Preparation Time: 5 minutes

1. To train the child’s fine motor skills.
2. To teach alphabet in a fun way.

1. 1 container of small case letters 
2. 1 whyte board

1. Arrange the letters in 2 rows on the whyte board in order from a - z.

2. Introduce the letters a - z by pointing to them one-by-one or by singing the alphabet song and pointing to them one-by-one on the whyte board.

3. Demonstrate to your child by looking for the 'a's for example in the container and placing them in a line below the first 'a' or asking your child to pick a letter and find the place where it belongs on the whyte board.

4. Encourage your child to try to with all the other letters.

5. As your child place the letter, encourage him to say the name of the letter and the sound of the letter. For example, I will say, "Joshua, what does dog say?" Joshua will say, "vov, vov". (Introducing the animal and its sounds makes it more concrete for Joshua the idea that every letter has a sound.) I will then ask, "Joshua, can you tell mommy what m says?" He will say, "mmmmmm".

Alphabet magnets: 27.04 GBP (55 SGD) (I believe you can get these much cheaper in Singapore).

Additional Information:
This idea came to me when I was cleaning up J's playroom. J out-grow the liking for sorting things, thus, I was actually not sure if he would like this activity, as it involves sorting the letters and arranging them in a row according to the letter. However, J (2Y7M8D) tried this today and really enjoyed it. He asked for more, but time ran out.

At times, he would have a hard time locating the letter on the whyte board, and I helped him with it by guiding him and asking him questions. I would say, is it here... no... is it there... no... is it here... yes.

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