Wednesday, 18 May 2011


Montessori Activity: Transferring with Children's Chopsticks

J's friend, Amy (2 years 11 months) transferring beans and stones with chopsticks in Xiamen, China
Age: From 2.5 years old

Activity Duration: 5-15 minutes

Preparation Time: 5 minutes

Objective(s): To train the child’s fine motor skills.


1. 2 containers
2. Approx. 10 pom poms
3. 1 pair of chopsticks
4. 1 Tray


For older and more advanced kids, try using beans and stones instead to make it more challenging.


1. Demonstrate it to your child by transferring the stone slowly one at a time with the chopsticks
2. Encourage and let your child try it.

Special Warning:

1. Supervise closely with pom poms and don’t start with a toddler who is still mouthing. Remove and store away immediately after activity.


European Chopsticks 10 DKK (2.40 SGD)  for 2 pairs from Tiger.

Additional Information:

I was very excited when I found these chopsticks from Tiger. Although it is more suited to be described as "cheat"-sticks, as it is chopsticks made easy for Europeans, which is a cross between a pair of chopsticks and a tong. But because of that, it makes it easier for young children to use, and at the same time, it adds an element of heritage education to Montessori activity. I can't wait to let J try it this weekend!

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