Tuesday 22 October 2013


Reflection: Building A Healthy Family

Building a healthy family, that is one of my greatest desires in life. I don't want just to have a family that functions, but I want to have a real healthy family, one that is truly one in mind, heart and spirit.

I have forgotten so much of what I have read from the book "7 Habits of Highly Effective Families" by Stephen Covey, but 3 things stuck to my mind:

1. To have a clear family mission statement, a strong family culture and cozy family traditions
2. To have regular family time/meeting
3. To have one-to-one time with the children.

These all requires time, to nurture them and bring it alive in our family. Me going part-time is the first concrete step in the direction I have taken, with Mr. FECS' blessing.

On the first point, we have not have a family mission statement yet. This could not be rushed as we need to understand ourselves better. But we are building many cozy family traditions into life. So we are approaching from the bottom up, before we carve out our family mission statement. But I have a dream. We want to be a family with strong emotional bond, truly helping one another, and from there, we can truly reach out to others. We are far from being such a family yet.

On the second point, family meeting, I wrote from the beginning of this blog that my greatest wish is to have family fellowship together, singing and praising God, and we are not there yet, although we have started having regular family time since 18 February 2014.

On the third point, having more time for the family, I now have more time to spend with Mr. FECS and our Little FECS.

Here are some good family focus websites:


There are so much room for growth. I will spend more of my free time in prayers. Truly truly it is very important to seek God. He is the only source that could help us build strong family, a family that would honor Him, a family that puts moral character at the core, a family that has wisdom.

The Bible says, "seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." - Matthew 6:33

This is a book that I am reading and re-reading:

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