Monday, 25 August 2014


J Summary (5Y5M20D) - A Day of Rest on Sunday

I have been thinking that we should keep Sunday a day of rest, but haven't had the discipline to do that, and as a mom with a "tiger-mom" tendency, it requires a lot of prayer and help from God to deskin myself from the "kiasu-ness" that so much characterise me as a typical Singaporean.

Yesterday, I finally tried. The day before, I told J that Sunday is a day of rest - Sabbath, and we will not be doing anything - no homework, no need to practise piano, no need to do Maths sum, no need to practice Chinese characters. He said "Yeh"

We woke up Sunday morning, and an idea just came to read Genesis story of creation... "and on the seventh day, God rested." We also read Exodus 20 on the 10 commandments of the Sabbath day. This would be our act of worship, since we would not be going to church today as we had been invited to a birthday party.

Then we went down to have breakfast. Just as I declared Sunday a day of rest, he wanted to work on Montessori!!! He had fun with the Addition Strip Board making different combinations of addition the evening before and wanted to do it again. Thus, we did briefly the Montessori Addition Strip Board after breakfast, so I had not quite fully kept Sunday as a untouched day of rest. After the birthday party, J watched videos, played with iPad and we had Family Time in the evening. That was our Sunday.

The followin day, which was Monday today, J made his bed, washed his dishes after breakfast. I requested him to do homework, Maths sums, practise piano, write Chinese characters, etc. and everything went without the usual energy sapping nagging required and also accomplished faster.

It may seem like a coincidence, perhaps because of the freshness of having taken a day's break, or perhaps J's way of repaying for having a day of not having to do any work on Sunday, but I held it to my heart believing it as God's kindness in showing us how He blesses us with more, when we give Him our Sunday and make Sunday a day of rest, already the day after, rather than it being a coincidence. I am thankful to God. Next Sunday, we will learn to practise the Sabbath as a day of rest again until it becomes a tradition in our family. The good thing is that Daddy loves to relax, thus, it should not be difficult to get his support :-)

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