Friday, 10 April 2015


You Are Still Alive, Pa

Dear Pa

When I was young, life ahead seemed long, and ma and you seemed immortal, who would always be there in our lives.

As I grew older, life no longer seemed immortal, but numbered. But you were still with us. This fact of life remained but a head knowledge.

Now that you are gone, gone forever. In some moments, it feels unreal. Man's mortality is now a heart knowledge.

But you are not gone forever, pa. You are still alive. As JN put it, you have just taken a flight and migrated to another country called Heaven, a much much better place. You are living there, and I am so happy for you, pa.

This parting is only temporary, and one day I will see you again, and we will all be reunited in that perfect country that you have migrated to.

Whenever I feel the loss, whenever I miss your presence, I will remember that, and the heartache fades away and my heart is filled with joy.

I know you are enjoying yourself there. I don't have to miss you too much, pa.

“Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life." - John 5:24

P.S. I said in my last letter that it would be my last, but thoughts just flowed... pa.

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