Friday, 26 June 2015


J Summary (6Y3M21D) - Challenging Meal Times

Meal times can be challenging for us. We would like our Little FECS to eat more vegetables than he is doing. We would like him to say thank you after having his meal. We are still working on it. 

Just as I am feeling discouraged, wondering what to do, I received this notice from Baby Center that persistent reminders are important:

"Part of enjoyable meals is dining with people who know how to behave themselves at the table.
Enforce table manners – no shoveling food, napkin in your lap, chewing with your mouth closed, no complaining about what's served. Quiet but persistent reminders are usually the most effective. Of course, what you do is as important as what you say. If you expect your child to sit at the table and eat without getting up, you should do the same. No running to answer the phone or start the dishwasher."

I just need to remember to remind him without coming across as nagging, which is not easy for me.


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