Monday, 8 June 2015


J Summary (6Y3M3D) - One-On-One Date with Mommy to the Library

The piano class was cancelled today. It is my day off. So our Little FECS and I had some one-to-one time. I fetched him a little early from school today, and we went to library.  

The teacher wanted us parents to familiarize the children with the Danish letters, before they start school, and I haven't done anything with that at all yet! Gosh, J will be very far behind the other Danish kids!!! So I started downloading some iPAD apps, and we went to the library to borrow some letter sound books.

He loves going to the library, and when I picked him up, he got ready really fast :-)

The Danish library is super top grade, just missing English books for kids... my only wish list :-)

I packed an avocado milkshake along, knowing that he would be hungry. 

He ate the left-over from the school lunch pack. Before I picked him up from school, I had started steaming some eggs on low heat and cooking some rice. So when we were back, dinner was ready.

We just returned from a family gathering with my in-law generation. Seeing them, all their kids grown up, and they are now retired in their twilight years, reminds me that soon it will be our turn... our Little FECS will grow up in now time...

Thus, I really treasure the memories. It was pure joy to be able to take my time, and go to the library with our Little FECS. I could only do so, because I am now on part-time, which is the best of both worlds I am enjoying now. I will come to miss it dearly when this part-time arrangement is over. When I have to go back to work full time. It is such a dilemma. I wish I could continue part-time, or be a SAHM if part-time work is no longer possible, for another two years. That is my dream, but I haven't the courage to do so yet. I hope we will make the right decision, with blessing from Mr. FECS (hey, honey, hope you are reading this!). It is a risk to take myself out of the work market for two years... but life is just to short not savor every moment with your child...

I have designated a basket for our library books, so that we will return to return and will not mix them up with our books. Hopefully this system will work :-)

After we left the library, we did Montessori activity floating and sinking after dinner. After shower, we need Montessori Dynamic subtraction. Then we played with some shape puzzles, before bedtime reading. Our Little FECS went to bed very late at 8.45pm, but he only fell asleep at 9.15pm, which was way too late. I still need to work on the bedtime. Time went so fast, and the day was gone.

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