Saturday, 26 December 2015


Addition Fraction with LEGO

AGE: 6 years

  1. To demonstrate how a whole may be divided into parts. 
  2. To prepare for working with the fractional insets. 
  3. To prepare for working with the abstract notation of fractions. 
  1. 4 sets of LEGO bricks (1 LEGO brick is a whole, 1 is divided into halves, 1 is divided into fourths, 1 is divided into eighths)
  2. 1 worksheet with the following written: 1 whole, 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8
  3. 1 butter knife
  4. 1 tray
  1. Place 1/4 brick on the worksheet.
  2. Place 3/4 brick on the worksheet.
  3. Put them together on the left of the equation, saying "This is 1/4 + 3/4..."
  4. Place four 1/4 bricks, and say, "...which is equal to 4/4."
  5. Place 1 whole brick and say, "4/4 is the same as 1 whole."


J tried this on 27 December 2015 (6Y8M22D). He loved writing the fractions down. It took some time to explain this problem sum to him, but when I varied it to 2/4 + 2/4, he got a little confused. So I need to repeat this lesson at a later date.

0. Prepare your materials

1. Place 1/4 brick on the worksheet.

2. Place 3/4 brick on the worksheet.

3. Put them together on the left of the equation, saying "This is 1/4 + 3/4."

4. Place four 1/4 bricks, and say, "Which is equal to 4/4."

5. Place 1 whole brick and say, "4/4 is the same as 1 whole."

27 December 2015 (6Y8M22D)

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