Tuesday, 29 August 2017


The Traffic Playground Copenhagen (Trafiklegepladsen i Fælledparken)

The Traffic Playground is a fun and safe place for children to learn the rules of the traffic. I brought both kids there today (29 August 2017) for the first time, Baby FECS (1Y3M13D and Little FECS (8Y5M24D). We arrived very late around 3.30pm, since I had to pick both kids up from the nursery and school by bus and then we took a train and had to change to another bus to this place in downtown Copenhagen. 

Our Little FECS cycled for an hour, and there was enough time for him to cover the whole playground a few times. The Traffic Playground isn't very big. Overall, our Little FECS (8 years old) enjoyed himself very much at the Traffic Playground. He said that it was very fun. I was a little afraid that he was too old for it. He said himself that we should come here with his new bicycle, so that he could practice to get used to his new bicycle (the bicycle we bought for his birthday in March this year was unfortunately a little bit too big for him).

This is the entrance to the Traffic Playground at the Fælledparken. On your left is the building where you can borrow bicycles for free.

This is the building where you can borrow the bicycles.

You can only borrow the bicycles until 4.30pm, although the park closes at 5pm.

Only children below 130 cm can borrow bicycles. If your child is over 130 cm, he has to bring along his own bicycle to the park. They have bicycles for kids all the down to toddlers.

We went there at 3.30 pm on a weekday, and there are still quite a lot of bicycles left today. 

In the past, you could also borrow go-carts, but they stopped it 2.5 years ago, as it wasn't very safe for the go-carts to share the road with bicycles.

 Our Little FECS has picked a suitable bicycle and borrowed a helmet. He was all ready to go.
He was just on the boundary of 130 cm, but the staff was kind and allowed our Little FECS to borrow a bicycle.

 The toddler's bicycle is pedal-less and they look very cute. Baby FECS managed to borrow one too :-) She was very excited to try. It was her very first time, and she didn't know that she should just walk in it. After a short while, she lost interest :-( But I saw many toddlers like her, riding such a bike like a pro. Just not my girl's cup of tea - yet...

 Here is how the road safety park looks like.

 There is a petrol kiosk for kids to "pump petrol."

 The park is complete with traffic lights of course :-)

 Close-up of a junction in the park.

 Here comes our Little FECS cycling by...

 And Baby FECS is playing the role of a pedestrian... she didn't cross red light under Mommy's watchful eyes :-)

 There is a round-about too :-)

But most kids don't respect the round-about, preferring to just cycle straight through... er... our Little FECS too...

 Baby FECS was very thrilled with this giant traffic police figure.

Just right next to the park, there is a toddler's playground...

complete with traffic lights and car wash for the younger kids to use...

 There are also slide in the "baby" section of the traffic playground...

 Baby FECS loved to slide down the slide today... she laughed so much each time and request to repeat again and again...

She also tried sliding down on her back...

 She loved this swing too...

 I noticed that she was very comfortable with it... this wasn't the first time we tried it, and she was definitely getting more seasoned with it :-) 

  There is a climbing rope structure too in the playground.

Here is the map of the whole Fælledparken aka "Central Park of Copenhagen." The Traffic Playground is circled in red for easy reference. It is situated nearer to the entrance by the stadium side of the park. We took Bus No. 1A from Svanemølllen train station to reach here.

Here are some information to the Traffic Playground:

Recommended age group: 2-14 years old

Opening hours: Summer (Mar-Oct): Weekdays and every 3rd Saturday 10 am -5 pm
Winter (Nov-Feb): Weekdays and every 3rd Saturday 10am - 4pm.

Address: Gunnar Nu Hansens Plads 10, 2100 København Ø

Do check out their facebook page for updates on opening times:

Do check our my post on the other playgrounds in Fælledparken and its corresponding map here:

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