Sunday, 31 December 2017


Our New Year's Eve 2018 Family Night

After a hectic time of Christmas holidays with visitations, we decided again this year to relax and just be as a family for the new year's eve. It is a day, where we reflect over 2017 as a family, give thanks for 2017, get ready (this means cleaning and tidying up the home) and plan ahead for 2018.

This year was actually our Little FECS first new year's eve celebration with us. The other years, he had been going to bed at the usual time at 8pm. Today, our Little FECS agreed to take a nap of two hours from 3-5 pm and then another three hours from 8-11 pm, in order to be allowed to stay for countdown to the new year, and we were very glad that he did. 

We ordered in sushi for new year's eve dinner at home from Letz Sushi. It was all sold out from Sticks n Sushi this year. We had our new year's eve dinner at 5pm, when our Little FECS woke up from his nap. Baby FECS joined us for dinner. She loved sushi.

During dinner at 6 pm, we listened to the Queen's speech from our iPad. It was a touching and reflective speech, where she touched on inclusivity, that each person matters and a tough year for the royal family with the prince consort's health. I felt that I have learned a lot from her speech and something that I could reflect on and take with me to the new year. 

After dinner, we put Baby FECS to bed and then our Little FECS. We cleaned up after dinner and also did a bit of spring cleaning of the utility room. Before we know, it was almost 11 pm. Daddy FECS then went to wake our Little FECS up.

We made fruit juice (melon and pineapple) and chocolate milk for the family time. We also had the tradition Danish new year cake for the family time.

We started with reading the Bible from Proverbs. Then we each took turn to pray. It was a very touching and meaningful prayer from Daddy FECS. He touched on thanksgiving for Baby FECS, who is a miracle that came into our lives, for our Little FECS who has grown, helping to take care of Baby FECS, making breakfast for her, while the two lazy parents sleep (oops, that showed how bad we were), for our Little FECS has surpassed Daddy FECS in Danish at age 8, for his father who is getting better and daily life is back to norm after treatment, for a wonderful extended family vacation in Barjols in October 2017.

Thereafter, we went through the 2018 calendar for the major events we can expect in the coming year from January to December. We are very excited about family visitation from Singapore this coming June 2018 from my mum, C and R.

Thereafter, our Little FECS read the Danish story that he wrote in December.

Thereafter, we read a book together. We selected the book, "The Sixty Minute Family" by Rob Parsons. Daddy FECS read the first chapter. We will continue this book for our Family Time in 2018.

As Daddy FECS finished chapter one, it was 10 minutes to 12 midnight. We got ready for the countdown with our iPad tuned to the clock at the town hall.

We stood on the sofa, and the clock struck 12, we jumped and shout "Gud bevare familien FECS" in Danish and "God bless the Family FECS" in English.

Then Daddy FECS and our Little FECS went out to make some fireworks. I stayed home to be with Baby FECS, who was fast asleep.

After seeing the fireworks, we continued with our family time with setting goals/new year's resolution for the new year. Daddy FECS led this session and he guided our Little FECS set his goals. We all set 2-5 goals for the year, and we will review them at the next Family Night. 

One of my goals is to learn to be a better encourager to my hubby and my children. I will learn to improve by listening to podcasts and e-books. Another of our goals is to be a better communicator i.e. how we can speak kindly to each other in the midst of a hectic daily life with young children. By God's grace, we came across a course for couples from a Danish church and we have already signed up for it. We will have our in-laws come to our place and stay with the children, while we are at the course.

After setting our yearly goals, we watched a short video clip on the New Year's Eve countdown in Singapore. The fireworks was amazing. By the time we finished, it was 1.30am. We were sleepy and didn't get to browse through the photo album of our Little FECS, when he was a baby.

We had dragged our comforters down to the playroom and all three of us had a sleepover in the playroom.

This coming year, we have decided that we will have our Family Night each Saturday of the month. So the next one will be on 3 February at 8pm. We have found a way to make it work. Because Baby FECS is so small, it is rather stressful, when she joins us. We have decided to hold it at 8pm, after Baby FECS has been put to bed. And from our experience today, it would help on the day that we have Family Night that our Little FECS take a nap of 2-3 hours in the afternoon.

31 Dec 2017 (1Y7M15D & 8Y9M26D): Setting goals for 2018

31 Dec 2017 (1Y7M15D & 8Y9M26D): Setting goals for 2018

31 Dec 2017 (1Y7M15D & 8Y9M26D): Entering 2018... thinking of near family in Singapore... watching fireworks from Singapore...

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