Sunday, 12 April 2020


Cornflakes Chicken Nuggets


1. 500 g chicken breasts cut into chicken nugget size
2. 300 ml buttermilk
3. 3 cloves garlic pressed
4. 2 eggs beaten
5. 2 TBS paprika
6. A handful of sesame seeds
7. 1 tsk salt
8. 2 TBS olive oil
9. 110 g cornflakes crushed
10. 2 TBS parmesan cheese (optional)
11. 60 g wholewheat flour or Grahams flour
12. Salt & pepper to taste


1. Soak chicken in buttermilk and pressed garlic for 30 minutes or overnight.
2. Remove chicken from buttermilk.
3. Crush cornflakes.
4. In a bowl, add crushed cornflakes, paprika, parmesan cheese, salt and pepper and mix well.
5. Coat chicken with flour, then coat it with egg and finally coat it with cornflakes powder.
6. Place into the fridge for at least 3 hours.
7. Bake at 180 degree Celsius for 20 - 25 minutes until golden.

Additional Information:

J requested me to make this. We tried it out. It was fun and it did taste similar to chicken nuggets, but healthier.


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