Tuesday, 21 June 2016


Chocolate Chip Cookies

Recipe from The Healthy Chef

Makes 20 cookies


1. 150 g almond ground (1 1/2 cups / 5  1/4 oz)
2. 2 TBS macadamia nut oil or olive oil (40 g/ 1  1/2 oz)
3. 2 TBS honey (40 g / 1  1/2 oz)
4. 1 vanilla pod bean (or 1/2  teaspoon vanilla bean extract) (optional)
5. 45 g dark chocolate chopped (1  3/4 oz)


1. Pre-heat oven to 130 or 150 degree Celsius.

2. Mix the first 4 ingredients together and form into a dough (if necessary, add 1-2 tps water to help form a dough).

3. Add dark chocolate and mix well.

4. Use a spoon or a small ice cream scoop to form into a ball and press to flatten into cookies.

5. Place on a baking paper in a tray and bake for 15-20 minutes or until golden.

6. Cool completely before eating. Enjoy!

Additional Information:

Almonds and macadamia nuts are a fantastic are  a good source of heart healthy anti-inflammatory  fats and antioxidants such as vitamin E.  Cocoa is high in minerals and antioxidants.

To make it more nutritious, you can add 1-2 teaspoon of brewer's yeast.

J complained that I only do academic stuff with him (Montessori, Maths assessment books, Chinese spelling, etc.) and it wasn't so fun. There is only so much time in a day, and now that we have a new baby, and J is in school, it is hard to carve out time. I felt sad. J asked to bake cookies. He took out the picture of a mummy baking with the kid. Thankfully, my mum is here, so she could help to carry Baby C, when she woke up and we were in the middle of baking cookies. I love the recipe from The Healthy Chef, because they are so nutritious made with real ingredients and less unhealthy. I showed him 3 different cookies, and he chose to bake this chocolate chip cookies. This is the first time I made "real" cookies with J, so that we can serve his friends too for play date. In the past, the cookies I baked are a lot reduced in sugar and only fit for our own consumption and not to be given away. He is thus 7 years old, when we bake real cookies.



 Cookie dough

 21 June 2016 (7Y3M16D): Forming into cookies

The cookies before baking

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