Sunday, 12 February 2017


Easy Meatballs

Serves 3-4 people

Preparation and Cooking Time: 45 minutes

1. 500g minced pork
2. 2 tablespoons olive oil
3. Salt to taste
4. 1 onion diced small (optional)
5. 1 garlic pressed (optional)
6. 1 medium carrot diced small (optional)

1. Mix all the ingredients above in a bowl.

2. Form into balls with hands.

3. Heat cooking oil on a pan and fry on medium fire (no. 5 on our stove) for 5 minutes on each side

or bake in oven at 180 degree celsius for 30 mins or until golden and cooked.

4. Serve with salad :-)

Additional information:
Baby FECS is very fussy, and doesn't like fish :-) Chicken seems too tough for her. So I am trying to feed her meatballs. I usually take a portion out, before adding salt for rest of the family.

If you want it to be even more nutritious, you can add 2 tablespoons of wheat germ, before mixing the ingredients. You an also add 2 tablespoons of ground oats, if you wish, instead of the wheat germ.

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