Saturday, 3 October 2020


Diary of a Stay-At-Home-Mom


Before: I was impatient with my kids

After: I am still impatient with my kids 😅



The difference is that I now have a little more time to stop at the very moment to look them in the eyes, to say I am sorry, more time to reflect over and to work on becoming better - getting down on my knees and praying for God's guidance and wisdom, reading books, listening to podcasts on parenting, etc. I have more time to work on the character-building part of this area of my life that I am not very proud of. I still don't do everything right.

Before I didn't have so much time to reflect on my impatience. It got swept under the carpet. When I managed to squeeze in the time to say I was sorry, it was usually so that we could move on to other things in the interest of time. I didn't have much surplus to reflect over it. My mind was mostly preoccupied with the 1000-and-1-things I wanted to achieve in the office.

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