Thursday 13 January 2022


Naturally Sweetened Easy Energy Balls


Makes approx. 20 energy balls


1. 1 cup rolled oats
2. 10 dried dates pitted (A little more than 1/4 cup)
3. 1/4 cup hazelnut butter
4. A handful of chopped nuts - almonds and walnuts
5. A handful of sunflower seeds
6. A handful of Ruby chocolate chips (optional)


1. Process dried dates into paste in a food processor.
2. Blend hazelnut into hazelnut butter in a power blender.
3. Mix all ingredients together.
4. Adjust with more hazelnut butter and date paste to achieve the consistency as desired.
4. Form into balls and ready to serve :-)

Additional Information:

If you chill your mixture in the fridge, it is easier to form it into balls. To store, freeze them up in the freezer. To eat, just take one out of the freezer. It is ready very fast in a minute.

It has been a long time since I have made another batch of energy balls. I finally made it last night. Little FECS, who is a pre-teen now and very fussy about food said that it tasted very good. That flew me to heaven with joy :-)

You can add chocolate powder into it to make Chocolate Energy Balls as below:

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