Tuesday 12 March 2024


Wholewheat Truffle White Potato Pizza with Pancetta

Makes 1 round pizza of 8 pieces


1. 1 Pizza dough (I use wholewheat version here)
2. 1 potato sliced thin
3. 1 packet of 200g grated mozzarella cheese
4. 3 TBS Truffle oil
5. A sprinkling of fresh rosemary
6. A handful of black olive cut into half each (optional)
7. A handful of pancetta chopped into small pieces


1. Pre-heat oven into 200 degree Celsius.
2. Wash, rinse and pat dry potato slices.
3. Coat potato slices with one tablespoon of truffle oil.
4. Coat the pizza base with a tablespoon of truffle oil.
5. Add potato slices.
6. Add Mozzarella cheese on top.
7. Sprinkle some rosemary, pancetta and black olive on top.
8. Sprinkle a little bit of truffle oil on top.
9. Bake in the oven for 8 minutes or until the cheese has melted, but hasn't turn golden.
10. Sprinkle some pepper on top and serve :-)

Additional Information:

C loves potato pizza. This is "Meyers" truffle potato pizza and it tastes pretty much like Meyers. This is my own recipe. I didn't follow Meyers recipe, as its recipe doesn't look like the pizza from Meyers restaurant.

No white cream, mascarpone or cream fraiche is needed in making this pizza. In fact those white pizza I have made with mascarpone or cream didn't taste as good. So it is relatively healthy. And it is also made of whole wheat :-) 

All ingredients are available from Føtex Supermarket.


Here are the ingredients: whole wheat pizza dough base, truffle oil, fresh rosemary, potato (one is enough), grated mozzarella cheese, pancetta, black olive (not shown in picture) and pepper (not shown in picture)

Slice potato very thin with a mandolin. Rinse and place them on a clean kitchen towel.

Pat dry with another kitchen towel.

Coat potato with 1 tablespoon of truffle oil.

Spread a layer of truffle oil (1-2 tablespoon as desired, I used 2 here) on the pizza dough base.

Spread potato slices on top.

Spread 200g mozzarella cheese on top.

Sprinkle fresh rosemary on top.

Spread some pancetta bits on top.

Spread black olive on top.

Sprinkle truffle oil (approx. 1 tablespoon) on top.

Bake in a pre-heated oven of 200 degree Celsius for 8 minutes or until the cheese has melted, but hasn't turn golden.

Now it's done :-) Sprinkle some more rosemary.

Sprinkle some pepper on top, cut and serve :-)

Wholewheat Truffle Potato Pizza

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