Thursday, 5 April 2012


French Hollandaise Sauce/Hollandaisesovs

Recipe adapted from

1. 2 shallots
2. 250ml milk
3. 2 egg yolks
4. 4 tsp flour
5. 4 tsp lemon juice
6. 20g butter (optional)
7. Salt & pepper to taste
8. 1 tsp cooking oil

1. In a sauce pan, heat oil and fry shallots until fragrant.
2. Mix milk and flour and add them into the pot and stir and cook for 3 minutes.
3. Add egg yolks, lemon juice, salt, peber and butter.
4. Turn down heat and stir for another 2-3 minutes.

Additional Information:
This is a simplier version of Hollandaise sauce. I made it for the first time today, and Florian liked it. According to wikipedia, hollandaise is one of the five sauces in the French haute cuisine mother sauce repertoire. It is so named because it was believed to have mimicked a Dutch sauce for the state visit to France of the King of the Netherlands. Hollandaise sauce is well known as a key ingredient of eggs Benedict, and is often paired with vegetables such as steamed asparagus and as sauce for fish dish.

While waiting for Florian and Joshua to come down for dinner, the sauce thickened a little too much. I should have adjusted it with a little more milk.

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