Saturday 23 March 2013


J Summary (4Y0M18D) - Where Does Tea Come From?

It seems silly that I am logging such trivial things, but I want to keep it for memory. This afternoon, J asked where does tea come from. I briefly explained that it comes from leaves, but I did not give a very scientific and detailed answer, except that I explained that tea comes from leaves.

It bugged me the whole day.

So this evening during bedtime routine, we sat in the bed conveniently with our iPad and I showed him:

- where tea comes from - tea leaves
- how tea is harvested
- the process
- the tea plantation
- the tea making factory

We watched a video of how tea is made from plucking tea leaves at the tea plantation to being processed in the tea factory.

I also of course informed J that tea originated from China, for his heritage education's sake.

He then asked why the tea plantation we saw is not in China.

I am filled with thanks to the internet, Google and iPad, which helped me out. (It also makes me reflect and I think the world is very unfair to the poor, without internet access, who are left further behind in the knowledge gap. There is so much resources that they are not able to tap into, also in the education of their children. It is a privilege that I should not take for granted, nor do I feel that I deserve. Incidentally, Denmark is the 5th best place to be born in the world, and Singapore is the no. 1 best place to be born in Asia this year. So we do live in very fortunate countries, not that we earn it or deserve it. We should always remember the less fortunate among us, and make the world a fairer place for everyone, even if it means that we need to take cuts.)

Here is a good video showing the tea production:

Here are some good links:

Btw, I haven't allow J to use iPad yet, even for the educational application. So far, I am using iPad only to do research together to answer his questions.

I can't wait to the day, when he can find answers to his own questions.

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