Friday, 9 August 2013


JN Summary - Performance at the Singapore's 48th National Day Parade 2013

This year, JN's school was selected along with another school to perform in the Combined School Choir item at the Singapore's 48th National Day Parade 2013. The item he performed can be watched at around 0:09:40 - 0:10:45 secs from the youtube video. All the children performing were dressed in red and white. There were so many children and JN couldn't be identified in the video. I thank God that he has this chance to perform, because I believed that deep down, it meant a lot to him. It was after many Saturdays of practice that he put in to perform for his country.

In my posts on ADHD, we learned about the importance of compensating and building competence to buid self-esteem, and I am sure that this will be a positive step in building his self-esteem. A copy of the video is saved here as a memory.

As I watched the video, I too pray that in a competitive Singapore, a country which has nothing but human resources, and thus where achievements are hailed as the only way to self-worth of the individuals, that Singapore will succeed in its 2013 vision of being a more inclusive society - that everyone counts. Acceptance on the basis of the fact that we are citizens, not on the basis of our narrowly-defined intelligence.

JN, 姑姑 although could not be personally there to see you perform, 姑姑 was cheering for you all the way here from Denmark. 姑姑 is so proud of you. Thank you for the kind person who uploaded the full video, enabling me to celebrate my country's National Day from afar.

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