Saturday, 12 July 2014


J Summary (5Y4M7D) - My Thoughts...

Being a mom, I find teaching academics skills, teaching life skills and inculcating values the most difficult, in the order of increasing difficulty. However, if values are not inculcated, it will have adverse effect on both academic skills and life skills. It is a little easier to work on the academics - after all, you just need a curriculum guide, an iron will determination and the discipline to... develop the good habit. And what is the meaning of having high educational attainments and even life skills without the right values? But alas, am I weakest at inculcating values!!! How do I teach it? How do I model it? How can we raise a wholehearted child? The best solution is to knee and pray for grace, forgiveness and wisdom for our child and for myself. I can trust God that He will give grace for all the mistakes that I make along the way of motherhood, and I will trust him to guard J's heart.
Tonight, putting J to bed, I asked if he would like to say the good night prayer. He prayed thanking God for his parents, and then he told God that he would like to sing Him, "Jesus Loves You." That was the first song I taught him. I sang to J, while he was still in my womb. It was touching to hear him picked that song. Then J cheekily prayed that he would be able to sleep in mommy and daddy's room.
I want to remember this prayer, his prayer and to hold it close to my heart.

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