Monday 14 July 2014


Montessori Activity: Thousand Chain - Linear Counting

AGE: 5 and up (after the child who has experience with the Decimal System, Teen Board, Ten Board and Hundred Board)


1. To give the child a means of counting other than one-by-one.
2. Learn to count in bases other than ten.
3. Preparation for multiplication skill.
4. Development of Order, independent, concentration and coordination.
5. Development of mathematical mind.


1. 1 thousand chain consisting of 100 ten-bars
2. 1 hundred chain consisting of 10 ten-bars.
3. 1 hundred-cube
4. 10 hundred-squares
5. 1 box or an envelope containing arrow tags:
- Green arrow tags 1-9
- Blue arrow tags 10-90
- Red arrow tags 100-900
- 1 green arrow tag 1000
6. Pointer for counting (optional)
7. 1 large runner or paper runner


1. Show your child how to hold the 1000-chain.

2. Slowly fold the 1000-chain first into a hundred-square and draw your child to notice how it looks like a 100-square.

3. Place a100-square next to it to show that they are the same. You can also stack it on top, showing that they are the same.

4. Straighten out the 1000-chain.

5. Repeat until the whole chain has been folded into 10 hundred-squares and place each of the hundred-square next to the hundred square you have made.

6. Count how many hundred-squares there are.

7. Place the hundred-squares you have made on top of each other to make a thousand cube and draw your child's attention that it looks like a thousand-cube by placing the thousand cube next to it or on top of it.

8. Take out the unit arrows (green), tell your child what they are called and tag them to the left of the 100-chain, by taking a counter, count "1" and tag 1.

9. Take out the green tag 2, count "1, 2" with the counter and tag 2.

10. Take out the ten arrows (blue) and continue in the same manner, counting and tagging 10, 20... 90, in multiple of 10 until you reach 100 and place the hundred tag (red) at the 100th bead.

11. When you reach to 100, place the arrow tag as well as the hundred-square next to the 100th bead. Repeat this for every hundred (even at the 1000th bead)

12. Take out the hundred arrows (red) and continue in the same manner, counting and tagging 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900.

13. At the 1000th bead, place the cube.

14. Stand at the beginning of the chain and count the arrow tags: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000

15. Ask your child how many he had at the end: 1000

16. Then practice counting backwards: 1000, 900, 800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 200, 100... 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.



1. Seeing different length of chains.
2. Seeing different color tags.


1. Writing the tag numbers on paper.
2. Let children write the number of counting in bead chains.



J completed this on 24 July 2014 (5Y4M19D) with guidance. It is still a little too difficult for him to do on his own.

The materials:
1. 1 thousand chain consisting of 100 ten-bars
2. 1 hundred chain consisting of 10 ten-bars.
3. 1 hundred-cube
4. 10 hundred-squares
5. 1 box or an envelope containing arrow tags:
- Green arrow tags 1-9
- Blue arrow tags 10-90
- Red arrow tags 100-900
- 1 green arrow tag 1000
6. Pointer for counting (optional)
7. 1 large runner or paper runner

2. Slowly fold the 1000-chain first into a hundred-square and draw your child to notice how it looks like a 100-square.

3. Place a100-square next to it to show that they are the same.

You can also stack it on top, showing that they are the same.


13 February 2024: C (7Y8M28D) tried it for the first time today. She could do all of it.

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