Thursday, 11 December 2014


Healthy & Nutritious Japanese Handroll Made of Quinoa for Children

Makes 1 handroll

1. 1 TBS cooked Quinoa (you can cook according to instructions here)
2. 2 x 1/2 sheet of dried seaweed sheet
3. Dash of soya sauce
4. 1 tsp fish roe (optional)
5. 1 strip meat of your choice e.g. ham, frozen shrimps (optional)
6. 1 Dash of Japanese mayonnaise

7. 1 avocado sliced long and thin
8. 1-2 strips of cucumber
9. 1-2 strips of carrots
10. 1-2 strips of red pepper bell

1. Spread quinoa on seaweed sheet according to picture below.
2. Sprinkle some soya sauce on it.
3. Add vegetables, fish roe and/or meat of your choice.
4. Add a dash of mayonnaise.
5. Wrap it up and serve :-)

Additional Information:

Ok, this is not exactly Japanese, because it does not contain sushi rice. I tried making this temaki with quinoa, instead of sushi rice. Sushi rice is exactly not very healthy as it is white rice with sugar. I made a vegetarian one this evening without adding any mayonnaise, and tried this on J, and he liked it :-) I made two more for his lunchbox the following day too :-)

This is a very convenient food, as all the vegetables (except avocado) can be pre-cut and stored in the fridge, ready to be made into handroll. The quinoa can also be pre-cooked and stored in the fridge.

It is very healthy, not all kids will be able to take it, nor like it. J has been trainned since he was a baby. To train your kids' taste buds, start young from day 1 right when they are babies. See here for training babies:


11 Dec 2014 (5Y6M6D) - J enjoying his dinner of quinoa temaki

2 for his lunch box the following day :-)

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