Monday, 4 May 2015


J Summary (6Y1 M30D) - Just some thoughts about scheduling kids’ activities...

The school said that kids will usually sleep very well in the first week of school, as they had so much new things and stimulations. Expect them to knock out early on the first night, they said. Out Little FECS had a punishing schedule today - Apart from his usual Chinese and piano practise in the morning, it was his first day at school's SFO, followed by ice-cream date with a new classmate, followed by piano class, followed by play date with an old kindergarten friend, and lastly canoeing with the scouts, so I was hoping that he will just fall flat, but he was still wide awake past his bedtime, insisting that I read to him... Not knocked out until we insisted he went to bed! No, no, it was not the case of over-stimulation I insist :-)

Some may think that our Little FECS has a very packed schedule, but it is better for Joshie to be pre-occupied with activities, than to have time to dabble in the wrong activities.

Some Danish kids start:
- drinking tea as babies…
- sipping coffee in kindergarten…
- smoking and alcohol in 2nd grade…
- taking soft drugs (harsh) in 7th grade…

(We got to know these from our Little FECS' first day at school, from Danish parents of older kids of what are happening in certain schools in Lyngby. That’s why they took their kids out and put them into our Little FECS' current school, where there aren’t such problems. )

This is western Europe, and you can imagine the environment I am navigating (if any Singaporeans think that the grass is greener on the other side, this is not true. You just have different sets of challenges).

I try to steer him to the “right” activities, while he is young and still malleable.

Although our Little FECS has a packed daily life, he is happy for it.

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