4.5.15 (6Y1M30D) - Today is our Little FECS first day at 0.klasse SFO (Primary 0 After School Care) in Primary School |
Time seems to have changed... in the past, many foreign and Chinese moms warned me that their children would insist that they speak Danish with them in front of their friends, embarrassed about their own mother tongue.
So at the first day of after school care, I tried very hard to speak Danish to Joshie, but he kept conversing back to me in Mandarin (Chinese). The Danish parents heard us speaking in a different language, and I was like, "Oh no, I have to hide myself under the table."
To my pleasant surprise, some Danish parents came to talk to me, and wanting to hear more about learning Chinese. And our Little FECS seemed to be getting more play dates requests, phew.
I am fortunate that I live in a time, where our language is accepted, and that we have a son, who is proud of speaking his mother tongue... (so far, things may change, of course).
It also could be that there are more Danish Tiger Moms/Dads in this school than others. So we have picked the right school, at least as far as how the first day of school goes...
And come to think of it, I have been teaching Joshie to be proud of his heritage for the past 6 years. And who is ashamed of our mother-tongue? Who is teaching who to be proud of being oneself? Today, he passed the test, and I failed.
The school said that kids will usually sleep very well in the first week of school, as they had so much new things and stimulations. Expect them to knock out early on the first night, they said. Joshie had a punishing schedule today - Apart from his usual Chinese and piano practise in the morning, it was his first day at school's SFO, followed by ice-cream date with a new classmate, followed by piano class, followed by play date with an old kindergarten friend, and lastly canoeing with the scouts, so I was hoping that he will just fall flat, but he was still wide awake past his bedtime, insisting that I read to him... Not knocked out until we insisted he went to bed! No, no, it was not the case of over-stimulation I insist :-)
Talking about play dates, I always wonder how these Danish parents can have so much time for play dates. I suspect that many Danish moms are working reduced time, but none wants to admit it, or they have double sets of grandparents support which we don't have, or they have super-duper flexible jobs, which I doubt.
But I truly admire and respect the Danish parents for setting aside so much of their time, effort and seriousness in organising play dates for their children. This is what I have learned coming from Singapore, which is of a different culture.
So far, it is very nice that my part-time arrangement allows me to keep-up with this play date Danish culture...
4.5.15 (6Y1M30D) - Daddy FECS took time off to be with Joshua's first day at school's after school day care. |
4.5.15 (6Y1M30D) - Here is Joshie's pigeon hole |
4.5.15 (6Y1M30D) - There are only 2 classes. Here are all the students at the Sing-Along-Session. |
Close-up |
4.5.15 (6Y1M30D) - The teacher called out each name of the student, and the student will join his class. Here is Joshie being called smile emoticon |
4.5.15 (6Y1M30D) - Here is the Primary school playground for lower primary kids. |
4.5.15 (6Y1M30D) - We went to yummy yogurt for a special treat to celebrate his first day at After School Care smile emoticon |
4.5.15 (6Y1M30D) - Here is Joshie with his new classmate - Jørgen. He is of Norwegian/Indian Singaporean heritage smile emoticon |
4.5.15 (6Y1M30D) - The two boys became good friends right away after some ice-breaking smile emoticon |
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